
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Cupcake Update

November's Cupcake meeting was at Jill's lovely home.

Here is her fall decorated hutch. Does she have the best way with display, or what?

We were trying out a new product for our hat box quilt project. Misty Fuse, it's light, soft and hard to get. We liked the way it worked and we're working on getting some.

Lunchtime - Jill always sets a beautiful table.

We enjoyed Pumpkin Soup and Quiche -oh my!

Look at these cutest ever little mushroom cookies. Short bread stems and chocolate tops, dark and milk chocolate. Wouldn't these be cute with a Yule Log, or a Gingerbread House display?

Poor Riley, wasn't feeling his usual bouncy self. He is the sweetest labradoodle I know.

I'm always thankful for the Cupcake Club - but we're still missing Mary and her ray sunshine.


  1. Oh I love the way the cabinet is decorated...Wish I owned a few of those bowls and that redware plate.
    oh my those mushrooms cookies are adorable
    never heard of misty fuse.
    glad to know you like it.
    I may have to try it.

  2. Looks to be another lovely time with the club. I really like that plaid pumpkin in her cabinet. I hope you can find a good souce for the fuse...why is it the best products are hard to find or they take it off the market?


  3. Thanks for posting some photos of Jill's place. She usually shares a few photos but she is always so modest!
    What did you like about he Misty fuse? Its lightness? its bonding?
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving day!


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