
Thursday, November 19, 2009

Fabric APB

Help! this is an All Points Bulletin

I've started an applique' project and I've run out fabric :(

Normally, I would see this as an "opportunity" but not this time. I've tried several replacement fabrics and they are not cooperating.

Do you have any BENARTEX DOCUMENTARIES pink fabric like this:

I would trade any kind of fabric you'd like for it. Even a fat quarter would help me tremendously! I've been through the on-line avenues and haven't come up with anything.

desperate in NJ


  1. Sorry....I can't help you! I remember this one though when I worked in a quilt shop.

  2. sorry dearie. nada. nope. nothing...good luck

  3. I just got an email on your behalf from Kathie and I have a prewashed fat quarter of it. How much do you need? I can look to see if I have more than that but don't think I do.

  4. Wish I could help! A while back I tried to find some fabric for a friend who ran out and it was tough. I kept thinking, "I KNOW someone has this in their stash and doesn't even want it . . . " and thought how great it would be to have some kind of exchange on the internet for times like that. Maybe there already is one, but I haven't found it?

  5. Hi MJ -
    thanks! I'm so grateful. What color/type of fabric can I send you?
    Please email me and I'll provide mailing info.
    Your comment came via non-reply.
    Thanks again!!!

  6. My plan is to hit a few quilt shops in Portland today. I'll keep an eye out for it.

  7. I remember that fabric and thought I might have some. But I've been through my stacks twice and don't see it. I hope you have some luck hunting it down. I know that feeling.

  8. Hi Barb

    it could be worth going to I have had luck there..

    Or perhaps a find fabrics site..

    sorry I couldn't be much help..



  9. Another good website for fabric searches is It has been around a long time and is watched by both individuals and quilt shops. I have tons of double pinks going back a while so I will see if hopefully I can help out. Good luck.

  10. Hi and thank you so much for all your help! I have tried some of these websites and will try the others before I give up. I drove an hour today to a shop I was hoping might have something - zip :(
    Thanks quilt friends far and near!!

  11. Barb~
    I have a half yard you may have. Email your address at and I will send it out tomorrow. You do not have to send me fabric; I am glad to be able to help a quilter in need!
    ~Joyce in MI

  12. Dear desperate in NJ
    I am sorry I can't help, but I hope you find some soon.


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