
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Quilt Show Revisited

Today I attended a workshop with Bill Kerr, of Fun Quilts. They live in Oak Park, Illinois (my home state). It was a wonderful brainy design class, which I'll post about soon.

In the meantime, as promised, here are more quilt show photos. I was trying to put a name to every quilt, but I realize that I'll never get it done. Please everyone know that I value your work and appreciate that you shared it in the show!

This is my "Obama for President" many of you have seen it before. It was in the NJ State show, and in the Vermont Quilt Festival 2 years ago. I was thrilled that it received a blue ribbon in Vermont.

At this show I received a 3rd place in category and a judges choice from Sandra Dorrbecker. I was thrilled, needless to say.

I was a Obama hopeful after his speech at the Democratic Convention and decided to use a black fabric for the eagles. It's the only one I've seen. I started the project on the night of opening ceremonies of the 2006 winter olympics, hence the colored rings in the quilt. Here is a close up of the quilting, which I did in a "bark" color thread.

And now more photos from the quilt show --

Sweet little Isabelle came to the show. She is as cute as this quilt made by her Nana. She won a little quilt at the auction - yea!

I love this one!!

Special guild challenges, 24 anniversary quilts and Literal Creations.

And that's not all folks, there are more, but that's all for now.


  1. I have to say I love your eagle quilt the best although the others are great too, Thanks for showing them. Your quilting is fantastic.

  2. Congrats on another win Barb!! Such wonderful quilts in this show. Oh how I wish I could have been there.


  3. What a terrific show! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Barb, couldn't email you, you don't have your Id setup to email - anyway it was the Northern Lake County Quilt guild. We meet in Lake Villa but the show was in Round Lake.

  5. Wonderful quilts! My favorite is your eagle quilt. I am drawn to quilts with an eagle on them and yours does it great justice. And a story to go with it!

  6. Your four block is a 1st with me. I love it. In fact, I've had one in the works for a few years now.


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