
Wednesday, December 23, 2009


This is my favorite time of year for many reasons, but this year I have something to be grinchy about.

I flew to Indiana last Friday to drive back home with my son for the holidays. We hit snow in Southeastern Pennsylvania and got snowed in. We pulled off Friday night and resumed our trip Sunday morning. While I am very grateful that we arrived home safe and sound, I was not grateful for the stomach bug that hit me Sunday night.

This is not eggnog and cookies, or wine and cookies, which is what I prefer to consume this time of year....

Okay, on to more cheery things; doll quilts!

Here is a quilt I made for Hanna featuring our 2 cats, Luna and Starbuck. Luna has 1 gold eye and one brown (damaged) eye, hence the different buttons.

the "cat back"
Here are 2 little log cabin quilts. The quilt on the right was a gift from my friend, Mary C. I like to use these under candles or tiny trees, etc.

This is a early doll quilt for Hanna. It's a four-patch variation.

I love this Christmas Paper Doll fabric on the back. I made her a pillowcase with this the same year.

This was wonderful gift from my friend, Jill. I still don't feel worthy of all the hand work that went into this one!~ I especially love it because I can use it all through the winter. Thanks again Jill!

And lastly, this is my Christmas Quilt of 2009 - Whooville. I was hoping to have it quilted, but with the snow, the flu bug, it's just not going to happen.

I was inspired with my new passion for selvages. The first 2 houses were free of them, then I realized that they could be used as Christmas lights. The composition was inspired by "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" with the central tree.

I wish you all a Happy, Healthy and Hope-filled Holidays and a Creative New Year!


  1. Oh my goodness! Your Whooville quilt is so creative!!! Love the selvage lights! Who would have thought of that?!
    Thanks for the doll quilt show and tell. They are so precious.
    I hope you are feeling better soon.
    Merry Christmas.

  2. Wishing you well VERY SOON! Loved your doll quilt show and share they are wonderful!

  3. I feel for you my DH and I were sick last year , no decorations. Glad you made it home safe. The little quilts are too cute.

  4. Those are great quilts, especially "Whooville" with all the selvages as Christmas lights. And it all shows up so nicely on the black background. It looks like it's snowing.

  5. sorry about the grinchiness but love the Who quilt!

  6. I hope you feel better soon. Thanks for the doll quilt show and tell though. So many beautiful quilts.

  7. Oh hope you are feeling better. Loved all the quilts and am quite envious of the cute gingerbread one! Enjoy and have wonderful holidays!

  8. Oh Barb first stuck because of the snow and then the flu!! I hope it is just a mild case and you are well in time to celebrate.

    What a clever use of selvages.


  9. I adore the Whoville quilt! It is so cute! Merry Christmas and I hope you are feeling much better.
    ~Joyce in MI

  10. I hope you feel better in time for the big day. It would be a shame not to be able to enjoy fruit cake! I love seeing your Christmas quilts this time of year and Whoville is a great addition.

  11. The gingerbread man quilt is my favorite of these!

  12. Hurry and get better. I hope you get to enjoy some Christmas cheer. I loved seeing the small quilts and the backs are so fun. My favourite has to be whooville, it's so fun.

  13. I just hate that ole nasty stomach bug...I had rather have anything BUT THAT!!! I hope you are feeling better.....and that Whooville quilt is just too darn cute!!
    Wishing you guys a very Merry

  14. What a great post! I LOVE the whoville houses and hope to do more with my selvages in the new year.
    And the heart mini is so pretty. I made one of these about 10 years ago for my husband for our anniversary, but I like yours a lot better!

  15. Love the doll mini 1/2 sq triangle quit is my first christmas quilt..A start of a yearly tradition started because of your inspiration.
    Hope you're feeling better. I ate some cookies and wine for you.
    Happy New Year!

  16. I love Whooville.

    Hope you recovered from your bug in time to enjoy Christmas and New Year?


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