
Friday, January 22, 2010

Bowtie Beauties

Happy Friday!

For Christmas I made matching quilts for my father-in-law and my step mother-in-law. They live in a very nice retirement community in Illinois (my home state). Last year, Mary moved into the memory center, which is nicely located next door to their villa.

I decided to make the quilts matching so they could feel "together" when they are apart. Here are the finished tops.

I organized the scrappy bow ties in diagonal colors. It gave it just enough organization to keep it from being chaotic.

Now, I had the unique opportunity to do a side by side comparison of the shrinkage before and after machine washing and drying. I used Hobbs Heirloom batting. Here it is in several different views.

Nice crinklage -

Okay, so I've just gotten over the complete and devastating shock that I didn't take photos of the backing, which was where all the personality was. My FILs back featured a panel of a John Deer tractor (we've had a family farm for years, and he owns about 3 of them). It also had backyard birds.

Here is my MILs, which you can almost see has a gardening theme, a golf theme and also had the bird fabric. These gals look very tired out from Christmas.

We were not at the farm for Christmas so I missed the big opening. From what I hear they loved them.

Go Jets!


  1. Lovely quilts, and the idea of feeling together, even though they're apart -- even more lovely.

    Thanks for the Hobbs before and after comparison. I use that batting more often than anything else (demonstrated by the fact that I buy 30-yard rolls just for me), and I appreciate seeing the "crinklage" measurement difference.

  2. I am waiting for Mary to respond with a "Go Colts"!

  3. What gorgeous quilts and what a lovely idea.

  4. Lovely quilts Barb :0)

    Crinklage - A great new word LOL


  5. Ah, two very nice quilts. I love the backing to make it more personal!


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