
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Sweet Home Chicago Part I

On my recent trip to Chicago, I spent 2 days in the Windy City visiting my oldest and best girl friends of 25+ years. We get together every year around the holidays (quite late this year) to celebrate our friendship by drinking a lot of champagne and eating and catching up.

This year we visited one of my favorite places the Art Institute of Chicago.

Here are some of my favorite things:

These are the Thorne Rooms which are miniature studies of various periods of interior design.

They are displayed as individual viewing boxes. It's easy to forget these are miniature.

These are views from the new Modern Wing - my home city, isn't she nice?

I thought these were quilt worthy. Maybe applique'?

I loved this clock and doggie -

And finally - 1 quilt on display - nice

I'll have quilts to share next time and my favorite quilt shop!


  1. It looks like you had a great time. The shadowbox rooms are amazing!!!
    I bet there is so much to see! I've only driven through or made a quick touchdown at the airport.

  2. Great inspiration. Those rooms are crazy!

  3. Those miniature rooms would have been fascinating to look at. And I love the quilt. It's good to catch up with special friends and I am glad you had a great time.

  4. Thanks for sharing all of your great photos. Great color in the Van Goghs.

  5. Glad you had a fun trip. Those miniatures are amazing.

  6. The Thorne Rooms are my favorite part of the museum. I had a book of them when I was little that I'd stare at for HOURS.

  7. My favorite at the Art Institute is 'A Rainy Day in Paris' by Gustave Caillebotte! I just looked it up online - 83 1/2" x 108 3/4" - quite impressive!

  8. Hi Barb,

    I just sent you a letter referring to the great quilting in your Olympic quilt. Your marking is fabulous and the quilt will be great once it's done. I wasn't thinking clearly when I wrote the letter.

    Mary Pat


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