
Thursday, March 11, 2010

Well Begun is Half Done

Yesterday I finished the sew basting on my Olympic Star, or should I call it Star of Beijing? Hhhmmm, I'll have to think on that.

I'm the kind of person who likes a little encouragement, so a few years ago I got this great idea. Why not baste the quilt in sections using different colored threads. This way I can take it out as soon as I'm done with a section and I can admire it without the now that is how I handle basting. It's one of those "aha" moments that really works for me.

When I hand quilt pieced quilts, I like to do it without marking or using tape. I find it easier and faster. It may take a little practice, but it's well worth it. So I'm eye-balling the 1/4 seam allowance on these.

It reminds me when Gwen told me she doesn't use a 1/8" mark for a lot of her applique'. She said "if I don't a 1/8" by now....." and she's right, of course. I have also learned to applique' without marking unless it's letters or needs to be very precise. Try it sometime.

I'm using white muslin on the back. I order the 108" wide muslin so I wouldn't need a seam - nice for quilting. I love the reverse look you achieve when using a solid back.

Over the weekend I went to the Mancuso quilt show here in NJ. I'm not going to say a lot, because I don't have a lot of nice things to say. It was great to see my cupcakers; Jill and Susan and here are a few photos that took of things I liked:

This was an amazing advent calendar quilt, complete with opening doors and windows. She is an amazing quilter and has won many prizes and published a book. I'm so sorry her name escapes me at the moment.

A big winner --

Aroma therapy for puppy's.....a boy's stinky boat shoe.
She is asleep and snoring......gross. Cute, but gross.

Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. Thanks for sharing the tip about basting in different colours, that's a great one. I loved seeing the few photos of the show, at least you got to see the advent one, that would have been amazing.
    Love to see what coco is up too, funny, even when sleeping.

  2. love that tip about the basting! Ok I have wanted to try that backing fabric for awhile, its easy to quilt thru then. the quilting is great, can't believe your just eyeballing the diamonds! your brave! LOL
    coco is just so cute!!!!

  3. I surely do like the "Once Upon Christmas Night" quilt. It has an amazing amount of detail.

  4. I love the basting tip. When I use it I'll think of Coco's need for pack smells has taken it to a new 'low' (level). There's no accounting for taste or enjoyment of smells.

  5. Don't dogs just love the grossest things! She looks really cute. Your handquilting is amazing and that advent quilt must have been spectacular in real life because it looks pretty fantastic in the photo.

  6. Is that puppy adorable, or what?
    Love to see hand quilting! Michele

  7. I'm in awe of your "eye balling" capabilities!!

    Wow that last quilt is beautiful!

    Well, at least she isn't chewing on the shoe LOL.


  8. Ahhhh - I love those Coco pictures. You are so fast - you'll have that quilt done in no time.

  9. Your quilting is fantastic!! I don't mind eyeballing the sa but you look like you do a better job than I do!! LOL
    Coco is hilarious! And yes, that's gross!!

  10. beautiful quilting. love the pic of the cute puppy too. Our cats sleep with their faces in our slippers. A way for them to be close to their human even when the human is away?

  11. That puppy photo is a prizewinner!

  12. lol! I love the dog picture...that is so funny! Did his muzzle turn white....!

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