
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Mansion in May

Good Morning Everyone

I hope you are all enjoying Amy's Quilt Festival. Mary and I plan to post our quilts this week.

I'll take it!

On Saturday Jill and I met up at the 2010 Mansion in May, which is a fundraiser for the Morristown hospital. The home, Fawn Hill, and property is currently for sale, a bargain at $5.9 million on 11 acres. With the total acreage of 30, the price is 13 million. As Jill said "depends on how close you want the neighbors".

Each room, hallway, bath and garden area is decorated or designed by different area designers. It is so fun to see the way each interprets there space. No photos are allowed in the house, but here are photos of the gardens.


Aaahhhh.....home sweet home


  1. Thanks Barb, for sharing pictures from the gardens at Mansion in May, among them an image of a wrought iron iron trellis hand forged by me. I'm flattered that you chose to include it! Thanks!
    Charlie Spademan

  2. Hi Charlie -
    I should have given you name credit, your work was beautiful! I also really loved the corner fencing in your area.
    have a great day.

  3. Wow! If this was the outside the inside must have been too fabulous for words.

  4. Oh I wish I could have gone too, Love house tours , the gardens are beautiful.
    thanks for sharing the pictures.

  5. Breathtakingly gorgeous! I would love to spend some time there and just relax and enjoy the views.

  6. Naw, I'll pass, it has to have a lot of bathrooms and I HATE cleaning bathrooms LOL.


  7. Wow! So beautiful this time of year and so creative!!

  8. Wow! Quite inspiring pictures! I wish one of you was standing next to the giant cornucopia! It looks quite amazing!

  9. That propery is just stunning, one can only wish.
    Thanks for sharing and showing all those beautiful pictures.



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