
Saturday, May 1, 2010

Whoopie for Doll Quilts

Well, I just couldn't say no after all to Lori's Quilt Along. Click here at Humble Quilts to join in the fun! I decided to reward myself for finishing 2 challenge quilt tops recently. Lori picked a wonderful pattern for us, Strawberry Fields.

Here are my first 5 blocks. They are really fun to make!

I already had all this stuff at hand, so getting going was really easy. I bet a lot of you have 1 1/2" strips and 2 or 2 1/2" squares laying around - join us!

I also decided to make it to donate to the NQA for their auction at the annual quilt show in June. Must have been good karma, because yesterday I found our that 2 of my quilts; Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious and Hex Vex are going to be in show.

And the best part? Mary and I are going!! Please email me at (or click my email in the profile) if you are going to the show in Columbus and would like to meet me and Mary for a cocktail. We can have a little blog-slog.

Today I made Whoopie Pies, which I saw on Jan's blog: Be*mused.
The other day my daughter was reading her blog and came across the whoopie pie post and we decided today was the day. Jan is so talented and fun and I was really excited to make them. Click here for the Whoopie Pie Recipe, from her post.

While I was wrapping them, I accidentally ate one :)

Are they worth a few dirty dishes?

You betcha!

And now for a few photos of coco, my little shadow.

First she helped me with the laundry, by guarding the towel load.

Then she tested out a piece of batting on the floor.

Then she protected some valuable fabric.

then she stood watch over my new quilt top on the ironing board.

What a good puppy.


  1. What are those things to the right that appear to be a collection?
    Whoopie pies are a favorite...I never make them...I'd eat all of them! Yikes!! That could be ugly.
    Enjoyed seeing what all is going on at yours today....and I really ought to consider that doll quilt of Lori's!

  2. I can't believe how much Coco has grown. Isn't she good helping you there. Love the term "blog-slog" and congratulations on having two quilts chosen for display. Your strawberry fields blocks look fantastic too. Can't wait to see them all finished.

  3. Love your Strawberry blocks, I hav'nt startet mine for now, but soon !

  4. What a very helpful dog Coco is turning out to be.

  5. Congratulations for having two quilts accepted for the show!! I know you and Mary will have a blast hangin' out together. Holey Moley, Coco is getting VERY big!!


  6. Congratulations on getting into the NQA show! I'd love to meet you in Columbus but June is looking like a bad month for any more plans.
    The whoopie pies look delish! If I lived closer, I'd be heading over with a gallon of milk.

  7. Congrats on your quilts being chosen for the show. Enjoy your time with Mary as well.
    Oh my gosh I can't believe how much Coco has grown!
    Love your wee quilts!

  8. Hi Jacqui
    Thanks! It was a mail deadline and not a jury, but still I'm happy to have them in the show.
    It will be great to see Mary, haven't since Christmas.
    coco, what a big girl she is now - and sweet.
    thanks for the lovely comments!
    p.s. do you know your settings are for non-reply?

  9. Your little blocks are darling! I look forward to seeing the others and your setting fabric.
    I've never made whoopie pies..they look yummy!
    Coco looks like a great help around there? After all of that guarding...I bet she needed a nap? :)

  10. I love your blocks. They are great. Love your little helper too. And did I mention I could sure go for a whoopie pie?? YUMMY!!!!

  11. That is a beautiful doll quilt, and who can resist with a name like Strawberry Fields. I am definitely making one, but I think I'd better wait until I have made progress on the ones I am working on now. Those pies look wonderful. Your dog is beautiful, What a great guard dog - he knows exactly what stuff is valuable in the house! Congrats on being in the show. I am going to the show. I would love to meet with you.

  12. This post made me smile! My puppy loves loves loves to be on whatever project I'm working on, usually because it's either spread out on the bed or the floor. It makes pin basting really fun! It doesn't matter what soft things are nearby, that single layer of fabric or batting is the best place to be. Yesterday he stole a charm square I was laying out and I had to find it to complete the top.


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