
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Well, At Least It's Raining

Wow, it's been a long week!  We've been in the middle of a heat wave and drought.  No outdoor watering......all my beautiful gardens are sad, sad, sad.

Here is the progress on Mr. Lincoln.  I'm very happy with him.  I have at least another round to go, if not two, we'll see what the quilt wants to do.

Here is a needle punch that I worked on while my husband recovered from knee surgery last Wednesday.  We watched all 3 of the Lord of Rings movies - good for needle punching.  Most of the areas were done with 2 strands of floss in different colors.  It makes for a nice soft look, I think.

this is the back -

By the way, I do like the new Russian needle punchs' that I purchased.  They are easier to thread and seem to have a more consistent loop - or maybe that's me.

I'm not sure what this will end up being, but I suspect I'll affix it onto a basket.

Thank you Michelle!  I received this lovely prize from a recent giveaway on her blog.   It's a cute Santa pillow case kit - with everything needed, including a jingle bell!  The card is lovely too - thanks again.  Visit her blog to see what's she's up to.

Poor coco.   Adding to the otherwise difficult week is that coco went to the vet and found out that her internal stitches needed to be redone  :( 
We are now in week 3 trying to keep a 6 mos. lab quiet - huh?  In the meantime, I hurt my back lifting her in and out of the car - doh!
When it rains, it pours.

Not a happy girl.

Luckily I have fun sewing projects to work on and I'm going to Lancaster on Friday for a fun girlfriend day and fabric shopping.

Happy Wednesday and for our French friends - Happy July 14th, or Bastille Day.


  1. Love your needle punch and glad your husband is getting better.


  2. Merci Barb, have a lovely day, too !

  3. Your Mr. Lincoln quilt is really neat! Log cabin blocks and stars are two of my favorite combinations. Looking forward to seeing the finished quilt! And poor Coco, definitely not a happy girl.

  4. Mr. Lincoln is looking great! Always nice to have a 'girls' day to look forward to. Hope the back gets better soon!

  5. Busy, busy, busy!!
    I really like the way your Lincoln quilt is working out and LOVE the needle punch. It is so tempting for me to get supplies for one of them.
    I hope your back is feeling better soon and Coco is healed quilckly!!
    Enjoy your Lancaster run!!

    PS, I love your new header quilt!

  6. Boy, your Lincoln quilt is really taking shape now. I love your little needle punch -- that's a hobby that is really fun, but I can't ever think what to do with them when I finish them. I keep seeing cute ones all over -- and this sheepie one is perfect! Good Luck with Coco!

  7. i like your new look barb, but you have taken my inspiration quilt away from your header!!!!! your new quilt is moving very fast.

  8. Wow! Your needle punch looks great!
    I had my sons here for summer. We watched all the three movies too! Oddly, we have a member in our family we call Coco.. My daughter:)
    Hope your hubby recovers soon!
    Best wishes,

  9. Is Mr. Lincoln talking to you? LOL! I have not seen the Lincoln panel anywhere. It makes a very good medallion center. I like what you have created thus far.

  10. The Lincoln quilt is lookin' REALLY good!! I've never done needle punch, love the piece you are doing.

    Poor Coco and Poor hubby. I hope they are keeping eachother entertained while they are recovering :0)


  11. I just love your Abe quilt, wow!
    hope Coco and your DH is feeling better soon.
    escaping to Lancaster lucky you! sounds like a great plan right now.

    needle punch just looks great, something I still haven't tried yet, one of these days.
    love your new blog look!

  12. Wow, last time you were just working on the Lincoln draft, great headway made! I really like the use of Log Cabin blocks, what a great symbol to go with Abraham. Our quilts do talk to us!

  13. Your quilt is beautiful! Really love the log cabin blocks.
    I've not done needlepunch, but sure do love what you've created! sorry about your pup. XO

  14. Both your projects look wonderful. Be careful with your back.

  15. The generals "showing through" Lincoln is genius. It looks so cool. Amazing work you do!

  16. Sweet needle punch project! Love those log block on Mr. Lincoln too...I really ought to make me something log cabiny (hee!)

  17. Poor hubby, poor Coco, lucky Mr Lincoln. I love how you've framed him with the log cabins, it's so effective.

  18. Poor Coco, she looks miserable. We had a black lab and I was reminded of when she was spayed - we had to keep her quiet and still but she would get outside and jump up onto the kids trampoline. That didn't seem to bother her but she couldn't get down because that would hurt so I would have to keep going outside and lift her off the trampoline. You would think that she would have learnt not to get up there but Oh No! I hope Coco heals up soon so she can get back to doing what she loves to do.

  19. I forgot to mention - I hope your husband is recovering and your needle punch and Mr. Lincoln looks fantastic!

  20. Your Lincoln quilt is looking great! It's going to be stunning.
    I love your little needle punch. Mixing the threads gave it a nice effect.
    I hope DH and Coco are feeling better now? She's a big girl for you to be trying to lift.
    I hope you got some goodies on your trip. :)


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