
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Four Patch Posie

This is a new project that I started with Pauline and Susan who came over sew recently.  It's called "Four Patch Posie".

This is a four patch posie project.  It is similar to a stack and whack, except it uses only four squares of fabric.

Here is one that I made a couple of years ago and gave as a baby gift.

You can see the original fabric on the borders, but in this case it's difficult to see because it all looks the same.

The way this is done is you layer 4 repeats of a pattern, it's best to have at least a 12" repeat, wider is better.  You stack them up and match the pattern and cut 3 1/2" squares through all layers.

Each stack can be assembled 4 different ways by turning the squares.  Choosing the block design is the funnest part.

 Here is Pauline's, she is using a panel.  I love how cheerful and graphic it is.

This is Susan, her print has a garden theme.  I quite like it, but Susan wasn't thrilled and is going to do something radical and fantastic with hers.

Here is mine.  My print has elephants and Shiva's on it.  I have big plans that will include crystals and borders.

Here is another setting that I auditioned.

Which do you think works best? 

Here is a baby quilt that Susan made for her a new niece that is on her way.  It is made of half square triangles.  So cute, Susan!

And finally, here are views of Pauline's beautiful finished Bali bag.

Have a great week everyone - I'm off to the mid-west to look at Colleges, just have to get together some applique' to take with me!
andia lawsuit


  1. Great blocks, I like the use of 4 patches instead of the usual stack and whack. I like the on point setting :0)


  2. The blocks are great, I will give at go soon,but just can't put the applique away at this moment.
    Have a great weekend too.


  3. Cool Technique!! My eye loves the second arrangement of your quilt! :)

  4. Great 4-patch posies! Looks like you all had a fun day. Good luck on the college tours.

  5. What a fun technique! Every block and quilt looks so different.
    I like both of your settings, but I'm always partial to the on point;)
    Travel safe!

  6. How interesting! It's amazing how different they all look. I think I like the setting on point the best.

  7. I do like the on-point setting also .... it gives your quilt a whole different look. Will you be showing us all the completed quilts/tops?

  8. Have a fun and safe trip. Nothing like a little applqiue while traveling.

  9. Those quilts look fantastic! I haven't seen anything like that before and I love all the patterns that you have created with the one piece of fabric - sort of like fussy cutting hexagons.

  10. What a great block to play with. You showed some lovely projects, the bag is wonderful and for your quilt I preferrred the on-point setting, but then I always love that way of setting blocks!

  11. I love the sound of that technique, the quilts look wonderful, sort of blended. I like your one with the straight setting but it's hard to tell until you show the setting triangles. The bag looks fantastic.

  12. I love the patterns created with the fussy cutting! Gorgeous!
    The on point setting is my favourite.

    Cute bag.

    Travel safely.

  13. I really like making the 4 patch posie too. I have blocks made, but I haven't put them together in a quilt yet. I like the on point setting too - probably would work best with some dark setting triangles.

  14. I'd done a stack and whack before but never even thought about this way! It's fantastic and was fun to see variations in all.

  15. I still want to do a stack n whack or 4 patch posey. It was fun seeing what your group came up with.
    I like the on point version of yours the best, and I love the rich colors in it.
    Have a safe trip...try to see if you can find any quilt shops along the way? ;)

  16. Lovely! I am crazy about the Folklore quilt in the post below!! I must ask....... did you stay at a B&B in your midwest travels?

  17. What a CELEBRATION of a variety of quilt talent and beauty! Isn't it amazing how many options for a fat quarter or bolt of the transformations!

  18. Thanks for sharing all the quilt pics. What a variety! I really like Susan's baby quilt. I am going to have to try that idea myself. Very, very different than the traditional baby quilts but I know a couple of moms to be that would be thrilled with that style. And the Bali bag, the colors combine to look so yummy.

  19. P.S. I bought a couple of Bali pops two years ago and never made the bags. I think they would be perfect gifts for my sons' girlfriends. Time to get busy.

  20. That bag is amazing!! Is there a pattern or tutorial available??

    I have a Bali Pop and other batiks..... :) :)


  21. The 4 patch block idea is really interesting! Thanks for sharing it. I know I will want to try it.

  22. Hi,
    Have been looking at directions for a four patch posey but none of them including yours shows how or tells how to start laying out the fabric to begin with. Could you help me.

    1. I don't know if you'll come back to see this. I have a email box on my side bar - you didn't give me an email.
      you stack 4 layers of fabric just as you would for a one block wonder. I cut my strips/ squares 3 1/2"

      I found this tutorial for you - next time try typing into Google search exactly what you are looking for. I entered "how to cut a four patch posie quilt" and got this:


  23. This was a great tutorial, Barb. I understand now how these blocks are formed. Saw it used in the Looks a lot like Africa quilt at a show you attended and now I understand!


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