
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Autumn's Bounty

Like so many people, I love Autumn.  It's my favorite time of year.  The other day I hung a small quilt that my good friend, Mary B. gave me.  I display it on a small rack opposite the stairs to our bedroom and my sewing room and enjoy the quilts many (some times many many) times a day. 

This is a wonderful and simple quilt made with hand dyed fabrics.

Here is the hand quilting-

Good backing!

I can't remember if I've talked about labeling small quilts.  Mary B. and I started doing it this way years ago.  Just a simple hand top stiched postage stamp style label.  They are easy and quick!

Thanks Mary for this wonderful gift - I enjoy it so much this time of year!!

A few of my other favorite things about autumn -

Carmel apples, love them.  I consider this my fall "fruit" is that wrong?   I save on dental bills by cutting them into wedges ;0

Here is the recipe for the Pumpkin Cake, which I clipped in the 1980s and still love.  It's a Susan Branch recipe from Country Living.

Pumpkin Cake

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Grease and flour a 10" bundt pan.
In a large bowl combine:

3 c unsifted flour
2 c sugar
4 tsp baking powder
2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp nutmeg
1/4 tsp salt

In a smaller bowl beat:

1 16 oz. can of pumpkin
3/4 c veg oil (I substitute with applesauce to save calories)

1/3 c apple or orange juice
4 large eggs
2 tsp vanilla extract

Stir mumpkin mixture into flour mixture until well combined.  Fold in 1/2 cup nuts and  1/2 cup dark raisins (if you like them, which I don't).
Turn into prepared pan and bake 55 - 60 minutes or until cake tester inserted in center comes out clean.  I loosen the sides with a knife before turning it onto a cooling rack.

Sprinkle with confectioners sugar and enjoy!  It's good with apple cider, milk, tea, coffee and, oh yea, wine.

Enjoy the beautiful season~


  1. The quilting is just great on your little, gifted quilt.
    I like your transferware dishes, too, but can't make out the figure on the mug. It looks to be a sailor.
    Thanks for the recipe, too. With the cooler days I feel like baking, and this sounds yummy.

  2. Your gifted quilt is as adorable as can be!

  3. What a beautiful quilt! I love it's simplicity and it is perfect for this time of year...very nicely quilted...

    The recipe looks great! My husband practically turns orange at this time every year as he seeks out pumpkin and apple foods. This looks like a winner to sooth the savage beast!!

    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)

  4. Love the little quilt from Mary. Isn't it great having seasonal quilts - like visiting old friends! Thanks for the pumpkin recipe - I'll give it a try. Caramel apples are old friends, too!

  5. love the little quilt
    oh fall is my favorite time of the year its all about the leaves for me and the crisp days and of course pumpkin bread, muffins, lattes at starbucks and Mallowmars!

  6. That is a lovely quilt for fall. The quilting is brave and beautiful :0) I love pumpkin cake - my husband and kids insist on cream cheese icing on theirs so there's no saving calories around here - lol.

  7. I love the quilt and it looks perfect for fall! You've got it hanging in a place that sounds like you are reminded often of your generous friend!!

  8. Great quilt!! I love the 3D effect it has...almost like an attic window and the floating effect on the right side is great.


  9. What a wonderful fall quilt! It is beautifully simple and yet so striking!

  10. this post really gets me in the mood for fall~!!~

    LOVE that small quilt and the quilting is beautifully done.


  11. oooh.... That cake sounds good...I'm going to copy that one down right now!

  12. Your little quilt is in gorgeous colours, just right for this time of year.

  13. The quilt glows, it's so perfect for Autumn. I found a shop here that sells American canned pumpkin, I'm going to try this recipe, it looks wonderful.

  14. Hey Barb, Your friend Mary's quilt is really wonderful! What an extraordinary effort to hand dye as well as hand quilt. A truly special gift. No wonder you place it where you can enjoy it many times a day!
    best regards, Kate

  15. Your little quilt is perfect for fall. I LOVE caramel apples -- it's the highlight of fall for me. And THANKS for the recipe -- it looks wonderful!

  16. What a clever idea for a label - especially on wall quilts which will hardly be washed!

  17. Love that little quilt just perfect for Autumn as we say over this side of the pond.

  18. I love that little quilt! It has almost an Amish feel to it? The quilting with two colors of thread is a nice touch.
    I love the colors of Autumn.

    Seriously..I can replace oil with applesauce? Do I use the same amount? The cake looks like one I must try. I like that it's finished off with just a sprinkle of powdered sugar. :)

  19. Adorable little quilt, and such a sensible, cute label. Some of my friends get tired of my badgering them to always put on a label. I'll definitely share this option with them.

    Looks like a great recipe that I'll have to try.
    I love autumn (except when I think about what follows).


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