
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Come Over and Play!

Wouldn't you love to live in this little neighborhood?

They were made by, (from the left) Jill, Barb, Susan Mcd and Susan H.  Don't they make a charming little group in the garden?  I can just imagine little garden gnomes visiting between them.

Here they are in construction:

Susan McD - she chose halloweeny colors.

this one is mine - I had some pennies from a previous project so we added them as windows on the backs or sides.  On my first attempt, I sewed the top windows in the wrong place making them under the door - doh!

Here is Susan H's

the directions were horrible, and in my kit, I was short changed on the necessary wool to complete my house :(   I hate when that happens.  But as Tim would say; we made it work!

Speaking of Tim - isn't this year great on Project Runway?  Finally some interesting personalities and some surprise wins.  And Wretchen seems to have come down a peg or two -


Here is the process to building a better Ruben sandwich:

Start with Pepperidge Farm pumpernickel and rye swirl bread, add Swiss cheese, drained sauerkraut and 1000 island dressing.

Add good, lean corned beef -

Grill until toasted and the cheese melted -

I served them with these frozen sweet potato fries.  They are healthy and good!

This would make a good quick dinner after a busy day too - enjoy!


  1. Jill gave me a sneak peak on the houses and thye are so cute!
    I thought the sandwiches looked extra good too!! Looks like a fun day with friends!

  2. What a day! I want to play (and EAT) at your house!!! :-) I'll even BMOW (bring my own wool!) -- I'm a newbie at it, but I won't drag you down, I promise! LOL
    Mary Lou

  3. Love the houses. Adorable!!! And Tim's right. You made it work. lolol
    I love those fries. We have them all the time.
    Reuben's are my all time favorite sammy. Heck where was my invite??

  4. Those little houses are adorable -- looks like you had fun making them. The sandwiches look good too. I used to love sauerkraut but years ago I got the flu right after eating some and ... well ... the memory of all that sauerkraut coming back up has ruined my sauerkraut tastebuds LOL!

  5. What a fun little neighborhood! The houses are wonderful!! The sandwiches look so interesting - I've never seen bread like that before.

  6. i would love to make your house they are to cute. sandwichs look yummy. and i just love the wretchen name. i so dislike her.

  7. I just love your posts...cute project and AWESOME-looking lunch...the pictures are fantastic (I need a baby bib 'cause I'm drooling all over myself!).

    How fun it must have been to get together with good friends and so such a nice little project!

    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)

  8. Yes, I do want to live in that (your) neighborhood! Stitching fun and calories galore! ;-)

  9. cute little houses! The meal looks yummy too!

  10. can i come for lunch, interesting looking bread! and i have always love houses in whatever form they come, may have a go at them, thanks!

  11. What comfort food. I will keep that in mind for a cold winter dinner. I can attest that Barb is the greatest cook/baker ever. Her cinnamon buns are...well...there are no words for She is the queen of homemaking...makes Martha look like an amateur.


  12. Those houses are just too cute! I love them!

  13. Adorable houses! I appreciate seeing the construction photos.

    Those fries and ingredients for Reuben sandwiches are on my shopping list. Your photos are so enticing!

  14. Great houses, great sandwiches. Looks like a great day!

  15. Those houses are darling and those ruben sandwiches looks so yummy. I love those sweet potato fries too.

  16. That looks like so much fun! What a great idea to get some friends together to make something...and have a yummy lunch.

  17. Oh Barb, I laughed so hard at your DOH!! I wasn't laughing at you but with you....been there done that LOL. Those little houses are soooo dang cute!! What a great idea it would be to dress them up for a Christmas village.

    Ooooo Rubens looks soooo yummy!! I could eat a ruben every day, my favorite sandwich. I've never tried sweet potato fries, I'll have to see if I can find them, do you bake or fry them?


  18. sweet potato fries are my favorite and i didn't realize that you could buy them frozen . . . i always make my own. what a time saver that must be.

    the houses are cute too and more wool~!!~


  19. the houses are wonderful and lunch looks deliish!
    your just always having the best get togethers!
    fun, fun, fun!
    Kathie who LOVES sweet potato fries

  20. Congratulations on getting Abe done. Now on to quilting! Are these houses 3-Dimensional?

  21. Your group always seem to come up with such fun little projects! Those houses are adorable!
    Those Reubens look yummy! That bread is a staple in our house. We love it for toast, and sweet potato fries have replaced the standard white potato ones. :)
    I'm hungry.

  22. Hello ! Lovely houses (and yummy sandwiches too!). You mention a kit for the houses. Could you let me know where you got it from?
    Thank you.
    Beatrice (from France).


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