
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Día de los Muertos


This is a small quilt that I made to celebrate the "Day of the Dead". While it is not for everyone, I love the idea of celebrating the Day of the Dead. Many of the dearest people in my life have "passed over" and I think a day to celebrate them with flowers, food and music is terrific.

I titled it "I See Dead People -  Ode' to Frida Khalo"


I used variegated thread and did a liberated cross-hatch (very liberated)

The back shows a larger piece of the fabric I used.

Here are some miniature pieces of art that I have collected.  This is a rock band that I found for my son.

My favorite Mexican artists, Diego Rivera and Frida Khalo

I love this one, it's a banquet with Frida's portrait on the back - so cool!

A view through the top


This photo will give you a better idea of the small scale of these pieces.

Here is a piece of "sugar head' mexican candy fabric that I love.  It's hard to see but there is a lot of colorful sparkly parts on it.  I think it would be a great backing from something someday.

Here in NJ the school kids have a few days off, so my daughter and I are off to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter for a few days.

Have a great week and remember to Celebrate today!


  1. all very fun, Barb! love the DofD papier mache pieces - I've always wanted some of those! enjoy florida.

  2. How cool is that!! LOL The quilts and the rock band and the artists! :-D And I love the Sugar Heads fabric! As usual, Barb, you've adedd a good bit of whimsey and cheer to my day. AND Harry Potter fans!! Whoohooo! My bunch is eagerly waiting for the last movie installment -- but we much prefer the books. We've worn out print and audio versions. Great stuff!
    Mary Lou

  3. Love the liberated quilting - I think I could even do that! It is just perfect for your quilt. Enjoy Florida!!

  4. Oh, I just love your collection!

  5. Love the Day of the dead cuties.

    I've added your blog to my list of favorites. So inspiring.

  6. What I like about the quilt is the quilting you used. I like that it shows and that it is sort of random curvy lines.

  7. That's a great quilt, thank you.

  8. You have a very strange and fun collection!! LOL
    Your dead people quilt is hilarious!! So whimsical!!

  9. That is a cool quilt! I love the liberated cross-hatching on it and the variegated thread looks great.

  10. Oooo...I love anything that has something to so with the Day of the Dead! We honeymooned in Cozamel YEARS ago during that festival and our resort had the most amazing "display" of candles, decorations, offerings, etc. I wish I had taken a picture, but it felt a little disrespectaful at the time. Your hand quilting looks amazing! I enjoyed seeing your Houston quilt on Dawn's blog...congratulations!

    I hope HP's Wizarding World was amazing!

    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)

  11. I am sorry, that quilt just made me laugh, soooo cute!

  12. I LOVE the quilt! I've always been fascinated by the Day of the Dead memorabilia, and you have a nice collection.

  13. I'm pretty sure I have a piece of the Dia de los Muertos fabric, but I would never have been this creative with it. I just couldn't resist it, coming from the southwest. I don't have the sugar head fabric, though. Darn! I love your collection and don't find it the least bit gruesome.


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