
Saturday, December 4, 2010

Indoor Gardening

Happy Weekend!

I've had my head down to sewing for most of the week and the 2011 Brownstone Raffle Quilt, "Friendship Garden" is finished!  Yoooray!  I took it to the 2 holiday parties yesterday to show the guild members who did such a great job on this project.

I'm so happy that the top is finished!  It took a guild and 3 special friends, but it was completed in 2 1/2 months.  One of our talented guild members will be doing the quilting on her new long arm and I'm really looking forward to seeing it finished.

This quilt was inspired by Florence Peto's "Calico Garden" quilt that is owned by the Shelburne Museum.  It is rather small, only a crib size and was made in the 1950's.

Instead of nine-patches I decided to do the 16 patch to maintain scale with the larger applique' blocks.  We added a vine border and then finished the quilt with the small squares on point.

Each year I like to plant some indoor bulbs.  The amaryllis is a favorite.  Some years it does better than others.  This year I chose an orangy/red one.  I only got 2 blooms instead of the three, but it was lovely in the sun yesterday.

I also like paper whites, or Narcissus.  They have a wonderful, if not powerful scent.   I plant mine in fish gravel in this tall vase so they don't fall over.

And finally, after the evening guild Holiday party, they sent me home with this lovely pointsettia from one of the tables.  Thanks, ladies!  I'm starting to get in the Christmas spirit, I made a few Santa kleenex covers this morning.

I can't wait to make a house block for Beth's drawing.  You can find out about at her blog:  Love Laugh Quilt.  How fun!

Have a great weekend, and I hope you find some time to stitch.


  1. WOW! You all did an awesome job on the quilt! I've always admired that one and I think I even have the pattern!! Glad you are getting in the holiday spirit. I still need to get my decorations down from the attic. Ho-ho-Ho!

  2. Very beautiful quilt. Borders are very nice and it's a very good idea.
    I'm working on the same quilt actually.
    Good week-end

  3. The raffle quilt is stunning! It will be a great fund generator. Loved reading your post this morning. Snow is falling gently in NW IN and all the tree twigs are coated - beautiful!

  4. What a beautiful raffle quilt! Now you can sit back and enjoy the holidays!

  5. Oh, is this Peto inspired top beautiful! Have to stop staring at it and get out of my jammies!

  6. that quilt is stupendous!!! And the kleenex covers are inspiring!

  7. Friendship garden is a fabulous quilt. I saw the original Florence Peto one at the Shelburne Museum in 2008. I like how you have enlarged it.
    Just getting into holiday spirit myself.

  8. Congratulations Barb - it is gorgeous. And so wonderful to collaborate with others. (I was also admiring your red and white table runners.)

  9. Wow!! Your raffle quilt turned out beautifully! You must be so pleased. I look forward to seeing it quilted.
    You are very clever to grow bulbs like that. Your flowers are lovely! I have always wanted to try that.

  10. Your raffle quilt is beautiful (are you going to offer tickets?) I love the winter bulbs too--they perk up the dreary winter days!

  11. I love, love, love your version of the quilt. Inspiration to get mine finished - after numerous years... Thank you! Greetings, Una in Norway

  12. You and your guild have done a great job, Barb. The raffle winner will be a very, very lucky person!

  13. I like the variation you and your guild came up with. One of the drawbacks to the pattern is it was kind of small. I also love your wood table. Just the patina I've been searching for.

  14. Oh so gorgeous. Just Love it There is going to be one very happy Lucky New quilt Owner.

  15. Wow!! The "Friendship Garden" quilt is amazing! I really love the vine border.

    Gorgeous flowers.

    Have a great weekend.

  16. The Friendship Garden quilt is so beautiful. I think changing the 9-patches to 16-patches worked out really well with the new scale, and I adore the vine borders. How great to have all that help and manage to finish a fabulous quilt in such a short period of time. You're going to sell about a gazillion raffle tickets!

  17. The quilt turned out just beautiful, I made the Florence Peto quilt some years ago changing the borders and got a first at our Quilt show ( luck I guess) I still love that quilt.


  18. Oh it turned out wonderful! What a beauty!

  19. Wow -- that quilt is beautiful! I'll have to show my mom -- that quilt has been on her list to make for several years!

  20. Very beautiful top, can't wait to see it quilted.

  21. OMGosh that is BEAUTIFUL!! This raffle quilt is going to generate a LOT of money for the guild.


  22. It's stunning and I love the changes which look great in the bigger quilt. I'm sure you'll sell lots of tickets.

  23. It usually takes a big group project months to pull every thing together. Your group made record time and came up with a beautiful quilt.

    I like the new header picture. Such a cute use of the selvege edges. I have been saving edges but none of mine are bright and happy like these.

  24. That quilt turned out spectacular! You all did a great job. It will get even better once quilted and should generate a lot of sales!

    Your Christmas flowers are so pretty. It's fun to watch the bulbs come up and see what you get?

    Your tissue covers are so sweet! They have the cute rosy cheeked Santas like were popular when I was a kid. :)

  25. You gals did a fantastic job on the raffle quilt top .... the quilting will just add to the beauty and it will generate lots of fund raising.

    It is so nice to have flowers in the house during the holiday season. We have snowflurries falling this morning.

  26. Love that rockin' quilt in your header photo!!! And the raffle quilt is so beautiful, I bet you sell a pile of tickets!!!

  27. Just beautiful..great work!
    I have just started making this quilt, it's lovely to see your version..
    Julia ♥

  28. I'm sure your quilt will do a wonderful job of raising money. Such a fantastic group effort, Barb. It's lovely.
    Ditto on all the positive comments about your header. Cute, cute, cute!

  29. Barb the quilt is just beautiful, wow!!!! what a major accomplishment for you and your team!
    that Santa fabric is just adorable, reminds me of the santa wrapping paper in my childhood...too cute.
    love the flowers, great idea to put it in the tall vase like that.

  30. OK...I want to buy raffle tickets!!! That is a SWEET TOP!! vERY, very NICE!! (I'm serious...I want a chance to buy tickets...when it is time!)

    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)


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