
Friday, December 17, 2010

Now That's Christmas

Wow - last Sunday I was lucky to be invited along to a special Christmas house tour.

Jill invited me through her friend, Mary Ann - Thank you so much ladies!  This was not open to the public, but to members of The Golden Glow, a national club of vintage Christmas collectors.

People who know me or have come to my house know I love all things Christmas.  This group, however, is on a whole new level!  We toured 3 out of the 5 homes in NJ.  Most houses had 10 tress or so and other displays - it was Christmas Heaven.

Pretty, pretty pointesettia quilt.  I'd love to have one of these.

Look who is attending this event, it's Christopher Radko.  That was a nice surprise.

All of the following photos were taken at one home.  I can not give you his name or location, except to say rural NJ, on 3 beautiful acres. He is also master gardener and collects vintage Easter and Halloween decorations and items.

He is a serious collector, with the means to indulge.  In this custom built addition he has thousands of items on display.  They are all in like new condition.  Ebay, anyone?

On the shelf are salt and peppers, and the bottom portion is filled with vinatage boxed Christmas cards.

Me (well my ponytail) and Christopher,  I'm a  sucker for a celebrity sighting.

In the dining a lovely PINK feather tree.  A collection of painted turkeys are flocked on the lower shelves.

This is a real white feather tree and is covered with plastic icicles.  I have some of these thanks to my friend Susan McD.  Many me of them glow in the dark.

A tree in the sun room -

Spinning silver tree with 40's and 50's ornaments and the spinning color wheel - of course :)

I hope you enjoyed this Christmas tour, I loved it!


  1. OMG!!! Lucky, lucky you! What a dream of a display. I couldn't possibly pick my favorite. Thanks for sharing these pics, Barb. I'll be revisiting!

  2. Now that is a Christmas sensory overload LOL. I can't imagine how long it takes this person to do all the decorating....a true Christmas addict LOL.


  3. Holy Smokes!! It sounds fun and seeing this would be a sight for sure, but I have to say it is a little over the top!!!

  4. I work with a member of the Golden Glow who has one of the best Christmas collections in the world. It's always a treat around here at Christmas.

  5. Wow how cool! I really like that pointsetta quilt too.

  6. How neat! I saw one of my vintage ornaments in the 5th picture down - a glow in the dark plastic lion! My dad gave it to me in the 50's and I still have it!!

  7. This person doesn't know when to stop. It is beautiful but overwhelming.

  8. Oh my gosh- How amazing. I Have heard of some peoples collections but this goes way beyond the call of duty.

  9. Wow! GLOW is exactly what these collections do!! LOL I got tickled at the icicle tree. I have a few of those plastic icicles passed down from my parents. I can't tell you how many we broke as children! Would love to take that collection room and make it my Quilting Studio!! (You can take the quilter out of Christmas, but you can't take Christmas outta the quilter! LOL)
    Give Christopher my love. :-D
    Mary Lou

  10. Since I have helped fund his collection, I loved seeing it. Thanks for sharing with us!

  11. Wow! It's almost too much to take in? It would be fun to see the Easter and Halloween displays too. There sure is a nice backdrop to show off a collection. The hours spent setting up and taking down the displays boggles my mind, never mind the storage area needed. It must be fun for the collector to always be on the lookout for new additions?
    LOL I'm like Mary Lou..I thought what a great place for a quilting studio! :)

  12. That is like information (in the form of photos) over load. I am glad you had a great time.

  13. What a treat! Glad I saw it on your blog; if I'd have seen it in person I probably would have melted from jealousy. That is the most amazing collection I've ever seen.

  14. How fun! I can't imagine how difficult it would be for me to leave...

  15. Prety cool but glad I don't have to dust it all :)

  16. I totally loved your is awesome!!

  17. OMG!!! I don't think I have ever seen so many decorations in the one place before! Loved the tour and loved the trees with the glass baubles. Merry Christmas Barb!

  18. That was fun! My favorites were the tinsel tree with ornaments like my grandma had,and the feather tree with icicles. Looks like you had a good time!

  19. The home looks like it could be a store with all those many, many Christmas decorations.

    Did you watch the HGTV special on the White House Christmas decorations? Something to see.

  20. Thanks for sharing! My favorite is the silver tree with the color wheel. My Grandma had one just like it! What a collection. ( I no longer feel like I have too much fabric!)

  21. Wow!!! Christmas overload!!!
    Thank you for sharing all that sparkly Christmas joy!
    I love all the trees!

  22. Ummmm, WOW hardly seems like enough to say. That is so cool. It was awesome they let you take pictures. I would totally have been there with bells on!!!!

  23. Jaw dropping is all I can come up with how very lucky and thanks for sharing.

  24. THE Christopher Radko? That's so cool -- how fun to see him irl. I love his ornaments. And that house! Holy Cow. Makes me worry a little less about all of my stuff that my kids will have to dispose of. I really love those beautiful vintage ornaments!

  25. just beautiful...I love house tours too!
    lucky you getting to go on this one.
    I am always in awe of people who decorate their homes to the max. Wish I had the talent to do that

  26. This house has a somewhatwhat nightmarish feel - too much of a good thing! Just to say I love your blog and your beautiful quilts - such wonderful fabric choices and clever use - traditional with a twist. Lovely. So sorry you lost your mother so young. Mary In Canterbury UK

  27. Golly geez! Is there an "over the top" for Christmas? If so, this is it!

  28. Oh my goodness!! Those trees are so stunning. Just beautiful. Thank you for sharing - such a treat.

  29. What an AMAZING display of holiday finery. I would have loved to have seen it in person. Lucky you! I especially love feather trees.

  30. Wow! What fun to see all that (and not have to put it together or take it down!) Merry and Happy to you!


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