
Saturday, January 8, 2011

Just Stuff

I really am trying to pull it together.   I feel like I'm going in a million directions and getting nothing done.

This is a weird post with lots of unrelated things.

Progress on "Mother's Garden". 

The battle to control the universe is on.  Andrew and I have been playing Monopoly since he was little.  We have many versions and this is his new one from this Christmas. 

I think this was my favorite Chirstmas vignette this year.  My Charlie Brown tree, my leg lamp, Lori's quilt along quilt, Strawberry Wine and 2 sock monkeys that I made some years ago.  They're holding hands.  That is not a real mouse on the fez, but one of about 40 that we hide around the house for Christmas.  I'll miss on the way to bed at night.

Hooray!  Quilt along time with Lori, of Humble Quilts!   It's not to late to join the fun!  The mo, the mo better.   I haven't quite decided on colors yet, but I'm going to start this as soon as Christmas is away today or tomorrow.

Coco snacked on my ipod, which I use everyday to listen to books :(
Santa got me a new, tiny, pink one for Christmas, thanks Santa! :)

Here is what I'm listening to at the moment.  I am almost finished with Remarkable Creatures and I really enjoyed it!

Okay, back to housework.  Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. I liked the just stuff post and I too feel like I am going in a lot of directions. The quilt is looking great. It is snowing here.

  2. Going all over and reaching no where.. My days are like that too.
    Your Mother's Garden is looking beautiful!

  3. I enjoyed your post and especially the pictures of your quilting! Gorgeous!! With a capital G!

    We have a Christmas mouse that moves around during the holiday season too...A little fabric one I made a couple of years ago. He's packed away for another year now.

  4. It's always nice to see a post by Barb! Your hand quilting looks divine. It was great to see what fun you had with your Christmas display.
    Just bought Remarkable Creatures yesterday with my Borders gift card. I love historical fiction, and this one sounded so different with the science storyline.

  5. Your Mother's Garden is just gorgeous! It makes my fingers itch for some quilting.

    I didn't know Monopoly came in a Star Wars version? Fun!

    Your Christmas decorating is an eclectic mix? ;) I played with a sock monkey when I was young. They always make me smile and your mice are fun!
    Bad Coco..your replacement is cute though!
    I look forward to seeing your doll quilt! :)

  6. I love to see your progress on your Mother's garden quilt. Your quilting is lovely!
    I like the white quilt hanging behind your monkeys. Is it an all white quilt or the back of something? It adds such wonderful texture to your display.

  7. Got some fun stuff going on there.

    When my kids were at home, we would set the monopoly game up and it would stay there for days and us playin it...lots of fun!!

  8. Your quilting looks wonderful! I admire those tiny, even stitches. Thanks for the audio book recommendations too. I'm also a book listener while sewing.

  9. Just found your blog. Love it. I HAVE to know - where did you get the "dont drink and quilt" t-shirt. I normally would never wear any quilter stuff - but that is hilarious and want to get one for my friend and I. Can you please let me know? Also - quilts are great. Dog is precious!

  10. Wonderful hand quilting! And the vignette was perfect. That white-on-white quilt in the background set all the accents off perfectly. Only one more year till you put it all up again!

  11. Really nice quilting's coming along very nicely indeedy. What batting do you use?
    PS love your sock monkeys!

  12. thanks for the books on tape suggesions thats something I really want to start doing as I quilt.
    ok, have to ask why do you hide the mice all around the house at Christmas time???
    I LOVe the way your quilting Mothers Garden
    enjoying the snow this afternoon we got another inch or so!

  13. Love the hand quilting on your Mother's Garden quilt - what a wonderful, special quilt! Cracked up about hiding the mice around the house during Christmas. I told my husband we need to do that next year, and he just rolled his eyes, but I could tell he thought it was pretty cool too! Just got our daughter Chihauhau-opoloy for her birthday, so will be fun to see what she thinks when she unwraps it for her 25th birthday tomorrow!

  14. What a fun post, your quilting is sensational! What batting have you got in this one? Love that tree with the one bauble and the mouse.
    I quilt monopoly the last time I won so I could retire on top, some people are too cut throat and competittive around here, lol.

  15. Your hand quilting is wonderful! Oh and I have to comment on the little Christmas tree...darling! Yearly we watch "A Christmas Story"..FRAGILE!!

  16. Loved your post and the quilting is coming along so beautiful, I love everything about your quilt.

    Do you buy the books to read in your ipod over the internet?
    Love your sock monkey's I still have to make the other one for Emily.
    I will go and check out Lori's blog again I was tempted, my head is just not standing still at the moment to focus.
    Enjoy your Sunday

  17. Oh I love your little christmas scene! I thought it was really funny you hide mice around! The quilting on your Mother's Garden quilt is wonderful. It is really coming together! And I love listening to books on tape too. I"m currently listening to Diana Gabaldon's 6th book (A Breath of Snow and Ashes). I read all 6 of them and now was listening to them so I could read book 7!

  18. Forgot to say we have so many versions of Monopoly. Emily collects them!

  19. I'm an envious non-hand quilter. Your quilting is lovely. Maybe some day I'll give it a try.
    I love the idea of all those mice hiding around the house. Maybe next Christmas I'll make a couple calico mice to hide, and I'll tell DH that "Barb made me do it."

    I've overdue getting Lori's little quiltalong project started. Thanks for reminding me!

  20. Loving your mothers garden!! Also tempted with Lori's Quilt along, maybe soon. Thanks for the reading tip. Have just ordered paperback copy's online. Perfect for reading here at my beach house.

  21. WOW the Mother's Garden quilt is looking wonderful and the whole cloth quilt on your wall is amazing!! I didn't know there was a Star Wars version either. This brings back memories of Bob playing with the boys and trying to convince them that trading Baltic Ave for Park Place was a good thing LOL.


  22. It sure looks like a lot of fun going on at your hosue...except Coco chewing on things she shouldn't be.
    The quilting is moving along nicely and looks so pretty!!
    Did you mark it with a blue washout?

  23. Barb , your Mother's garden is adorable. Is there a pattern name? I love your color selection on it too.

  24. Love your "mother's garden" - great use of fabric/color. What a fun vignette. I'm doing Lori's quiltalong ,too. I don't do well with books on CD - get distracted and find I'm not listening. I do have Remarkable Creatures checked out in book form, but I've been too busy reading blogs!

  25. Wow -- your quilting is gorgeous. Don't you just love to hand quilt? Love that little vignette too -- sooo cute.

    Naughty little Coco. Thanks for reminding me that you can put books on your ipod -- I always forget that!

  26. Hi Teresa in Houston -
    You have a non-reply blogger account, so I can not find you.
    I'll post where to get the shirt on my next blog post.
    Thanks for your interest and the visit.

  27. Hi, You do beautiful work. Love the
    white quilt behind the monkeys. Did
    you quilt it?
    I searched high and low for a vintage redwork Santa that I saw on a blog, Lord behold it was on yours. Beautiful. May I ask whose
    pattern it is? Again, you do
    beautiful work.
    Happy stitching.

  28. Hi Janet -
    I tried to contact you, but you don't have a public profile, and you are set up an a non-reply blogger. I have no other way of contacting you, so I hope you see this.
    I have searched for the vintage santa, it was a Pinwheel design, but I can not locate them. Email me at and give me your email address and perhaps I can send you a copy of my finished one and you can trace your own.
    I hope you find this message. Thank you for your lovely comments.

  29. Hi Barb,
    I did get your message. Thank you very much. Already sent you an
    Thank you,

  30. I just LOVE your Mother's Garden!

  31. Your quilting is beautiful! Such a cheerful project for dreary winter days, althoug snow brightens things:) Thank you also for sharing your marking tools - I'm always looking for 'the perfect' marking tool, although I'm more and more leaning towards eyeballing quilting lines as well as sewing lines;) I read the book by Tracy Chevalier about Mary Anning this fall and got completely lost in the story. She is said to be working on a book including a character who is quilting. Will be looking forward to read that, as well as checking out your other recommendations. Take care, U


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