
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Quilt Show Review - Part 1

Good Morning!
Thank you for input on the Raffle Quilt photography.  Also for your interest in the documentation project.  I will post more about that soon.

I thought I'd share my 2 favorite quilts from the Quilt Fest of NJ.

I fell in love with this quilt:

Here is the information and credit:

The layers of detail are amazing!  Each and every border, whether it was hand embroidered, or piped, or embellished with glass beads was so loving done and with such skill.

The handles of the spoons were hand embroidered to look like sterling, and each spoon contained several layers of fabric and stitching to achieve the realistic look.

this is from the outer border.  She has added glass beads for strawberry seeds - so subtle and so sweet!

She quilted it on a home machine and the stitching is lovely!  The teapot and the monogram being my favorite parts.

Just take it in. 

I haven't been wowed by a quilt like this in a long, long time!  Thank you Sandra!

Okay, my second favorite quilt is this one:  It is a block of month.  It is machine quilted and machine appliqued and beautifully done!

Now, personally, I think that credit should have been given the designer, so I'm giving it here:  Sue Garmon.

My favorite part of the quilt is that each ship is surrounded by a vine, flowers or fruit and a symbol of where it is from - too much!!  I love it.

And here is my Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, and what a wonderful surprise!  Pepper Cory awarded it her Judges Choice - and bonus; the ribbon is pink.  I met Pepper and thanked her and we talked about folk art quilts. She liked the peace symbol as a modern example of folk art.  What a nice lady. 

She wrote this note on the back of my ribbon (I won't even hold it against her that she made a Mercedes sign instead of a peace sign).

How cool is this challenge?  Each participant was given a color card and had to make a quilt read that color from 10 feet away - awesome!

I met Kathie, of Inspired by Antique Quilts for lunch and she surprised me with this piece of folk art fabric.  Wouldn't these make great applique' shapes?  Thanks, Kathie!

Taryn of Repro Quilt Lover is having a great Red & White quilt show on her blog.  I'm planning to post some this week - go check them out.

be back soon with Part 2


  1. Fabulous quilts and looks like they were worthy of awards. Pepper obviously had luxury cars on her mind.

  2. The show was amazing , loved the quilts you did too.
    The teapot quilt was so interesting , you kept finding different things every time you looked at it.
    Oh the Ship quilt its just amazing, I wonder if I could make that. I saw it in Pa last year and it stopped me in my much more beautiful in person then the pattern shows...
    and of course loved seeing your quilt again that quilt has been on my list for too long..maybe its time to go for it!

  3. Congratulations on your win. I have liked your quilt from the minute I first saw it on your blog.

    The first quilt you show is intriguing. The spoons look almost real. And who doesn't like cupcakes. So many surprises to see on the quilt. You would need time to study and see the whole quilt.

  4. Kathie sent me over. So nice to see such fun quilts. I like your quilt with the peace signs in the corners. From the name I expected it would have Mary Poppins on it. LOL. Thanks for sharing these quilts I would never see otherwise living in the WEST.

  5. Congratulations on your ribbon -- how very exciting! I, too, love your peace signs. And that cupcake quilt -- WOW! Thanks for showing all the details -- it's wonderful inspiration!

  6. Love, love, love!! :-D Your quilt is amazing! and I'm a Pepper fan so that signature and comment is quilt gold! LOL I'm enrolled in the BOM for Ladies of the Sea--haven't worked up my nerve to begin it, but how I love it! It's here when I'm ready. :-D
    How awesome to meet Kathy for lunch! The fabric she brought you is great -- I could even see it as one of your famous quilt backings! So cool!!
    Mary Lou

  7. Congratulations! Well deserved ribbon.

    Thanks for sharing the cupcake quilt in such is amazing! Gave me a big smile!

  8. Wow, both of those quilts are spectacular! I see the first one is from Oregon:)
    The detail is amazing.

    What a fun surprise to get the Judges choice award!! it is a fun quilt and worthy!

  9. Congratulations on your pink ribbon!! How exciting!!
    What wonderful quilts you've shared here. I especially love the border of the ship quilt - so much detail - it's marvelous!
    I look forward to part 2 :0)

  10. Congratulations on your well deserved ribbon! Look forward to seeing more from the show.

  11. Congratulations! I'm not surprised your quilt got a ribbon. It's a winner!

  12. My heartiest congratulations on winning a judges choice! That is a big one to win, and I wish someday I might win one, too. I just bought Sandra Leichner's book, containing the instructions for the quilt you is truly awe inspiring. A mind boggling amount of attention to detail. Thanks for the gorgeous post. Michele

  13. What spectacular quilts! The details are amazing.

    I'm so happy to see Pepper wrote you note as well as choosing your quilt. Photos really don't do that one justice.

    The fabric Kathie brought you is a fun print. How nice to have lunch together too!

  14. Congrats on your award! How special is that?? The cupcake tea quilt is astonishing. Such attention to detail. And the workmanship on both that and the ships quilt is remarkable. The challenge... well, they all sure met it beautifully. What a great day.

  15. Congrats on your ribbon. Awesome quilt and so are the other two your shared. I really like that cup cake quilt.

  16. Wow the first quilt, I can see why you liked it so much, the workmanship just amazing.
    Congratulations on your win too, had to laugh at the Mercedes sign ( mind you some people would say driving one would give you piece of mind,big grin)
    Wonderful to meet with Kathie, would love to one day meet the two of you in person too.
    Thank you for sharing the wonderful show.


  17. Congratulations, your quilt is one of my favourites. I loved seeing the close ups of Sandra's quilt, I have her book and she goes above and beyond. The folk art fabric kathie gave you is wonderful, so you.

  18. Thanks for sharing the quilts--awesome to consider that a real person made each of them! And BIG congrats on your win--very special to be singled out like that, so here's a congratulatory WHOO hoo!!!

  19. Wow, a huge congratulations on your pink ribbon! Well deserved!!!
    Thank you for sharing those 2 magnificent quilts! The amount of work in each is amazing. Both beautifully done!

    It is wonderful to hear when bloggers meet in person! Love the folk art fabric!
    Can't wait for part 2....

  20. Congrats again, Barb. I also really liked the color challenge quilts. Each one was so different.

  21. Congratulations on your ribbon!
    Thank you for the great photos of the show quilts. I went to the show but did not see as much detail as your photos show, due to the poor lighting there.
    I love your blog, you do a great jog incorporating photos, tips and how to's.

  22. Sandra blog is good and it goes into how she shades fabric, what art supplies she uses and like Janet said she has out a new book.

    I really liked the Pepper exhibit. Glad your quilt got a ribbon. Congrats.

  23. Congrats on your well deserrved award. The detail in both the other quilts you showed are amazing, but I think the first one was my favourite. I always wonder just how many hours it took when I see something like that.

  24. Congratulations Barb!! How fun to get a personal little note too :0)

    That first quilt is truly amazing!! I wish I had that kind of design sense.

    How fun to meet up with Kathie and what a great piece of fabric :0)

    You obviously had a wonderful time at the Quilt Fest.


  25. Love, love your quilt - its so wonderful and I'm so pleased for you to win the prize with the special note on the ribbon! The teapot quilt is just so sweet and I keep going back and looking at all the details - would never have thought to put cupcakes in the border. Really like the ships quilt too - what an amazing quilt!

  26. Wow, what amazing quilts! Thanks for the great photos in this post. Congrats for the ribbon for your applique quilt too; that's one of my favorites.
    I'm looking forward to the Red and White exhibit in NYC later this month.

  27. Congratulations on your win! I found your blog via Taryn’s Red and White challenge! Have you ever made a quilt out of a child's art? Their art reminds me so much of folk art. That's what got me started in quilting 30 years -a quilt my MIL made of my daughter's artwork. My challenge will be to some day create a quilt of my grandchildren's art work. But meanwhile, I am utterly immersed in research and writing about quilt history. You're making the history someone's going to write about some day. And all these blogs are going to be out there in the cosmos for future quilt historians to access! Amazing!! Research is going to be so much easier for future quilt historians! Today’s quilters are writers, journal-ers and quilt makers! Stop by some time at Quilt History Reports at or my blog

  28. congrats on the award!!!! so well deserved. I saw Tea with Miss D at Houston and loved it too, but I have to admit some of the detail (strawberry seed beads) escaped me. Thanks for the marvelous pics!

  29. Congratulations on the riboon and thanks for sharing the pictures. The details of the spoons are so sweet and the fact that it was quilted on a domestic machine is beyond me!!!! I am really getting itching to go to a nice quilt show ...

  30. Congrats on your ribbon! I also posted today about the outstanding tea cup quilt but could not find my artist info! I saw these quilts, tea cup and ships, at the Mid Atlantic Quilt Fest in Hampton Va. Will post a link to your post on my post !;-)
    Thanks for posting the info!

  31. How wonderful to enjoy such fantastic quilts at a show far away, courtesy of your photos. I can see why those first two were your favorites. They're jaw dropping. Your photos do a great job of showing the details.
    I wish I could see your quilt in person. It looks like such a special, fun quilt. Well-deserved pink ribbon!

  32. Oh...thanks so much for sharing, such amazing quilts!

  33. Congrats on the ribbon for your Super ..... quilt! I admired it a few days later and get to admire it again. Wonderful!

  34. congrats on your award~!!~ you certainly deserve it~!

    LOVE ~ LOVE ~ LOVE that Tea with Miss D quilt~!~ every single detail is out of this world~!!~



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