
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Bird in the Berry Tree

Hi -
Here is the third and final challenge quilt of this year.  It is for my guild, The Brownstone Quilter's show which will be this fall 11-11-11.

The challenge rules were this:
Circle was the theme and needed to be represented
You needed to use the challenge fabric, i used it for the branches
You needed to represent 11 somehow in the quilt
The quilt could not exceed 22 (2x 11) on any side.

I have 11 of each of the berry colors, which are also circles.

I quilted circles.

There is that sparrow again - I really do promise to tell the story soon.

Nothing too flashing on the back of this one.

Okay, I have a new man in my life.  But it's okay, my husband bought him for me.  I have a thing for vacuums.  It's true, there, I said it.

They say the first step is acknowledging that you have a problem.  Mine comes in the form of balls of brown dog fur.  The solution; my new man.

I'm in love.  I call him Dyson, isn't that dreamy?

As I've gotten older and softer, I find that I'm way more picky about undergarments than I used to be.  I purchased some wonderful new undies and the tag said it all.  

Thank you Warner - seriously, for the underwear and the tag.  I love when life hands you what you need and makes you laugh out loud at the same time.  (Kohl's, and don't forget your coupon.)


  1. Oh, I really like your challenge quilt! Hilarious about the undies too.

  2. I really enjoyed your post! Your challenge quilt is WOW - amazing!! The circle quilting is fabulous. It was so interesting to see how you answered the design criteria. Still keeping us wondering about the sparrow??
    :0) Will you be able to share some of the others' quilts?
    What a funny tag!

  3. Love your quilt -especially the quilting. I'm getting very curious about the sparrow! Thanks for the recommendation.

  4. Did you quilt the circles first? I'm trying to figure out if you jumped all the branches as you sewed the circles????? Absolutely, out of the park, clever! Well done!

  5. I absolutely LOVE your challenge quilt! The quilting is fantastic and really carries the theme all of the way through. I'm looking forward to hearing the story behind that sparrow.

    I've had Dyson's older brother here for a couple of years.(mine has wheels instad of the roller ball) It really does a good job on pet hair.

    I hear ya on the comfortable undies! It looks like you've found some that are cute AND comfortable? Great tag! LOL

  6. I LOVE your quilt!!! What a pleasing composition of many great ideas! I will be coming back to look at this one again and again. How about offering it as a pattern? I think it'd be a big seller!

  7. Oh my gosh that quilt is wonderful! I love all the symbolism as well. Your hand quilting is outstanding!!! How many stitches to the inch? looks like 25!!
    Love the heads up on the undies too, you can never be too comfortable....

  8. You are funny my firend! I love.. love.. love... this quilt! Your hand quilting is amazing. Love the tag on the undies.. Yes, good undies are a must!

  9. The quilt is terrific, esp. the quilted circles. Well... everything, really. I've been thinking of inviting Dyson to come and live here, too. So I'm glad to hear you like yours. Undie tip appreciated, too. No muffin top has to be a good thing.

  10. cute little quilt and i love the quilted circles. your stitches are totally amazing~!!~

    i too LOVE my Dyson~can't imagine life without him in fact.

    and the undies "commercial" gave me a good laugh too.

    talk about diversity within a post ~ wow ~


  11. LOL Love the muffin analogy!! :-D I'm particular about undies, too; strictly jockey elance with the covered wasteband and leg openings! In high-leg brief. :-D Sex kitten I am not! LOL
    The challenge quilt reminds me of the quilts that first made me fall in love (and stay in love! :-D) with your blog, was back in August -- Orange, Purple, Berries and Red all over, such cool, cool quilts!!! -- And it seems like it should have been so much longer ago, like you've been a friend forever!! Whenever I want inspiration, you've got it for me in baskets full... LOVE it! :-)
    Mary Lou

  12. Great little challenge quilt- lots of excellent elements which all work beautifully together. Will you share how you marked your quilting spiral? it is awesome!
    Very funny tag, love it.

  13. Love how you interpreted the challenge quilt...

    I love my dyson too! I have the animal one in purple.

  14. I can always count on you for a very creative challenge piece. Having to represent the number eleven in some way is an unusual part of a challenge.

    Oh, how I would like Dyson to live at my home. Send him my way if you tire of him.

  15. Your challenge quilt is really great. So many perfect details and the circle quilting really sets it off. And the underwear tag is too funny -- love how the little muffin wrapper is the same colour as the underwear.

  16. Do you tire of me telling you how creative, and talented you are? I love this quilt, and all of the hand quilting!
    Enjoy your new drawers!

  17. Your challenge quilt is awesome.
    Yes I too got a Dyson this year when we bought all new appliances for the kitchen, looooovvvvvee it too.

    The Tag is funny...


  18. Love your challenge quilt and the beautiful hand quilting.
    Enjoy the new man in your life... I don't even want to discuss dog fur.

  19. Ooo, I LOVE that quilt! You have such an imagination (where I have NONE) and come up with the neatest 'solutions' to your challenges! I'm trying to figure out what to do with our ugly fabric challenge.

  20. I love your challenge quilt - the circular quilting really sets it off. Too bad the tood muffin is what makes the bad muffin!

  21. I really love your challenge quilt. Amazing. XO

  22. just love that challenge quilt.
    oh my the quilting is amazing, I agree you need to do a pattern for this (something about birds get me, love that sparrow).
    I would love a pattern too! did you quilt it with pearle cotton or just black quilting thread?

    I need a new vacuum too tell me in a few weeks if your still really happy with it.

  23. just love that challenge quilt.
    oh my the quilting is amazing, I agree you need to do a pattern for this (something about birds get me, love that sparrow).
    I would love a pattern too! did you quilt it with pearle cotton or just black quilting thread?

    I need a new vacuum too tell me in a few weeks if your still really happy with it.

  24. Oh Barb, this project is gorgeous!! What did you use to draw all those circles in the quilting?

    I just bought new bras that I'm in love with. The girls are out of their southern trajectory and my shoulders aren't being abused....heaven LOL.


  25. Wow, you nailed this challenge. I love challenges and this little piece is adorable!! Great job.

  26. Your quilt is fantastic! but I must say your undies take the cake :) Keep up the great work and thanks for the laugh-out-loud read.

  27. Thanks for clarifying the muffin conundrum LOL!!! And WOW! Wowie WOW!!! I LOVE that quilt. Love Love It!!!

  28. I christen you the challenge Queen! The quilt is really amazing barb.
    I have been avoiding muffins to get rid of my muffin...who knew I could just change my underwear! LOL

  29. Oh wow!~I NEEEED these undies! :)
    I'll have to look for them! It's the little things!~
    I love your quilt!~did you get dizzy going in circles?!?! Great stitching and love the colours, everything about it! You sure do rise to a challenge!~XO

  30. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your challenge quilt. The quilting is awesome...your stitches are great! I think you outdid yourself on this challenge.

    Not sure I can share your excitement with the new man...hate vacuums with a passion, so I am happy that you can make them feel

    And only YOU would put yourself out there with the story about undies. What a funny post...loved it.


  31. Awesome - the challenge quilt that it!

  32. oH, your quilt is simply fabulous. Love it.
    I have a yellow Dyson which makes vacuuming fun again.

  33. Man, I just love your challenge quilt. Your creativity amazes me.
    Really fabulous
    Let us know how the new man works?
    I am looking for a new one myself,
    vacuum, that is. Ha. Ha.

  34. barb, i love your quilt ! the sparrow looks as though it has flown in from your beautiful garden in the previous post! all very beautiful !

  35. I love your challenge quilt, not so sure about the new man in your life, and am totally with you over the comfortable underware!

  36. WOW...WOW....crazy over your little birdie quilt!!! FABULOUS! How brave to show your hand quilting up close and personal, but why not, it's perfection!!!

    And I don't have but 2 hostas and they are about 6 inches tall...wah wah, I want mine to look like yours!

  37. Great quilt - your hand work is amazing as is the design.
    VBG for the new man and the muffin solution...

  38. Love how your challenge quilt turned out. Its so unique and spontaneous! I'm so lucky that hubbie vacuums for me. I'll be on the lookout for the same undie solution - they look perfect to me too!

  39. Great job with the challenge quilt. I love the striped branches and the polka dot flowers. And I loved seeing your garden. It is so much like my mom's was in MN. Fabulous hostas!

  40. Awesome quilt and it was interesting how you included all the criteria! I, too am interested to hear about the sparrow.

  41. Love your challenge quilt. That spiral quilting is wonderful!

  42. You are hysterical! Just read this one. Love, love love the quilt!

  43. Great quilt and quilting!
    Love the undies review, too, we all can use help with our muffins!

  44. Great quilt and quilting!
    Love the undies review, too, we all can use help with our muffins!

  45. Oh, I love this quilt! What a fun challenge for your guild. Thanks for linking to it on my blog as well.

  46. Love your spiral quilting, both the actual stitches and how you placed the spirals on the quilt. I'll have to look for those undies :)

  47. Love those quilted spirals, both the stitches and how you placed them on the quilt! I'll have to look for those undies :)


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