
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Goodnight Irene and Good Riddance!

Thank you so much to everyone who sent me such nice and supportive comments.  I really appreciate each one!

We are survived!  While gathering candles and flashlights, I found this one, how funny is that.

We lost power at 2:45 Sunday morning - but awoke to no flooding and little tree damage.  We were quite surprised.

A few more limbs came down in the wind after Irene had moved north.

It pays to have sailors in the family!  Rich, Andrew and I took a walk Sunday morning during a lull.

This photo was taken 3 blocks (downhill) from our home.  The brook is usually 12 feet UNDER that white wooden bridge.

The water has filled the gully, filled the parking lot, filled the parkway, and filled the street - incredible!

This was a drive by shooting of the football field at the high school.  Can you say Maroon Lake?

Hooray - Andrew and I played all these games on Sunday.
Andrew won Careers, Sorry, Monopoly and Life.  I won Battleship, big deal.

Thank goodness for a gas range.  We had a lovely dinner of spaghetti, bread and wine.  This is with the flash.

This is how it actually looked.

We are so grateful that it wasn't worse.  We know that many people suffered flooding and property damage.  When the power returned Monday 6am, we were shocked to see how bad it Irene really was for the East Coast.

Thanks again everyone for your concern and thoughtfulness!

Now, back to quilting.....


  1. Wow, Barb, that's a lot of water. I am worried about my elderly Aunt and Uncle on Long Island. I still can't get thru by phone or email and I think?? their area was one of the evacuated ones. Hope this mess all gets cleaned up soon :)

  2. Glad that you didn't get too much of Irene. Looks like you were able to enjoy some extra family time. Hopefully the rest of the East coast will get their power back soon and the floods will go away.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I am so glad you all are okay with very little damage around your home. Good to save those games for the times like these.. They always make new memories!
    It sure looks like you have some for the books and may be a new story quilt?

    August 31, 2011 11:16 AM

  5. Glad all is well at your house. Years ago I got some battery candles to use during power outages so not to worry about the flame if we fell asleep. They were on QVC and are wonderful for emergency outages for their warm glow. Hope you can get back to stitching soon.

  6. I'm happy to hear Irene went by you with little damage. It looks like you made the best of it by spending time together. I love Careers - its my favorite. My kids aren't old enough to have figured out how to beat me at it... yet :0)

  7. Hooray!! So glad all is well with you and yours!!!!!

  8. I'm glad your brush with Irene was minor...and what lovely memories you will have of sharing a meal and playing games. Those are the kinds of things that get remembered years later. Your table looked can turn anything into a beautiful party!

    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)

  9. I'm so happy to hear you have weathered the storm so well. Eating by candle light is rather fun as long as it's only for a day or less :0)


  10. So glad that you made it thru the storm quite safely. It can be kind of fun when the power goes out, can't it? For a very short while, that is!

  11. Glad you are back and ok! You got a lot more water than we did...mostly down trees and power lines here.

  12. Glad you are safe and sound. And...that Storm Watch candle is my all-time favorite scent! I thought they discontinued it - I haven't seen it forever!

  13. It's nice to spend family time together, with candlelight and games -- even though it was by necessity with the aftermath of Irene.
    I'm glad you got through it safely.
    That candle name is just too funny.

  14. I'm so glad you guys escaped any big damage. It must be quite surreal for you to see all the flooding. Your candle lit dinner dosent sound too bad and playing games would have been fun.

  15. playing games is what I look to the most when storms roll thru here. I love it!

  16. So happy to see that you and your family weathered the storm without too much damage. I was really worried when I saw the New Jersey videos on the news. As bad and scary as it was, I'm sure you will all have some good memories of your weekend together. Game night, or even better, weekend, is so much fun. Pretty addicted to Words With Friends myself.

  17. The water and flooding isn't so fun, but just staying cozy in the house playing games could be fun!

  18. So glad it wasn't worse for you all. I've lived thru way too many hurricanes down here on the Gulf Coast. Your table looks so pretty by candlelight :).

  19. Wow -- I'm so glad you've come through with nothing major. And hopefully it will stay that way if the next storm heads your way. And hey -- Battleship involves more strategy so it IS a big deal that you won LOL!

  20. I had the same thoughts about skipping or not and I've got both on my current quilt. I think I prefer skipping unless it puffs up where it shouldn't. I know very little about machine applique but I know empty nests are hard at first.

  21. I am so thankful that we didn't get any property damage either. That was quite a storm. Your yard looks beautiful - even with the tree bits strewn around.

  22. We sure do miss our generator, runs the whole house with 15 sec delay!~now that we are in town. But, our renters sure do love it! Lol
    I'm glad to know you came out okay and made the best of it. Always puts things into perspective for me... I think of those pioneer women. Lovely dinner! :)


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