
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Quilting by the Sea

Hello - and thank you all so much for your well wishes before I left!

I'm back, well sort of.  It's hard to re-enter the reality atmosphere.  Even when I engage my deflector shields, it hard not to get burned.

I keep going to the kitchen when I'm hungry and nothing is matter how many times I leave my bedroom, that bed never gets made.  I'm in denial, clearly.

I actually did a little stitching on this cruise.  I usually take it and never do any.

Here we're sailing from Athens, Greece to Messina, Italy.

This was a great take along project, small and compact.

Here I am at one of my favorite spots:  Deck 3, promenade deck.  This where I head late in the afternoon after I've enough sun and fun for a little rest and relaxation.

Look at that concentration; have I mentioned I hate hand piecing?

This is why:  wrong, barb - again!

I should stick to what I do best on holiday - celebrate my family!

I'm still working on my photos, but will be back before the weekend with "Barb's Top Ten" of my cruise.

I'm looking forward to catching up with everyone's projects.  I hope you are all having a wonderful summer and finding time for some sewing.


  1. Welcome back!

    I'm sure the trip was great.

    Can't wait to see the pics.

  2. I keep having that same problem - wander into the kitchen and nothing is made. sigh. so glad you got to spend time with the family. I think the quilt you were trying to make would be much more interesting. of course trying to get it to lie flat...

  3. Welcome back! Glad you made some progress on your lovely, little quilt. Unstitching is much more frustrating with handwork. Look forward to more photos from your trip, but don't forget to tell us about those pie pincushions!

  4. Ahhhhh
    there is no place like home. right? ;0).
    Welcome back.

    Happy Sewing

  5. Welcome Home!! Those who don't hand piece aren't aware of how annoying unsewing can be LOL. I look forward to the pictures!!


  6. I love the idea of handwork on the promenade deck with the view and a beverage...ahhh. It all sounds so fabulous! I'm glad it was a great trip for of memories.

    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)

  7. I'm glad you were able to do some handwork on the cruise. It sounds marvelous - the sounds and sights and smells of the sea, and the feel of fabric on your hands. The quilt is turning out quite nicely - and you will be able to say it was made on a cruise.

  8. I look forward to seeing your pictures! It sounds like such an interesting cruise. Your handpiecing project is growing beautifully. I don't really enjoy hand piecing either but its so portable - I want to like it - I'm just bad at it. Looks like you found a lovely place for your rest and relaxation :0)

  9. I see that you celebrated with my favorite beverage - Veuve!
    Your tumbling blocks look great!

  10. Welcome back. I hope you had a marvelous trip. How do you keep your pieces from blowing away on the deck? Love the tumbling block. Your sewing position is unique. The nuns would not approve to the legs spread!


  11. Glad you are back! Can't wait to see the pictures.
    I always bring something to work on during a vacation and never sew!

  12. Welcome back! Personally I find reality over-rated...I avoid it when ever possible...

  13. Welcome back!
    Curious how the staff still seem to be on vacation???

  14. Welcome home, Barb. I'm looking forward to your pictures and to seeing you soon!

  15. one of my goals this year was to learn how to hand piece maybe I should just cross that off the list right now!!!! love the piece your working on though it will be wonderful when your done ;)
    looking forward to seeing your trip pictures...

  16. i can see why re-entry might be a bit difficult~!!~

    your little quilt is coming along beautifully. when i seen the 'oops' i did have to wonder if you had a tall cold drink (with an umbrella, of course) there with you~!?!~ lol

    it's good to see you back in blog world.

  17. I have to say it would be hard to focus on hand sewing with a view like that!
    Your Tumbling Blocks looks fabulous. I sympathize with you on the reverse sewing. No fun. Blame it on too much sunshine?

    I think I could get used to having someone do all of my cooking..and making my bed for me, while I played? Reality stinks doesn't it?

  18. crazy girl!!!

    Did you have that dizzy rocking back and forth motion when you got home?
    I did, it has awful, it took about 3 weeks for me to get over it!!!

    I know you had fun!

  19. Wow, what a great trip to take. I love that photo of Oia. And you even took some piece work, good for you.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog.


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