
Friday, August 12, 2011

What's Up Doc?

Happy Friday!

I thought I'd do a project update.  I definitely hear the clock ticking down the time for my guild's October 11th quilt show.

Here are 3 projects that I hope to finish in time for the show:

Mother's Garden - quilting a little everyday

It's hard to capture, but the center, top and side outlining is done.

Abe Challenge:  just pin basted it.  My machine is in the shop and has been for 4 weeks now.  I need a new button board and they are waiting for the part :(

Here is my four patch posie.  This quilt really took an interesting turn.  I've ordered over 600 crystals for this one, so stay tuned.

Here's what I've done on the tumbler doll quilt since the cruise - Nadda, nuttin', zilch...

I'll take it next week when we take Hanna to school.  I do, however, love my "free with purchase" cosmetic bag.  It's perfect for holding the entire project.

Update on gardens - after a little rain and cooler weather, they have perked up a bit.

I'm really happy with my Home Depot pots this year.  They filled in nicely.

And just for fun:
I was sending a Birthday gift to one of my best friends and I used this Asian newspaper for wrapping.   I've seen free newspapers at Greek, Asian and Mexican restaurants, so keep your eyes pealed.

Final days of summer for my kids.  Playing some sort of horribly violent and loud game on PS3

Have a Fun Weekend!


  1. Can't wait to see the crystals on your quilt, last year in Houston they showed 3 or 4 quilts with swarovski crystals all over them.
    Your hand quilting is coming along beautiful and I hope you get your machine back very soon.


  2. The 3 projects are looking good. The hand quilting.. outstanding. The crystals will be a nice touch on the Four Patch. Interesting quilt. Good luck and hope they all get done for the show. Gardens look great, too.

  3. The frist quilt you showed is absoutely fabulous....I have no words for it, that is how wonderful it is. Love all your projects and garden.

  4. I thought your Momma quilt was beautiful BEFORE the it's like you've found the perfect gilt frame for a priceless piece!! Very well done, as usual!! Love the Lincoln quilt, too. If I were closer, I'd bring you my machine and let you burn it up!! LOL That is the coolest border ever on the sprinkle quilt. :-) And your kids look like will take some explosive to get them off their blessed assurances before school starts! LOL Beautiful stuff, as always, Barb!!
    Mary Lou

  5. Oh my you have been busy!
    What beautiful do you put your letters on your quilts?

    I hope you finish in time :0)

    I have to laugh at DS stripes and plaids.....he's a "liberated" dresser!

    Happy Sewing

  6. Your Mother's Garden quilt is fabulous.

  7. Oh, you're yard just looks sooo lovely! You know we are drying up here in Texas. It was a 104 AGAIN yesterday!

    I'm crazy over your quilty projects!!
    Did you hand applique the lettering on that first one?

  8. Awesome quilts! Are the words fused? The fonts look terrific. Love your son's outfit - heehee!

  9. Your Mother's Garden quilt is beautiful!! The quilting is adding such wonderful texture. I can't wait to see how you quilt the Abe quilt.
    Your garden is so pretty. We had some hail last week so mine looks a bit sad at the moment.
    Love to see yor kids living with your quilts :0)

  10. Your Mother's Garden quilt gave me chills, how wonderful to honor your mom and her garden! Your design?
    Crystals???Can't wait to see how it looks!
    I have given up on the garden, all that work and no rain! boo hoo.
    Great idea with the newspaper, I will keep that one in mind.

  11. All your projects are beautiful! That's a lot to do by your deadline, but I'm sure you can do it. Your Mother's Garden is a real stunner! Everything about it is gorgeous!
    Enjoying the milder temps here, too. The garden isn't the only thing that has perked up (me, too)!
    Love the pic of your kids. Made me think I should have taken a photo of my 3 together, but my daughter got away this morning. Too many schedules to try to coordinate - we were lucky to all have dinner together Monday night.
    Enjoy these last few days with your kids. Big changes!

  12. oh Barb the Garden quilt is just amazing, I can't wait to see it hanging in the show with the BIG ribbon it so deserves....
    600 crystals that have to be attached by hand?
    your one brave women
    Abe quilt is just dear to my heart, have always been a big fan of Abe!
    cute idea for the newspaper , great picture of the kids...ah let them relax before they have to start the marathon study days again!


  13. Wow...looks like you've got the show ribbons all tied up, although I love all of them for different would be hard to pick the winner!

    ...should be three "firsts"...

    I love the first one...the quilting really sets if off (I love the little circles in the triangle border!).

    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)

  14. Love all the projects you are working on, but especially the Abe Lincoln quilt...yum!

  15. Beautiful projects you are working on....I'm sure you have some ribbons in your future :0)

    I laughed out loud seeing the outfit your son has on. Why does stripes and plaids look so wonderful in a quilt but not so good in clothing? LOL.


  16. I am so impressed at your quilts - one of these would be a masterpiece quilt for me, and would take a lifetime to make - and here you have three going on at the same time. They are all awesome!

  17. I love the look on Hanna's face!

    You can do it! Go girlfriend and finish them up!!

  18. I am enjoying watching the hand quilting on Mother's Garden take shape. It is lovely. The kids look cute.

  19. All your exhibition quilts are so fabulous! We too have an exhibition in October - they put mu planned entries to shame!

  20. I love your mother's garden quilt so it's nice to see it pop up again. The other two look fabulous too.
    I'll be cheering you on for finishing these three so good luck. The garden looks very fresh and vibrant.

  21. Your Mother's Garden quilt is just fabulous. And crystals???? Sounds cool ...

  22. Wow -- your quilts are so gorgeous -- I love seeing your updates. Good Luck finishing them in time! Love the last picture of the kids -- poor things -- school will start soon LOL!

  23. Barb!!!
    You have been busy! Love the pictures of your moma's quilt! It warms me up every time I see it. My vacation was so long i have almost forgotten all about quilting. Looking at your quilts I am so inspired, it wont be long before I get back to my sewing room.
    I need to see the Passage to India from up close.. Can't wait to see it in final stage.. crystals and all.. It is going to be gorgeous!
    Enjoy these last few days of summer with the kids.

  24. I nearly fell off my chair when I saw your quilts. They're amazing!! So clever and colourful!! Your garden is looking good too!

  25. Your quilts are all so amazing!! So clever and colourful!! Your garden is looking wonderful too.

  26. What a feast for the eyes! Love all your quilts, and your hand quilting is wonderful! Your garden looks so peaceful and beautiful. Ah.....thanks Barb!

  27. Greetings from Tunisia! While hugging the AC, I've been enjoying your great blog. Your quilts are fantastic and your travel photos are lovely. Happy quilting!
    best, nadia

  28. What beautiful eye canday! The quilting is really bringing your Mother's Garden quilt to life, the Abe quilt is looking fabulous..where's that dang part! The 4 patch..with crystals..? It's already fabulous I look forward to seeing you work your magic.
    Your gardens are beautiful. Things fizzled out here due to the heat.
    The pic of the kids is priceless! :)

  29. Your garden is looking great now!

    I hope you are making good progress on all your projects. I love your Mother's Garden quilt! Really beautiful work.
    I see your Cheddar Cheese and Crackers all finished in the last photo! :)

  30. I was JUST telling my little 8 yr old neighbor on Sunday, as we were reading the paper and I handed him"the funnies', that my granny would wrap our present in them! :)
    What a great idea to use these papers. Your cup runneth over with talent!
    what gorgeous children you have also.
    I adore your quilts.
    Why is it that I buy fabrics like you do and yet I can't seem to "put them together" to get the same effect?!?! I wish you were my neighbor.


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