
Friday, September 16, 2011

"Bee" Happy

Happy Friday!

I was getting out some fall quilts and I found this one that I made for the 1999 at Gwen Marston's Quilt Retreat.

The theme was string quilts.

Each of the five years I went I made a signature quilt and name tag to match the theme.  The name of retreaters are on the muslin strings.

I hand quilted it with  a honey comb pattern.

Here maybe you can see the quilting on the back-

and my name tag -

Hooray!  Tomorrow is my bus trip to the Pennsylvania Quilt Extravaganza. If you see me, say hello, I love meeting readers and other bloggers.

If you see me, you can buy a ticket for this quilt for $1.00.

I have prepared a simple photo purse to help me shop.

I don't know where I first saw this, but I think it's brilliant!

Fabrics I need to match

Shopping list -

And lastly, my machine is safely home.  Not repaired, not cleaned but after 8 weeks; home.  The small shop is dealing with a serious illness and I wish them well.

Thank you, Jill, for lending me your machine and to my other  quilt friends for offering their machines.  You are the best!

See you next week with quilt show photos.
Have a fun weekend!


  1. Love that string quilt -- it has a beehive, among other things! I love Gwen's stuff -- she's coming to our local guild -- I'm trying to decide if I'll be able to go. I'll get home at 5:30 p.m. (if everything is on time) from quilt market on the evening she's supposed to be here. I'd love to go though and wear my sweatshirt from Beaver Island 1990 -- all stained, worn and loved LOL.

    Sorry about your sick baby -- have you found a new shop to take her to?

  2. i've always wanted to go to a Beaver Island Quilt Retreat . . .
    your string beehive quilt is totally awesome ~!~
    wish i were seeing you as i think i might spend all of my money on tickets just for that raffle quilt.
    hope you have a fabulous time and as you are going to be so very organized you will come home with what strikes your fancy as well as what you need. you're right; that is a brilliant idea~!


  3. Hi Barb!
    Your string quilt is wonderful. Love the beehive! So sorry your machine was away for so long and is still not fixed. A quilter without a machine is like a person without an arm!!! I feel for you. I hope you find a store that will be able to address your machines issues timeously and efficiently!

  4. Your photo book idea is brilliant! I'm going to remember that. I usually have scraps of fabric tucked in a plastic baggie. This is so much better. I LOVE your beehive quilt.

  5. Your Bee quilt is so sweet, and the honeycomb hand-quilting makes is a masterpiece! Lucky you, getting to go to the Beaver Island retreats for 5 years! Great memories, I'm sure. Love your photo book too. Have fun at the show!

  6. Your bee skep was such a clever idea, as is the honeycomb quilting! My string quilt top from that year's retreat just got finished last year. It still isn't quilted; for shame.
    Hope your machine is up and running soon. I think I would be in panic mode.
    Enjoy the show!

  7. The honeycomb pattern for quilting was a creative thing to use with the bee skep. Also, I like the signatures worked into the string pieced border.

  8. I love your string quilt. What a fun mememto of your class and those who you were with. The quilting is really cute.
    That shopping notebook is a great idea. I generally have ideas of what I'm looking for..but usually end up with quite a few extras. ;)
    Bummer about the machine. Can you go online and see about shipping it to the factory in Tennesee for repairs?

  9. I have GOT to go to a Marston retreat!! Two people in my Friday morning group go, and I just heard one of them talk about her last retreat this morning. I was literally drooling! I love that you make signature quilts with fellow attendees...very special memory keeper of good times.

    I would love to buy $10 of tickets for that sweet that possible (when you get back from your trip...). I'm feeling LUCKY!!!!

    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)

  10. Seeing your bee quilt is a real buzz!! I love the idea of names on the string border. Your photo wallet is such a great idea too!! Have a great time at the show! Welcome home to your machine.

  11. What gorgeous quilting on your Beehive quilt. The string border is wonderful! Have a great time at the Pennsylvania Quilt Extravaganza - wow does that ever sound FUN! I'm sorry to hear your machine is still not repaired - I hope you can find another shop to take it in to.

  12. Barb, you are hands down one of the cleverest quilters I have ever seen. Love, love your beehive quilt. Have fun at the quilt show (hope to see some cool pics) and I'm sure sorry to hear about your machine. Is there another shop that can fix it? Thanks again for your awesome, inspiring posts.

  13. I love, love, love that quilt. Have a great time at the show, and enjoy your shopping.

  14. Once again very cute quilt, I love the detail you put in to your quilts.
    I will send the pattern Monday, hope you have a great time on your Bus trip.
    Glad your machine is home again.

  15. Love the beehive quilt! Have fun at the show.. great shopping aid in your picture purse.

  16. Beautiful beehive quilt - what a great way to incorporate the signatures. Your raffle quilt looks great as well - hope you have a great time at the show and make lots of money. Great idea for the purse as well - helps you stay organized.

  17. I love your beeskep quilt, especially how you included the label on the front.

    Have fun at the quilt show and I am looking forward to seeing lots of quilt pics.

  18. Oh I love that raffle quilt. I remember when you were working on it. Have a great time! I love your photo wallet idea!

  19. Oh poor machine, I hope you can get it sorted soon. The string quilt is really neat and the quilting was such a good match.
    Love the photo wallet idea too.

  20. Love the quilt, and your clever idea to keep organised for the show! (I take two purses, one with ordinary money -for lunch, drinks, car parking etc- and the other with quilt money in! Guess which one has most in!)

  21. Love your bee happy quilt!! I am still in love with that quilt for raffle...I have all the applique done, just need to do the alternate blocks!!

  22. Love how you quilted this one!
    You are so organized. Hope you had a good time at the show (as if you couldn't!). Look forward to hearing about it. Did you get everything on your list?

  23. LOVE the beehive quilt!
    The quilt for $1.00 tickets, that looks like one I saw up at Shelburne Museum, called Calico Garden. Have you seen it? I bought a cheater panel of it while there and then the pattern is in one of the books I bought there. I love it! Love your work girl!

  24. I love you put your little bird on the string quilt!
    Great quilting too!
    The prize quilt is beautiful!
    Good luck with your shopping. I hope you find everything on your list. (and more! Lol) I look forward to reading all about the show.

    I do hope you can get your machine fixed.

  25. Cute string quilt and love that raffle quilt. enjoy the show!


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