
Thursday, October 6, 2011

A Tisket a Tasket a Fun And Spooky Casket

So Fun it's Scarey!  I'm hosting a double giveaway!

My friends at Swatch Buddies have generously supplied me with a Swatch Buddies kit to offer my friends as a give away!  Thanks Swatch Buddies!

Check out their website:  Swatch Buddies To learn more about this great product.  They have a link to my blog under their Press section, thanks guys!

The cupcakers got together to make this funny little coffin needle book.  We had more fun picking different fabric combinations.

Here are the cardboard inserts.  We had to do a little adjusting here and there, but we got it together in the end.

My workstation, what a scream, right?

And here is a display of our little coffins.
The fronts-

The fronts and backs opened and face down so you can see the combinations.

The inside, with 2 little leaves of batting for needles.

Here are the three that I made.

My second give away is this coffin needle case.

He's a jolly skeleton!

To me the back looks a little like a coffin out house, he he.

To enter just leave a comment on this post.  I'll draw 2 names next Friday, October 14th.

I am hoping when my son comes home for dinner this weekend to have him help me make a pdf page with the templates so you can make some for yourself or for your gobblin friends.

I was the luckiest ever last week! I received 3 prizes in the mail and want to say thank you to:

Christine (Once Upon a Quilt) for the lovely pattern -

Beth (Love Laugh Quilt)  for the fun license plate cover -

And to Kelly (Pinkadot Quilts) for the halloween giveaway.  I love that fabric!  Stay tuned to see what me and friends make.

Good Luck in the giveaway~

p.s. I know these aren't caskets, I just couldn't rhyme coffin :)


  1. What a hoot!! The needlecases are amazingly funny!!

    PLease put my name in the hat for the drawing. I can't win if I don't join in!

  2. Even tho I can't watch a scarey movie without screaming and jumping at all of the 'right' times, Halloween is my favorite holiday.

    Your needle keeper is to DIE FOR! :) I'd love to be the owner of one of these. :)

  3. The swatch buddies look very useful! Cute needlekeeper and am sure the group had fun making them.

  4. Love the needle cases. Sent the blog link to my friend who lectures on creepy quilts this time of year. She would love to have one of these.

  5. What fun. Thanks for the chance to win.

  6. The Swatch Buddies look like a great idea and those coffin needle cases are a hoot! Okay, whose Mary Poppins lunch box is that and what does it contain? Congrats on your wins and thanks for the opportunity.

  7. The needlecases are so funny. I am always looking for some little project to make for my stitching friends. This looks just perfect. Thanks for the chance to win one.

  8. The needles cases are too cute! Love how you fussy cut the fabric, what a howl...
    The Swatch Buddies are cool too...I usually tape pieces of fabric to an index card, very high tech!
    Glad you liked the give away, can't wait to see what you and your friends make.

  9. I also love your new header, so fall like!

  10. swatch buddy is such a good idea and the coffins are so fun, i mean spooky! lol. tamaraboatright at gmail dot com

  11. You are having alot of fun over there with those coffins, what clever thing to do.

    You did have a good mail week...lucky you!

  12. Those coffins are awesome!! Great fussy cutting on those. What a great idea for holiday stitching.

  13. Please add me to your drawing! Those coffin needlecases are awesome! I have to make one for myself - Halloween is my 2nd favorite holiday, after all :)

  14. The skeleton fabric is my favorite for the coffin needle cases. What a great idea. You always seem to have so much fun with your group. I wanna come play!

  15. Thanks for the contest Barb!! We're all dying to win!

  16. I'm enjoying all the play-on-words phrasing, both in your post and in the comments. The back of the casket definitely looks like an outhouse. Just too cute.
    You and the ladies have so much fun. I'll see if this is a lucky month for me. (It better be. It's my BD month, and the # I'm reaching is something to scream about. They're coming too quickly.)

  17. Thank you for the chance to win. The idea is great for day of the dead holiday. I love your funny jack o lantern pattern. Do you know if it could be used with fabric instead of wool?

  18. I'm laughing so much at your cute needle books!! They are SO much fun!! I bet you were all chuckling as you picked your fabrics and assembling them. The Swatch buddies are such a great idea! Lucky you receiving all those wonderful prizes!!!

  19. Ooh new header! I love it. Your cupcake friends make the best projects!

  20. The cupcakers are so creative. What a fun idea to make these dandy needlecases! Halloween is the best holiday!

  21. Oh wow I love both your giveaway's, the swatch buddies are great and the needle keeper how much fun are they...
    Thanks for the chance

  22. how stinkin' cute are those coffins! would love to have one!
    (mauh) Liz

  23. love those needlecases! too fun!
    that pumpkin fabric is just so retro, so you!

  24. What a wonderful Halloween Blog.
    I love the Jack-O-Lantern fabric at the bottom. Love giveaways too.
    Can't wait for the pattern. You know they would make great decorations for a Halloween Tree too.

  25. Love the needlecase coffins. How creative.

  26. How adorable your needlecases are, I love them for the fun factor. Congratulations on your wins, you must have had a lucky streak.

  27. Very cute! I always wondered what was the proper place for "dead" needles. You've solved that dilemna!

  28. I think the Swatch buddies look great, and your needle keepers are wonderful. I hope your son can help you do a page with the template on so I can make one when I don't win!

  29. Wow you are very lucky ! Hope to have the same luck
    -with your giveaway, thanks for the chance &
    -with my quilt I entered in quilting gallery's contest...:)

  30. Seriously cool needlecases LOL! and so fun to have a chance to win one :)

  31. Those casket needle holders are just too cute. I'd also love a chance win one.

  32. The needlecases are just too wonderful! What a fun group you cupcakers are.

  33. Ack! Those needle cases are wicked cute. I have a good quilting friend who likes Halloween just as much as me and she may need one of those made for her. Cheers! Riel

  34. Those needle cases are "to die for" bwahahaha!!!
    Sorry, I couldn't resist. Would love to win one, thanks for the giveaway.

  35. Looks like you had a lot of fun making those needlecases. Congrats on your wins last week, what fun.

  36. These coffin needle cases are so darn cute! What a great little gift for a quilt friend.


  37. Ooooh, yummy gifties that you've won -- you lucky girl. I love that jack-o-lantern fabric. And those little needle books are adorable!

  38. The little needle books are cute! The swatch buddies look very interesting and useful. Please put my name in the drawing.

  39. It looks like you and your friends have such a fun time! :) Those swatch buddies look really interesting too!

  40. What fun for you and your friends. I love those little coffins, adorable. Lucky you with all those wins, nice to see they went to such a happy home.

  41. Like your Halloween needle cases. thanks for the chance to win one. I also would like to try out the Swatch Buddies.

  42. Pumpkin and needle case are so cute! Thanks for the chance to win one of them!
    Wendy T.

  43. I really loved this post re needle cases! I am always looking for new ones to make. Always so nice how you share and inspire! Thanks for the opportunity to have one of your creations.

  44. Lovely needle cases. I also love Halloween. Do add my name to your drawing. Thanks

  45. Those needle coffins are too much fun! Would love to win - no bones about it! Please enter my name.

  46. Abby from NCIS just might need one of these cute coffin needlecases!

  47. What a fun Halloween post! The little coffin needle keepers are to die for. They look fun to make, especially with friends all around.


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