
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Brownstone Quilt Show - Part 3

With the dishes done, the decorations collected and the leftovers nearly gone, it's time to return to quilting!

Here are the last few photos from Brownstone Quilt Show 2011.

As part of our Patriotic display, Berniece shared this quilt "My 9/11 Flag Quilt".  It is really spectacular!  I have encouraged her to get in touch with the 9/11 museum, as I feel it should be shared with the world.  It even includes a memento from the restaurant at the top.  The blue represents the brave police and firemen and it's torn and ravaged, as our the many lives following the 9/11 tragedy.

This elegant and beautiful quilt, "Cranes in Flight" was made by Elizabeth O'S. It is a gift and is hand quilted, and includes sashiko.

I love the softness of this quilt, made by Bea.

Here are the 2 mini quilts I won in the auction.

I was thrilled to win this one, as my boys are sailors.  I think I will matt and frame this, the stitchery is lovely!

Here are some of my purchases.  Already made - score!

One of my favorite vendors is Joe, of Lancaster Traditions.  I bought this piece of 19 century double pink - my Favorite!!

And also two yards of this glazed cotton.  I don't know what I'll do it, but I just had to have it.

I was so excited to buy this from Antique vendor, Dana, of Material Pleasures.  My home town, Chicago, Worlds Fair Hankie, 1893.  I'll frame it with this gold fabric.

And how sweet is this calendar print from 1899?  I guess she is training the dogs as they are surrounded by whips.

Who could resist these faces?  Not me.  I will frame this also.

Lastly, I tried to take a couple of photos of my Passage to India quilt to show the crystals.  It is just not possible, but there are over 600 on the quilt.  The boys suspended raking to give me a hand - thanks guys!

The pieced backing.

I used a practice piece for the label.  Waste not, want not.

Thanks for sharing the show with me!

I've started a few new project and I'll be back to share them next time.  In the meantime, I hope you are having fun!


  1. Thanks for showing all of the quilt....that one "Passage to India" is just awesome...loved them all!

  2. Your fabric with the hunting scene is interesting. It would be hard for me to cut it up. I used to have a linen tea towel that the fabric reminds me of.
    Your "Passage to India" quilt is so very creative. The colors draw me to it. I would like to see it up close and personal so I can see the crystals. It had to have taken some time to sew so many on.

  3. I love the 9/11 quilt! You are absolutely right, this quilt should be in a museum and shared with the world.

    Your India quilt is beautiful. I spotted few crystals and mirrors on it too! That pieced background is perfect to reflect the colors of India.

    It is fun to find goodies from the venders you can relate to and you got some really nice stuff. Looking forward to seeing them as finished projects in future.

    Have a happy Sunday!

  4. Great quilts, and great shopping finds! Hope Passage to India gets out and about so viewers can see it up close. Have you thought about entering it in the PA Mancuso show, Lancaster, etc?

  5. It looks like an amazing show!! Your purchases are fantastic too!! I must not look hard enough for cool stuff like that- or maybe I don't have a vision like you do.
    I left a voice mail on your cell phone. Did you get it?

  6. You found some beautiful things at that show! Yay!

    Your India quilt is simply gorgeous! Love it!

  7. The 9/11 quilt is very powerful...

    Can't imagine why you chose that fabulous hunting scene toile...VBG
    If you could cut into it (I'm just sayin' -- IF) what about a strippy quilt with that separating pieced blocks. What a great piece!!

    Such fun purchases - and love the vintage pieces...such treasures.

  8. Your quilt is simply beautiful! Thanks for sharing the back too. You scored some great goodies - I think good vendors make for a great quilt show -- gotta stimulate that economy - LOL! That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

  9. I loved all of your newest finds, especially the double pink vintage fabric and the hankie.
    Was your "Passage to India" done with a 4 patch posies pattern? The colors and patterns really are spectacular, as well,your commitment to sewing on all those crystals!

  10. Wow, 600 crystals! Love all of the detail that you put into your work. That calendar piece is just wonderful! It seems like it could be a hankie? btw, one of your boys looks like a nudie - he even has a cheeky smile on his face!! I know...shame on me!

  11. The 9/11 quilt is amazing and quite haunting. I agree that it should be shown at the museum. Such a wonderful selection of beautiful quilts! Your Indian quilt is just so stunning! I can imagine it hanging in a Rajastani palace. Were you inspired by a trip to India? Your purchases are fun too, I particularly like the red carriage fabric!

  12. I enjoyed Part 3 of the quilt show, also! Your Passage to India quilt is stunning and you made some terrific purchases at the show.

  13. Fun finds! I don't see anything that old around here. Your Passage to India quilt is GREAT!--both sides. I agree with you on the 9/11 quilt. It's beautiful and carries quite an impact.

  14. What an interesting post. This must have been a good show; such incredible quilts and so much to buy/browse as well. I like your purchases.

  15. More lovely quilts!! Your quild puts on quite a show! What interesting purchases. I adore that double pink - it shouldn't be hard to find a good project for it. How big of a piece is it? Imagine its been around all this time and noone has made anything with it yet...
    New projects - yahoo!! I can't wait to see them.

  16. I agree with all on the 9/11 quilt - very powerful. Thanks for sharing all the other amazing quilts, too. Great vintage finds. I'm sure whatever you do with them will be incredibly creative - just like the India quilt. Awesome! Look forward to seeing your new projects.

  17. Your quilt is just beautiful! And I love all the treasures you found. Sounds like you had a great time.

  18. What a fun and different collection of quilts. You're so lucky to win that pretty cross-stitch piece -- looks like a lot of work. And your quilt looks great with your quilt models LOL!!!

  19. the 9-11 quilt is the quilt that stands out in my mind from the show, I was sooooo touched by that quilt. Amazing.
    Cranes in flight was another quilt I just loved , how she used the hand quilting in this quilt just impressed me. I LOVED the sashiko in the corner , she is giving this quilt away, wow.....
    Bea's quilt was great too, its been on my list to make a quilt like that too...
    great pink fabric! great purchases, the calendar is adorable....

  20. What fabulous quilts. And all your finds are real treasures. I have a stash of oriental fabrics a friend gave me. Elizabeth's quilt is now on my bucket list to use some of those beautiful fabrics.

  21. Glad to see that the 1899 handkerchief went to a good home. I could barely resist those doggies!

  22. That 9/11 quilt is really powerful. Love, love, love the Passages quilt! That was such an inspiring wonderful your group of quilters are! Your banner quilt is just stunning...really like the dark and dirty colors and the lovely folk art feel.

    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)

  23. That 9/11 quilt is absolutely AMAZING!!!! I just couldn't stop looking at it!!!!

    A lot of wonderful eye candy on this post...I'm just swooning!!

    And how special is your Passage to India quilt!!! Lovely!!

  24. Wonderful quilts, thank you for sharing. I particularly like the 9/11 quilt and your Passage to India quilt is gorgeous.

  25. Wonderfu pictures! The 9/11 flag is amazing, I agree she needs to let some one know about that. Your Passage to India is beautiful, put it in the Lancaster Show so I can see it up close and personal! I will be counting all those sparkley bits!!!


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