
Friday, January 20, 2012

Ding Dong

Barb calling--

I took a drive out to Pennsylvania on Wednesday to visit my blog buddies Sujata and Kelly at Sujata's lovely home.

It was their regular small bee meeting and I was lucky enough to meet the group and see some of their work.  What nice and incredibly talented ladies.  Thanks for making me so welcome!

I decided to make a little treat to bring.  This is a recipe from an Illinois quilter friend, Pat R. of the Piecemakers.

It is simply called Orange Toast.  Sorry I don't have a "beauty shot", but this is what they look like.

Orange Toast 

(I'm giving a 1/2 recipe as I find it's the one I use most, you can double it)

1 cup softened butter
1/2 cup white sugar
1 T. Orange Peel (you find it in the spice isle at the grocery)
1 loaf Pepperidge Farm Very Thin sliced bread.

Cream together ingredients and spread on bread.
Cut bread slices into thirds.
Place on cookie sheet (I lined with parchment)
Bake at 250 degrees for check at 1 hour.  Should be golden.

They are good with Tea, Milk, Coffee and oh yea, wine :)

Hooray, Hooray!!  I ordered 2 bolts of Moda Solids from Thimbleanna.  She is so speedy and nice to work with - thanks Anna!

My plan is to make a quilt for my daughter each year she attends Miami University.  How lucky am I that the school colors are red & white?  She wants to be surprised, so I can't post until she receives it in May -

Household problem - SOLVED

Every morning before walking coco, I would have to dig around those 2 baskets for the right scarf, gloves, hat, etc.

But then I thought about how I "file" my flip flops, and viola'!
So I bought a shoe caddy and now we can see all our winter accessories easily.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.  I'm hoping for snow.

Go Giants!!


  1. What a wonderful day you all must have had, who wouldn't wish they wwere there? I'll be looking forward to some red and white quilts in your upcoming attractions. Glad you got some snow finally.

  2. What a fun day spent with friends. I look forward to seeing what red & white quilts you create. Snow is expected tonight at my place. And I second the "Go Giants."

  3. Get togethers with sewing friends is such fun. Vicki and I are doing just that next weekend - weather permitting.
    Orange toast! Who thought of that?! Must try it though - I love a good carb!

  4. Your day out would have been so much fun!! That orange toast sounds delicious , thanks for sharing the recipe. Looking forward to some wonderful red and white quilts!

  5. Nice to see you all enjoying each others company. That is the very nicest part about quilting. I am also looking forward to some red and white quilts. How much red and white fabric is there on a bolt? I am off to walk my Coco too (accompanied by her pal Lola).

  6. Too much fun!
    Just wanted to share the one year mystery that is being done in red and white...."Just takes 2"
    It just started the beginning of Jan so you have time to jump in and catch up. What color is your new delicious red?
    Warning :those years of your child at college go much faster than you think!

    Happy sewing

  7. That looks like a fun outing Barb!
    Red and white- love it!!

  8. I am so glad you posted the recipe for the Orange Toast. Kavita had some more helping of them after everyone left! Got to make them myself soon. Thanks for bringing them!
    Love your idea of organizing winter accessories, Clever you!
    Looking forward to your R/W quilts.

  9. It was a fun day, thanks for making the trip.
    Do you need a glass of wine nearby to make the Orange Toast? I think it is a great idea!!
    Love your closet organizer may have to use that for someone's Barbies..... The Eagles and Giants are rivals I am sure I would be run out of the house if I were to cheer them on....let the chips fall where they may.

  10. I'm so glad your fabric made is safe and sound (thanks for the shout-out!). I see that you've unwrapped and fondled it already LOL! And thanks for the tip about the shoe holder -- that's awesome. I've been looking for somewhere to put our winter things, besides in the big messy pile they hide in now. Have a good weekend!

  11. Sounds like a fun day with your blogging friends. I love that block a week quilt so far. Great idea with the "filing" of the scarves and hats and hope you get your snow - we are cooking here today in my part of Australia.

  12. sounds like you had a great time. how can it not be fun when quilters get together like this~!?!
    seeing those two bolts stacked together makes me want to run into the studio and make something.
    the winter gear storage solution is a very good one~! if your weather changes as much as ours does it's important to have a lot of choices at the ready.


  13. Sounds like you had a fun day and the "treat" looks great, thanks for the recipe.

  14. What an interesting quilt that calander project is going to be. It's a great idea! How fun to get together and meet other bloggers! I'm curious about your red and white project - I guess we can wait until May :0)

  15. Thank you for the recipe and for telling us about your fabric. Which white did you order? Do you have a favorite? There are so many shades, I can't decide which one I like the best! I lean towards Kona Snow, but I like the more silky feel of the Moda Bella.


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