
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My Jubilee Quilt!

I've decided to make a "Jubilee Quilt"" to celebrate turning 50 this year instead of the Hawaiian appliqué.

Here is the partially finished first of four blocks:

I was inspired by a quilt that I saw at the Newark Museum during a December visit with friends.  All three of us were inspired and are considering making a version of this beauty.

As you can see I've changed it a bit from the original antique quilt.  Instead of the mariners compass blocks, I'm doing a ring of berries.

I really like that there are only 2 fabrics.  The red reproduction print was given to me be my friend Jill who had it in her collection -thank you Jill!!  The other fabric is just a unbleached muslin.  I feel this gives it that good soft, aged look, not unlike myself ;)

I'm also changing it into a 4 block applique.  Here is a neat trick; make a color copy of the inspiration and cut or fold it into your size or version.  I also marked out the 4 blocks to get an idea of placements.

I designed the berry ring around an eventual hand quilted feathered wreath that I will be doing.  I don't think I've ever seen this done before, making design decisions based on the future quilting design.  It is a great way to ensure a good circle and enhance hand quilting.  I'm excited to see how it works.

To challenge myself, I've decided to stuff the berries.  I know I will love the look, but it is challenging.  I'm making the berries as I usually do, (click here to see my method) then stuffing them and sewing them to the pre-marked circle to ensure a good smooth circle when appliquéd.

The final choice:

And here is a photo of this same quilt that I found in my files.  I have no idea who did it or at what show I saw it.  Isn't it funny how we are repeatedly drawn to something?

Barbara Brackman just did an article one the Princess Feather on her blog here.  Ann Hermes also just blogged about this quilt and you can see that post here.  Isn't it funny how the quilt muse works.  I often find the coincidences amazing!

Amaryllis update:  After constructing some "Suess-icle" looking scaffolding, the Amaryllis is still going strong!

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this project.  Your support means so much to me and often keeps me going on these long term projects.

I hope you have found a new and challenging project for 2012!


  1. First, I love your new header! And, second, your Jubilee quilt project just sings! I love the idea of two fabrics, too. (But you are far from soft and aged!) I'll be looking forward to watching the process and to seeing the final product. Like all quilters, I have a gazillion ideas in my head for projects, but this year I am going to try to make a dent in my Nearly Insane quilt. I'll be posting some pics on my blog soon. Thank you for sharing your quilting journey. It is so inspiring.

  2. I love the 'good, soft, aged look, not unlike myself' comment. I think you still have a ways to go before that!
    Your project is going to be a stunner. Thanks for including the 'behind the scenes' planning info. That's always so interesting.
    My 'new work' year doesn't really start until we return from Japan at the end of the month. But lots of ideas!

  3. Fascinating to watch how ideas move from head to paper to reality. I love the shape of your Princess feather-just right to my eyes, and I think the idea of marking the eventual quilting pattern to include it in the applique design is inspired. Looking forward to more fun with Barb.

  4. it was great to see how your idea grew and the first block I love that you will quilt the wreath and the stuffed berries I am impressed!
    maybe there needs to be 50 berries in the border????
    I have always loved this antique quilt glad to see you were inspired by it.
    looking forward to seeing more!

  5. What a project! Your feathers are fabulous!! I love your idea of the stuffed berries in a ring over the quilted wreath. I can't wait to see how it looks when it's quilted. I'm certain I've never seen anything like it before. Making quilting decisions before you start sounds like a good idea too -I'm always "figuring it out as I go along" with very mixed results...
    Love that red print! An amazing quilt to be inspired by. So interesting to read about your process.

  6. You are turning 50 this year also? You are the 4th person I know who is hitting that number. I never thought about making a quilt tio commemorate it!!
    I love what you have started!!

  7. I love your idea of the stuffed berries laid on top of the marked feathers. It's brilliant. And a wonderful process post. Looking forward to seeing your progress reports.

  8. How exciting - I LOVE it! Those berries are a stroke of genius - I can hardly wait to see the quilting with them. Thanks for showing your process - very interesting!

  9. What a gorgeous quilt design!
    I love your fabric choice too.
    What a great way to celebrate turning 50!

  10. Oh wow, I love it. I wished I had thought of making something special like this for my 50th last year.
    You always have these wonderful ideas and like to be inspired by your way of thinking and planning a quilt.

    Happy stitching

  11. I like the way your mind works. I also like how you have the quilting design in mind as you work through the design process. And that you have changed the design a bit so it is your own. I will be watching with interest as you create your Jubilee quilt.

  12. Lovely project you have got your teeth into.
    You know your in good company this year its the Queens 60th Jubilee. Lots of celebrations going on over this side of the pond.Somehow not sure she will be making a quilt to celebrate hers!

    I know yours is going to fabulous.

  13. The plans for your Jubilee Quilt is nothing short of awesome. I will love to watch it come together as it commemorates your special year.

  14. Well, I run out of adjectives to tell you how much I love your work! This is so cool, and the stuffing really shows up well in the photo. The fabric choice is great! I appreciate you sharing your design process - now, if I could only draw! Congratulations on your milestone birthday; I passed it three years ago, and it really wasn't crushing!

  15. Oh my, I am so very impressed. This is going to be a gorgeous quilt, a masterpiece. I look forward to your future blogs, as always.

  16. What a fabulous way to memorialize your 50th birthday. Love the design, the fabric, everything about this quilt. I think I'll be witnessing a masterpiece in the making.

  17. I bow to you, oh ambitious one! This will be a true treasure. What a great way to commemorate your 50th year. That is the year I took my first quilting class.

  18. Barb!
    What an amazing project it is going to be to mark your 50th! I loved reading about your process. Stuffing the berries? Wow! That's going to be incredible. Those feathers look so pretty!
    Looking forward to seeing and hearing more about this quilt;)

  19. Ok Mzzzzz Half Century, this is pretty cool!! I have always been fascinated with the feathers. I just CAN NOT imagine doing all those tiny 'ins' and 'outs' but your's look smooth as buuuuutar!!
    That's so funny, just last night I was studying those quilts over on Barbara's blog post, especially that second photo, I was eye balling the hand quilting.
    Your quilt will be fun and so interesting to see and follow, we'll be cheering you on!
    Oh, your blue markings, is that your Crayola washable marker??? If it is, do you wash/dip your whole quilt to get it out or do you just spritz it? Curious minds want to know don't ya know!!

  20. I LOVE your idea for a Jubilee Quilt. I'm a few years past the magical 50th birthday, or I'd steal your idea! I think your Princess Feather looks great - the fact you drew it yourself makes it even better. I can't draw worth a lick, so I'm envious! The whole project looks terrific and I can't wait to see how the quilt comes to life as you progress. Thanks for sharing!

  21. Holy cow, that quilt is going to be beautiful! And I, too, am turning 50 this year (next month! eek!), but it never occurred to me to do a commemorative quilt for it! Oy! But I love that you are doing it! I'll be following along in spirit! Yay 50! lol

  22. Woohhooo!! I'm cheering on this awesome project! It's already amazing!! What a special way to commemorate a 50th. It's great to see your amaryllis still blooming!

  23. What a great way to commemorate your 50th birthday! I think its going to be beautiful because I love berries, princess feather design and most of all, the color red.

  24. Of course I will be following you through this entire project! I love how you are changing it and making it yours. The berries placement is such a great idea, I would never have thought of it. Good Luck!

  25. Well, I've been on pins and needles since you said you'd be posting about your new project........but it was worth the wait. I LOVE Princess Feathers, and this one promises to be stunning, just like all of your projects are. I find your blog is increasingly my favorite, because your taste, and mine, are so similar. Have a lovely time making your heirloom. Michele

  26. Wow! Amazing! Wonderful! I'm blown away by this and can't wait to see more as you progress. Happy 50th to you - you should celebrate all year long!

  27. Your quit is going to be incredible!!!!

  28. Stunning! I love this quilt - thrilled to see your version in process. I think it id very fitting for a milestone.
    Thank you for sharing.

  29. What a gorgeous quilt to commemorate a great year! I thought it was great fun to turn 50 (two years ago for me). So fun to see your drafting pages, and the amarylis is beautiful too. Thanks for your great blog posts.

  30. i am always fascinated by how the quilt muse works. if we could just get it totally figured out.:) love your new project!!

  31. I see you're trying to make your life easy this year! That will be a beautiful quilt, and I enjoyed seeing some of your design process too, thank you.

  32. gosh that amaryllis still impresses~! had to laugh at your fancy support of them.

    the jubilee quilt is out of this world. love seeing your sketches and process and as a hand quilter i'm very interested in seeing how the applique and hand quilting support each other . . . what a great idea~!
    btw: happy upcoming 50th~!!~ it's an important milestone and my personal opinion is that you should celebrate it all year long~!

    my challenging project for 2012 is to continue with the task of finishing already started projects and reducing the scrap bin. i turn 50 in a couple of years . . . maybe by then i'll have my mountain of projects whittled down to a molehill and i can create a grand happy 50th birthday quilt for myself . . . love the idea of celebrating ones life in this way.


  33. You are so clever! This is going to be a fabulous quilt. Very interesting to see your process. I think it's a great idea to consider the quilting first.
    So tell me, is that spiral notebook leftover from your kids? I have a lifetime supply of paper, pens and pencils and enough Fiskars scissors to supply a whole classroom!

  34. This is going to be - well - it all ready is off to an incredible the end result will be gorgeous! The idea of a birthday quilt is a rewarding one...when I did my 65th birthday quilt it meant alot. Almost 3 years later I look at the well over 1000+ 1 1/2" 9 patches and I love them even more.

    Your eagle header is smashing!!

  35. Wow, what a fantastic quilt this is going to grow up to be. I loved reading about your thought process and the design ideas. The quilting is going to be gorgeous with the berries. I was wondering why you found stuffing the berries difficult.

  36. Fantabulous! What a wonderful way to commemorate your 50th BD. This quilt will be stunning.

    Thanks for showing us some of your design process; I always love to see the design journey. Your projects are always inspiring to me.

  37. Wow .... love your Jubilee project you are working on .... it will be amazing and what a way to celebrate your 50th!

  38. I LOVE that idea! I just turned 50 last April, so I can still do one! lol What a beautiful gift to yourself...It will be gorgeous, just like you!

  39. gonna be a beauty!!!! so proud of you for drafting your own feathers too. Stuffing all those stinkin berries? More patience than I have...

  40. Oh this is too beautiful for words...The original is wonderful but your version will be sensational. Wowed.

  41. Hi Barb! Hope the cruise was fantastic! Many years ago I saw a Princess Feather quilt at the Rosemont show. I took a picture of it, bought the fabric at Yoders and of course, never made it! It must be a version of the antique one you're basing yours on because it has the same medallions between the feathers and the same border. The biggest difference is the color. I knew I could never do the medallions but thought I could do the feathers. I love how you take a pattern and make it your own! I don't really have that ability so I really admire it in others!!!

  42. Hi Barb. I am in awe of your interpretation of this quilt. Today is my birthday and I'm 60. I'm hoping to join the "jubilee" quilt group - only I'm not 50. If I decide, I'm thinking of doing something like yours. Would you mind? Your talent is so wonderful. I look forward to seeing yours grow.


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