
Friday, April 20, 2012

Basket Case

Last Saturday was the Liberated Baskets class with Gwen Marston.

Gwen doing a hands on demo of the handle section.

Work, work work

Here are some of the fun baskets made at the workshop.  If I remember who's is who's I'll include the name, forgive me if I've forgotten a couple - yep, turning 50 soon :)





These are my buddy Susan's

These are mine.  I finally cut those African prints.

I made 9 baskets by the end of class.  I'm thinking about using them in a liberated medallion quilt.  I  love that center piece and don't really want to cut it up.

Fun For Friday - RAK
My son found this on our door step.  I was so touched!

isn't that great?  I'm going to plant it in the herb garden where I can see it regularly.

Have a Fun Day and a Wonderful Weekend!

p.s. also for fun this week I added a Favicon to my blog.  It's a little picture you'll see instead of the Blogger "B" on the address line (on the tool bar, up top) and in Google Reader.  It's a champagne bottle and glass to represent my Jubilee Year :)


  1. Those baskets look like lots of fun to make! Your African prints look great as baskets and will be wonderful as a border for your medalion quilt.

  2. i have some african/ethnic fabrics that i'm saving for 'something special' . . . love what you're doing with yours~!

    what a wonderful surprise to find on your doorstep~!~


  3. Thanks for sharing the baskets. I agree that you shouldn't cut up that African print. It is too wonderful. I love the doorstep surprise. What a special young man. Do you know who he is?

  4. I'm glad you saved your African fabrics. This is the perfect project. Your classmates looked like they were really stretching and trying new things. I'm ready for a class like that. And then, your doorstep surprise was very touching. It's nice to hear people, especially young people, sharing loving caring thoughts.

  5. lucky you in taking a class with Gwen Marston. I like your idea of a medallion quilt with those great African prints.

  6. Love the liberated baskets. Is there a pattern source?

  7. Love the idea of keeping the center panel whole. The basket blocks are awesome!!
    You are getting so creative with your favicons.....
    Lovely plant and service project. Neat sentiment to start the weekend!!

  8. Love the baskets and your African medallion! Yikes, you're not 50 yet? Boy, am I old. (sad face) I'm so happy when it's Friday cause you'll have your Fun Friday stuff for us. Thanks!

  9. Love the baskets and your African medallion! Yikes, you're not 50 yet? Boy, am I old. (sad face) I'm so happy when it's Friday cause you'll have your Fun Friday stuff for us. Thanks!

  10. How wonderful to see all those wonderful baskets. I always love how different people interpret the same theme in fabric choices. Your African baskets blew me away, I scrolled down and saw your medallion quilt and just said "WOW"! It's going to be amazing! That little doorstep surprise is so special. And what's even better is that you've just shared it with all of us, so that young person's wise words are spreading around the world.

  11. I have to say that those are the most fun looking baskets. Being liberated, they have a very prim style look to them. I would like to make some.

  12. How freeing and fun! Look forward to seeing your progress on this one.
    Great service project - something we all need to hear.

  13. Barb your baskets are the best. What a great use for your special fabric and a fabulous start to your medalion quilt. Another awesome quilt in the making. Would love to do a class with Gwen Marston if she ever came to Australia!

  14. All the baskets are wonderful! I do like your prints and basket shapes - what fun.

  15. Oh, I love those African prints you used for the baskets! Perfect! And the medallion setting is great! That piece in the center is beautiful for it, too. Yay!

  16. This post is filled with all sorts of fun things! My friend's mother lived for 2 years in Ghana, and she has boxes of African fabric. I'm going to show her your creations and tell her to break open those boxes. Love the favicon, and yes--I love that center fabric, too!

  17. oh my I love that fabric in the center of your basket medallion quilt now :) wow amazing fabric.
    I love all these baskets, I love Gwen's basket quilt
    I need to get mine out and finish it thanks for sharing the pictures.
    always inspiring...

  18. I like your idea of making the baskets into a medallion quilt using the African fabric! I'm not usually attracted to those fabrics but I certainly do like them as you've laid them out.

    Do you know what kind of plant is in the photo? What a nice surprise!

  19. You have a good idea about the African medallion and the added baskets. When I think of Africa I always think of the baskets they use and especially the ones they carry on their heads.

    Now I want to go and get out my Gwen books and be allllll inspired, but darn, I'm supposed to be going to the grocery store.........sigh.....

  20. These baskets are always so cute. Your African fabric ones are wonderful with the setting you're working on. You don't need to go to Michigan to make a liberated medallion!

  21. The baskets look fun...I really love those African fabrics...congrats on finally cutting them! I taught a class on liberated quilting today at my LQS...was showing a lot of pictures of Gwen quilts as examples of each, fun, fun. Be careful with mystery plants in little containers...RIly brought home a little Dixie cup of mint from Sunday School on Mother's Day when she was a toddler. We made a big deal about planting it together, yadda, yadda, yadda. I am STILL fighting that mint that is trying to take over the flower beds closest to the house...YIKES!

    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)

  22. What fun to see all those baskets! And the nice large workroom, too. I like the fabrics you chose and the arrangement is looking good. Sunflower... sweet.

  23. That african basket quilt is simply wonderful!

  24. Wow -- your class looks like it was so fun -- I LOVE that basket quilt! (And now I want to make one -- along with 735,875 other quilts LOL!) And what a fun thing to find on your doorstep -- you Grow Girl!!!

  25. Totally inspired!!! You would think I would run down to the sewing room and start sewing but I am still going to stay here and keep looking at these gorgeous pictures of workshops and quilts you have posted.
    Thanks for sharing Gwen's visit.


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