
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Put a Pin in It


Last week I marked and pinned my daughters School house quilt and I've been busy machine quilting it.

I usually do cross hatching quilting when looking for a simple overall pattern.  This time I did 60 degree diamonds.

In this photo you can see my "eraser".  I use a Q-tip and a little water to erase any lines that are a little off.  I remove most of the cotton tip.  This works great.

My tried and true and favorite border design.  I'm extending the diamonds all the way to the cable just for fun and added interest.

If you think this looks like a lot of pins, you are right!

I'm using a lot this time because I didn't want to do any anchoring straight lines and all the quilting is on the bias.

So, what do we think of Donald Draper's new wifey?  I put a poll up on the right hand side just for fun and it's not even Friday.

Happy Pinning and Stitching everyone!


  1. This quilt seems to have come together so quickly. I think the more safety pins the better with quilting. I put heaps in!! I like your quilting plans. Ohh I'm not watching Mad Men yet. Now I'm wondering what the new wife is like...

  2. the quilt looks wonderful
    I would have never thought of marking a quilt with the blue pen....I love the hanging diamonds, perfect for this quilt...
    keep going!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Are you machine or hand quilting this? The border pattern is a huge favorite of mine - used it many times.

  5. Love the red and white - are you hand quilting this?

    Enjoying Mad Men.....


  6. Holy Cow -- you're quilting it already? You're speedy! I can't wait to see it finished -- I love the quilt pattern you've chosen. Is school soon over for this year?

    I was going to ask who Donald Draper is, but I saw in a previous comment. I need to watch that series -- I was talking to my oldest the other night and he had to cut it short 'cause Mad Men was coming on. Guess I know where I rank LOL!

  7. I think you have a marvelous plan for the quilting! I wouldn't have thought about the challenge of the quilting being on the bias. There is always something new to learn.

  8. It looks fantastic and I'm sure the quilting will bring it to life!!

  9. Love the quilting layout....what color thread are you using? Red and white quilts are just so fantastic aren't they? Do you use a walking foot for the border? How big did this quilt end up? It is going to be a real treasure with all her homes and address on the blocks!
    Love this idea.

    Happy sewing

  10. This quilt is going to be so darned sweet! I love it! Are you hand or machine quilting it? And I have a do you follow those marking lines on your border, cuz it looks like you are right on the edge and the binding will cover it a you go inside the lines or what? I've never marked, so I have no clue!


  12. How far apart are you marking - looks like 1.5" but I'm not sure?? This will be a very beautiful quilt for Hanna.

  13. that does look like a lot of pins~!

    i'm surprised to see it all sewn together and ready for the best part . . . i'm also wondering whether you are hand quilting it.


  14. Love the red and white houses - such a classic quilt & yet always fresh & new...lots of pins but a very stable foundation to quilt on!

    Great idea about using the Q tip for erasures...

  15. Oh it is great. I love a red and white schoolhouse quilt. I made a 6 block tiny one last year. Can't wait to see it all quilted up with a finished photo.

  16. Beautiful school houses!
    Would love to see a progress photo as you work on this quilt.

  17. Love the quilt and the quilting plan. I recently used the water soluble thread to do anchor the quilt before I did free motion quilting. I have to wash the quilt now to see if the thread truly does dissolve. Fingers crossed!

  18. This is going to be a great quilt. Will you be machine quilting the border cables too?

  19. oh, love it. I can't wait to see it quilted and the color thread you use.

  20. I love it already.


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