
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

bits and pieces

Just a few bits of a different things for today's  rainy day post.

I made this little dolly quilt for no particular reason except that I had at the 4-patches.

This backing fabric is an absolute riot!  I encourage everyone to read the cartoons.

This will give you the idea of scale.  The 4-patches are 2".

A new flock of geese flew into the sewing room from my swap with Jill and Susan.  I'm going to start piecing sets of these together soon.

My dear friend, Pauline, made this pin cushion for me.  Is it not incredible?  I love it so much!  Thank you Pauline.

The embroidery is perfection!

All that beauty fits in the palm of my hand - delightful!

I found this lovely birds nest on a walk with coco and my daughter.  It had blown out of a tree.  It contains Christmas tree tinsel.  Now that's recycling.

And a shout out to my Garden State Quilting friends who asked about coco last night.  Here she is living like a rock star in my sons bed after her morning walk.

Seriously, can it get any better than this?


  1. I love that mushroom and that four patch mini is just the cutest. Well done. Funny cartoons and yet so true. :)

  2. The mushroom pincushion is adorable. So well done.
    The cartoon fabric is a hoot. Will make for a fun backing.

  3. What a lovely pin cushion! The embroidery so pretty. Very fun backing fabric for your fun little quilt :0)

  4. CUTE. CUTE. CUTE~!!~
    love that pincushion~!

    sometimes it feels good to sew up a few blocks that are just hanging around and make them into something small and sensational.

    coco has really got it made~!


  5. Ok that pin cushion is adorable. What a nice gift. I love the cute little quilt. The backing fabric just made me laugh! Looks like coco sure has a great life!

  6. Oh my goodness I'd be afraid to stick a pin in that little piece of art adorable.

    Aren't doll quilts so much's done before you know it and always gives such a sense of accomplishment. I belong to a swap group for doll's all fun!

    Happy Sewing

  7. Your doll quilt is gorgeous!! You can hear me laughing at the backing fabric, it's priceless! The pin cushion is so beautiful, I bet you keep picking it up to look at it. Can't wait to see what you do with those flying geese. What a pretty nest, if I was a bird I'd want tinsel in my nest. Coco is such a sweetie, I wonder what she's dreaming about.

  8. Adorable x five. best way I can describe this post. Love the little quilt. So small!
    Coco couldn't look any more content. I bet she is happy that Hanna is home too.

  9. What a great little quilt! That backing is the "If you can't say anything nice come sit next to me"!!!
    I also have some little bird's nests that have fallen out of trees but none of them have tinsel!

  10. Barb you have the "knack of the back"!! Seems like all your quilt backs are just as much fun as the fronts! Just LOVE this one! Thanks for the great pre-work've made my day!

  11. What a sweet post Barb! Enjoyed it all... :-)

  12. That is as good a reason as any to make a quilt! The backing fabic is so fun! Love your little schroom, too.

  13. The pin cushion is really sweeet, love the embroidery on it! I really like the flying geese blocks and am looking forward to seeing what you'll do with them. About that doll quilt backing, I confess to having a few of the same thoughts! Especially the one about forgetting how to cook, LOL.

  14. The backing of the little quilt is a riot!!
    Pauline outdid herself with the mushroom. It is perfect!!

  15. Love the little quilt...and the backing fabric is AWESOME! I reference you and your interesting quilt backs all the time to my hand quilting students! I mean, really, the backing is the most fabric in all the quilt...why NOT make it interesting!?!?

    LOVE the little mushroom cush...TOO cute!

    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)

  16. Thanks for your kind post on my blog - I love your blog too! and am now following you. Your little quilt is so cute, and the mushroom pincushion is a work of art. Is the pattern available?

  17. Oh - Pleasev disregard my pattern question - I found the tutorial on the net:

    Here it is if anyone else wants it!

  18. Cute little quilt - the backing fabric is fabulous!! "If I sit here long enough... " is exactly what I hope happens!!
    Beautiful pincushion too.

  19. I love your backing, it was so funny. Worrying though, how many of the sayings I could relate to! Your little mushroom is wonderful too.

  20. Such a cute little quilt! Haha, the backing is a stitch! I do love a good surprise as the backing fabric.

  21. Love your little doll quilt, especially the band of red squares.
    What a beautiful pincushion!
    Looking forward see what you make with the flying geese. :)


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