
Friday, May 25, 2012

Fun For Friday - High Brow/Low Brow

Ever 2 years here in NJ the Morristown Women's Society present a Designers Showcase Mansion Tour in May.  You can learn more by clicking here.

Glynallyn is a 3 story, 32,000 sq. ft mansion that was built from 1913-1917 by George Marshall Allen.  He was a NYC millionaire who lived here with his wife and daughter.

Here is the back view-

Hanna seemed right at home, and for about $5.7 million it could be hers.

It took us 2 hours to tour the 60 rooms of the castle.  The gardens were also beautiful -

And now for the low brow lunch I enjoyed this past weekend.

One of my street food favorites:  the spiral fried potato chips.

A corn dog and a lemon shake up - be still my heart.

My poor coco.  It has rained all week and all she does is pine to go outside.  Good thing she has 2 pillows to make window gazing more comfortable.

I hope you have a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend!


  1. What an incredible place! I loved the statue among the leaves, very pretty.
    True confession, I have never had a corn dog!

  2. I've never had a corn dog either!

    Okay 32,000 sq feet.....think what it would cost to maintain that place!
    Heat alone boggles my mind!
    When did you go and could you tell what those pink flowers were in the garden, did you go in the early Spring and were they tulips?
    I like the gardens and the gorgeous water features.

    thanks for the look at the other side :0)
    Happy Sewing

  3. Beautiful place. I really enjoy touring places like that and imagining living in that time and place, etc.

    Loved the garden pictures - so restful.

    Corn dogs and Lemonade - can't be beat!


  4. What a fabulous tour.....the inside must have been amazing! The gardens are so beautiful, too! And spiral fries are the BEST! Poor puppy looks so sad, hopefully it will clear up soon!

  5. Breathtaking mansion - and I won't complain about the amount of windows in my own house anymore...wonder how many staff people it takes to keep those gleaming? That gigantic flower urn is to die spectacular!

    I needed a bib when I saw your plate of french fries...oh yum!!

  6. Fun stuff as always! I love to go on those mansion tours - the Ford mansion in Grosse Pointe (near Detroit) is similar to "yours". Isn't amazing to see? Glad Hanna is home to enjoy things with you!

  7. Thanks for the tour of this the gardens ...beautiful!!!

    Now for my comment about the treats...oh my, all are my favorites too, my mouth is still watering for the spiral fries,they are always on my list when we attend the fair each year sooooo...naughty!!

    Have a wonderful weekend.

    x, Carolyn

  8. That is quite the mansion! I enjoyed the tour - thanks!

  9. Wow Glynallyn is a very impressive estate. The gardens look stunning...that oversized urn! I think the pink flowers Kim asked about look like Rannunculus??

  10. Wonderful pictures....thanks.

  11. What a beautiful mansion!!! Love the look of your low brow lunch. Have a great weekend.

  12. 60 rooms! That's a great tour! The mansion looks amazing and the gardens so beautiful!! I like the look of lunch, those chips looks delicious and I've never had a corn dog and would like to try one. Poor Coco, hopefully the weather will clear up for a walk tomorrow.

  13. Just come upon your blog only to see you posting photos of my home and grounds...............mmm I wish lol. Beautiful photos, wonderful place, the gardens are amazing. I'm lucky Mr B loves going around the large homes here in the UK as much as I do. We have the famous Chatsworth House within 10 minutes drive away. I love to sit and imagine the people who have walked around the rooms so many years ago.
    Mr B would be with you on the corn dog and chips, I'm assuming it's another word for hotdog sausage? Me no, give me a chicken burger anytime :o)
    I enjoyed my visit and have become a follower.

    Peg x

  14. those spiral fries look yummy~!
    i've never had those or even seen them until now.
    given a choice i think i'll stick with the low brow ~ it's so much more fun~!

    i feel very sad for coco . . . even with her pillows she looks quite unhappy.
    hope the sun stays out much more often for her this season than it has of late.



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