
Sunday, June 3, 2012

My 50th Jubilee!

I made it!  Yesterday was 50th Birthday Jubilee!!

I've been reflecting for a while what it means to turn 50 and what comes to mind is Gratitude.  I decided to create a list of 50 things that I'm grateful for.

Here is my Top 10:

Being Alive and enjoying good health.

Rich;  the love of my life who makes everything possible.

Andrew and Hanna; who have defined my life and brought me much joy!

My Parents; who loved me and left too soon.

My home; which has everything I need.

Girlfriends; who have been like Sisters.

Girlfriends; who have been like Mothers.

Quilt friends; who have encouraged and inspired me.

My garden; which provides peace and serenity.

Coco; who is a mommy's girl.

And the other 40 in no particular order:

Champagne, quilting, the farm, my iPhone, french fries, my cats, good books, lamb chops, my bed, cake, good movies, sun rise, a crackling fire, Paul Simon, wine, my bike, a belly laugh, getting mail, hot coffee, snow, Christmas, my sewing room, my hair, Mad Men, Moby Dick, my computer, junk food, family dinners, playing games, cinnamon rolls, my Dyson, Rome, cruising, dancing, art museums, NYC, car trips, Anthropology, Museum of Science and Industry, my iPod, Yankee candles, rainy days, going to the movies, the mid west, hot dogs, walking with coco, roses, Lucky jeans, chocolate and pizza night.

And all other Blessings large and small.

Thanks Mary for the crown, I'm off to dinner in my Mad Men crinoline dress and magnum~ cheers!


  1. Congratulations Barb! You look beautiful. The elegant dress really suits you. Does it rustle when you walk? Good golly, is that a bee tattoo on your foot?

  2. Have a wonderful 50 more years!! I love your dress - more like something Peggy would wear than what Joan would wear!

    I hope your day was wonderful. Love your list. We all have much to be grateful for.

    Did you finish the champagne by yourself? 🍸🍸🍸


  3. I meant to also say how lovely your list of gratitudes was. Thank you for sharing them. I could list fifty gripes with no problem! Our friendship is always on my gratitude list.

  4. Lovely! great pictures and sentiments too.
    You have been abundantly blessed and appreciate all that you have = one happy lady!

    May the next 50 be as good as the first 50.

    Happy birthday!

  5. I think you left something off the list--Thankful for looking like I'm 30 something at 50! You look great! Happy Bday!

  6. You look FABULOUS and are Funny as always. Love the list. Brought a big smile on my face!

  7. Wonderful post. Hope you had a blast!

  8. I think you had a very happy, happy celebration. May you live to be at least 100 years old and still making beautiful quilts.

  9. Happy, Happy! It looked like you were heading to a very enjoyable celebration! May you have many more.xo

  10. Happy Birthday....The dress is adorable, so you!
    ah yes we all have so much to be thankful for...enjoyed reading your list
    heres to the next 50!

  11. The photos are charming, the dress is divine, you look beautiful and happy and blessed, and your lists are wonderful.
    No matter what our mood, no matter what is going on in our lives, if we can come up with 50 things for which we're grateful, then life is GOOD!

    Here's to 50 more wonderful years, Barb.

  12. Love your post! Happy Birthday! Love your pretty dress too.

  13. I raise my glass to you and wish you many, many more happy years!!
    p.s. the dress is 'the bomb'!!

  14. Woohoo!!! Happy Birthday!!! You look so gorgeous!! I love that dress and the champagne is a great accessory!!! Fabulous list!!!

  15. Happy Birthday Barb!! I love your list of 50 things. Gratitude is a great word for any day. You look terrific in your crinoline dress. Enjoy your champagne!

  16. I'm so glad I've gotten to "know" you thru blogland - I hope it was a wonderful day. As one who has been there, I think you will love this new decade of your life!

  17. Happy Birthday! Loved your list of gratitudes!

  18. Happy Birthday Barb!!
    Great list...great dress...and my goodness that's a great big bottle of bubbles! ( when I first glimpsed your photo I thought you were doing a "Queen Elizabeth" with her crown and sceptre - must admit I prefer your accessory to hers!)


    Don't forget to add all of those wonderful shows we watched back in the 70's. I'm sure they shaped the person you are today!

    Have a wonderful celebration.

  20. Happy Birthday!
    Fabulous dress and Magnum ;-)
    Wonderful gratitudes - you are a rich woman!

  21. too cute, Barb. You look great and very happy. Love your list. You are the best and I wish you 50 more great years!!!

    Love ya,

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Happy birthday to you and many many more, you do look lovely in your Crown and Dress, enjoy your Champagne

    Woohoo cheers to you

  24. Congrats on the Jubilee. Here in the UK we had a special water pageant with over a thousand boats, just to celebrate the occasion. Our queen was there too, with her family, including Kate (who looked almost as elegant as you) to help celebrate the occasion!

  25. Happy Birthday! Hope you had a wonderful weekend celebrating!

  26. Congrat's Barb, we might just have to have a little sippey of bubbly in Vermont later on this month to celebrate you and Lori's Birthdays.

  27. Happy Birthday Barb !! Raising a glass of bubbly to your Jubilee birthday. O and I adore the dress and tiara. :-)

  28. Happy Birthday and thank you for bringing smiles to our faces twice a week (and sometimes more)!! We are grateful for you sharing yourself with us. You look dynamite! in that spiffy dress and crown. Have a great jubilee year!!

  29. as Oprah would say ---FAB-YOU-LOUS!! Love your dress and hope you rocked it out!

  30. Happy, happy! And here's to the next 50!

  31. Happy Birthday and welcome to the 50's! What a great list you came up with.
    Love love the dress and it is so very Mad Men.Does it have a petticoat underneath? Does it go swish swish when you walk?

  32. HAPPY! HAPPY! A birthday toast to you.


  33. You go, girl. Life just gets better and better.

  34. What a fun way to celebrate! You are beautiful Barb!!

  35. Happy Birthday to you Barb! You look absolutely radiant in your pics! I love your list too. Hope you had a wonderful celebration.

  36. Happiest of Birthdays Barb! Your list of 50 things to be grateful for is so awesome...something each of us should do!!

    Celebrate your Jubilee!

  37. Happy 50th Birthday, Barb! You look terrific! Wishing you many, many more.

  38. Happy Happy Birthday You Cutie! You. Look. MAH-velous!!!!

  39. What a wonderful celebration. Happy Jubilee Birthday. I loved your list it has some great things to think about!

  40. Happy Happy Birthday Barb! Wishing much Jubilation in the coming year!! Bee happy! As always, thanks for sharing!

  41. Congratulations on turning 50 Barb! I love your dress AND your tiara, just what every girls needs (along with that bottle of champayne).

  42. Happy Birthday! You do look great - I love your dress and the crown! And of course it calls for a magnum of Champagne! Hope it was wonderful!

    I love your list of gratitudes. Very sweet.

  43. Barb, you make fifty look great! Welcome to the club! Thank you for sharing your gratitude helped trigger my own! Happy Birthday!
    ~Joyce in MI

  44. What a fun birthday weekend! I love you to pieces mom xoxo

  45. Happy Birthday! Love the birthday look amazing! I know how much that bottle cost that you are holding and hope you enjoyed every drop!! LOL

  46. happy the dress

  47. Love the dress and your pearls!!

    More Happy Birthday wishes. xo

  48. you certainly look happy and not your 50 years at all~!

    loved seeing that bee tattoo on your foot.

    happy belated birthday Barb. i hope every day of this jubillee year is full of everything that is good.


  49. Happy belated birthday - looks like you had a great time! :)


  50. Happy Belated Jubilee Year!
    You know you get to celebrate all year on a Jubilee. So, go for it!

    Elizabeth E.


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