
Friday, July 27, 2012

FFF - Crafting (all sorts)

Happy Friday!  Most fun thing today?
Opening Ceremonies of the 2-12 Olympics!!!  
College Crafting:

Last Friday Hanna had 3 college friends for a visit.  It was a stormy day, so they tie-dyed in the garage (how glamorous).

The shower curtain drop cloth looked a little like a crime scene.

What a sweet group of girls.

Here are the finished shirts.  You can really tell which one is a cotton/poly blend!

Hanna also made this cool crayon canvas with a hair dryer.


Look who my seat mate was?  This sweet little ball of fluff.  Can you imagine my coco on an airplane?

First stop in Chicagoland?  Portillo's.  I like to eat regional food when I travel, wee.

We attended a lovely wedding in Lincoln Park.  When I think of Chicago, somehow I always forget about the traffic.

Here is a car shot of Buckingham fountain.  Pretty.

This was the view from the terrace at the wedding.  Best wishes Chris and Emily!

Without a cute doggie on the way back, I had to content myself with these little indulgences.  I like to splurge when imminent death is a possibility.

Have a Wonderful Weekend and enjoy the Olympic Games!!


  1. Tom and a cranberry muesli bar as near-death companions??? Barb you crack me up.
    Chicago traffic looks like Sydney traffic- ugh!
    Hope the happy couple have a wonderful life together.

  2. Tie dye is so much fun and they look like they enjoyed it!
    Now my burning question is, how is Tom doing after the break up?

  3. Oh the traffic in Chicago! Few weeks back I got some taste of that too!
    And this is for Kelly - Definitely not jumping on the couch. That's for sure.

  4. Your posts are such fun Barb!! I never know what to expect!! From tie dying to pomeranian fluff balls!! I always enjoy your food shots. :) I'm laughing at Sujatas comment about Tom not jumping on the couch!!

  5. You have been busy. There's such great energy when young creative people are around. I love Chicago. I could eat my way around the city!

  6. Glad you enjoyed Chicago--looks like it was lovely (but hot) weather.

  7. You're too funny. You're blogging, so one must assume that imminent death never arrived. And you were in Chicago! Looks like you've been REALLY busy!!!

  8. ha ha ha ha you like to fly as much as I do?
    I hate it!
    Happy Sewing on the revised star quilt it looks fantastic so far!

    Happy Sewing

  9. Hi Barb,I'm hoping you can tell me how Hanna made that crayon canvas. I think my Ellie would love to make one. Sorry to request this through comments - my computer was not cooperating with trying to email you through your profile. Thanks, Wendy(a current Piecemaker)

  10. Hi wendy -
    I'll check my email button - sorry about that.

    Here is a iTube how to that I found. If you google "melted crayon portrait" you will see lots of how tos and examples.

    good luck!


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