
Friday, October 26, 2012

Fun For Friday - Quilt Festival Fall 2012!

Happy Friday!

It time for another wonderful on line quilt festival brought to us by:  Amy's Creative Side.

Here is my "Poisoned Apple" quilt that I just finished.

Here is a close up of the quilting.  I extended the apple core pattern into the border quilting.  I used purple, red, green and orange thread.

Quilt Stats:
The quilt measures 52" x 56"
I hand pieced the apple core center.
Quilted by me, barb vedder
category:  Hand Pieced, Machine Quilted (home machine)

The back is pieced of various Halloween prints.  I won the largest piece from my friend, Kelly of Pinkadot Quilts.  Thanks Kelly!  It was the perfect starting point for the backing.

In this photo, it looks like it landed on a witch!  My quilt is about 55" square.  Coco is clearly interested in who's behind this quilt.

Its me in my Raggety Ann costume that I made in 1999.  It was fun to surprise the ladies at quilting yesterday. 

And finally, Dorothy decided to drop in at my haunted house and the poor thing was chased by the wicked witch of the west.  From the yard -

Through the graveyard -

To the party - oh no!  (Thanks, Sheila for the photos!)

Happy Halloween Everyone and good luck fellow East Coast friends with Sandy!!


  1. What a fun post!! You've put a smile on my face and that is a good thing. Thanks.

  2. I love the words you put on your quilt and so timely!!!
    The pictures of you as Dorothy are perfect, you really look like her. You are also an adorable Raggedy Ann!

  3. You look adorable! In my book, Only you know how to have fun! I am smiling from ear to ear.
    Love the quilting on your apple core. I would have never thought of that. The back looks perfect with mix of prints.

  4. Love the apple core quilt- that poison green is perfect tnad the words just make it mah-velous!!
    And you look so dang cute - great costume.

    Come see my posts #24 - antique zigzag quilt
    and #47 30's tulip reproduction (AQSG Study quilt)

  5. Oh my goodness you are just a hoot!
    love the quilt and you in costume too :0)

    Happy Halloween and Happy Sewing

  6. LOL... great post. I'll be thinking of you East Coasters and hoping the worst of Hurricane Sandy passes you by.

  7. So Funny!! and I love the Poison Apple quilt - much larger than I first thought.
    Love it.

  8. Hi Barb! I love the borders on your quilt. Great job! The script is awesome! What a fun Friday post! Have a wonderful weekend and I hope you will be safe from the storm!

  9. Fun post! Great quilt! Terrific costume!!! You made me smile! ;)

  10. he hee hee. oh that quilt turned out fabulously and i love the pic with red and white socks sticking out beneath it. watch out for flying houses!

  11. What a fun your quilt!

  12. hilarious ! The quilt and the post :-)

  13. So fun! Love your Apple Core, and, another great backing.
    You make a perfect Raggedy Ann. Dorothy and the witch are a hoot, too.
    Wondered about you with the hurricane; you must not be in the path that far inland. That's a relief, but thinking of others that may be - stay safe!

  14. love the quilt and oh the back is just perfect, very fun!
    yes stay safe and lets hope the power stays ON!!!!!

  15. Just too funny! I love the fact that you added the words to the border. It really makes it funny and
    Creative and uniquely yours!

  16. Such fun! Fabulous job with this quilt. Will you hang it on a wall?
    Hope Sandy weakens. Stay safe and with luck we'll keep our power and can stitch away.

  17. You are such a hoot! I love the quilting you did on the apple core and what a perfectly appropriate name for it!

  18. Very cool. The quilting choice is perfect and I love that photo with your feet underneath!

  19. I LOVE the lettering. What a great font - I especially like the "P" Those pictures are just the right scale for your little house. How fun to pose them in there :0)

  20. Another great quilt! I love the title right out there on the front; I love words in borders. Effective quilting, Miss Raggedy.

    The little photos are a fun addition to your haunted scene.

    Happy Halloween! It's fun to see you dressed up!

  21. I love how you quilted this, and the photos just made me laugh.

  22. I love it, I love it, I love it!!! I must be rotten to the core too!! And those legs you have my deary!!! :-) :-) It's a perfect Halloween post! Happy Haunting!

  23. Such a totally cool and fun quilt, Barb. And just the right one to enjoy at this time of the year. Great group of photos. Never a dull moment around you, I'm sure. The pictures made me smile. Happy Halloween!

  24. That is fantastic! Now I want to get out my apple core die and all of those Halloween prints that I keep accumulating.

    I printed out your coffin needlebook pattern yesterday and completely missed this post.

  25. You are so much fun!! The quilt is awesome and your outfit had me LOL!! Wished you lived closer!!!

  26. ROTFL!! Oh this is such a fun post! I love the saying you used in the border, how wonderfully clever and fun!! The backing is brilliant too!! You are the cutest in your Raggedy Anne costume!! The photos in your spooky village had me laughing so much. I'll be giggling for the rest of the day!:)

  27. Your post and quilt are completely original. Love the whimsy of both!

  28. Fabulous quilt - I love the legs poking out the bottom! Thanks for sharing. #263

  29. You have so much fun with the holidays! Love your quilt. Thanks for the smiles today!

  30. You're too funny! You look adorable in your costume -- what a cutie you are! And I LOVE your quilt -- it's fantastic -- from the apple cores right down to that cool lettering!!!

  31. Lovely quilt - I love how you extended the quilting pattern into the border!

  32. What a great quilt for Halloween! Love your funny pics. Lovely quilting btw.

  33. Looks like lots of fun at your house for Halloween!
    Great quilt. Love the design with the apple cores and then using it in the quilting. Beautiful work.

  34. That's a labour of love! The apple-cores are both fun and scary (sewing them together that is...) Love the letters and message they are sending. Congratulations on an amazing Halloween quit!!
    ; )

  35. Oh, forgot to say: LOVE your quilting!

    ; ))

  36. Wow, your quilt is amazing and soooo cute! Hand piecing so many apple cores is not an easy task!
    It is precious in everyway!

  37. Ok I just love this. Since we dont celebrate Halloween here I have no excuse to shamelessly copy your idea but you can rest assured I want to - badly!

    The theme , the fabrics and your sense of humour shines through in every stitch. Genuis. This quilt is genius and those photos are amazing.

  38. Very fun Halloween quilt! Love it!

  39. Love your Halloween quilt, and especially your darling costume. Your blog is always so much fun! Hope we hear from you soon so we know you and your family are safe and sound. Take care, Dixie

  40. What a great post! Love the quilt and the photos. Is the quilt hanging somewhere now?

  41. I love this quilt, and the pieced back really makes it interesting...I love how you always put such fun and careful thought into your backings. I hope you are OK...I look forward to seeing a post from you that you are safe after this storm. My thoughts have been with you and other friends and family on the east coast.

    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)

  42. Very fun! Great job on the quilt and on your costume! :)

  43. the apple core quilt turned out pretty fantasticly~!!!~

    cute shot of the quilt with your legs sticking out and a sweet costume.

    i've been thinking about you as we see on the t.v. news all of the terrible devestation that Sandy has left behind . . . i hope that you and your family are doing okay. it will be good to see your next post.


  44. This is an utterly fun quilt...and I LOVE the costume!!!!

  45. I was out traveling when these last few posted, so now I am catching up. Your apple core quilt turned out beautifully (or since it's Hallowen, should I say Hideously?) and I love it. I also love the stripey stockings behind it, and the fun Raggedy Ann who was holding it up.

    On an earlier post, your haunted house is so fun--makes me want to collect Halloween things again! And I like the addition of the photographed figures; it brings the house alive.

    Elizabeth E.


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