
Friday, November 23, 2012

Fun For Friday - Giving Thanks

I hope everyone had a wonderful day yesterday feasting and watching football and enjoying family and friend time.

Sharing our feast with coco is one of my favorite parts of the day.

What a good girl, here she is sitting and waiting.

It was gone in about 1 minute.  She's a clean plate club kind of a girl.

A shot of our table before the main event.

Instead of shopping (no way) I'm spending the day getting organized for Christmas decorating and sewing.

This morning I was collecting the turkeys for storage and I thought they made a funny flock.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone and Happy Friday!


  1. Hee hee - so does coco use the napkin too? So cute! Thanks for sharing your holiday table. You must have great storage areas in your home! Looking forward to your Christmas decorating. My DH will start ours off by hanging the outdoor lights today. Always a kickoff to our season. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

  2. Even though it takes time, it's so fun to use those special holiday dishes and decorations. Love all the turkeys!

  3. I love the place setting you set for Coco. I'm starting to decorate for Christmas today too.

  4. Very nice table setting. Coco's table setting is very cute. :)


  5. If that's a dog's life, I'm all for it! : )

  6. I have to say I have a perfect record of NOT shopping on black Friday and I plan on keeping it that way forever!
    I just like to keep that thanksgiving glow of togetherness for the whole 4 day weekend instead.........plenty of time for Christmas stuff in Dec. :0).

    Happy Sewing and Happy Thanksgiving

  7. I love it that Coco has her own special quilted placemat (and serviette), such an elegant pup.

  8. What a lovely table setting - the beautiful plates and the little baskets of smarties - looks very welcoming. And of course the table runner :) such fun.
    I do love your blog header by the way - some great fabrics in there that I recognise.
    Every Stitch

  9. Had to shield the vision of our 2 shelties from that fabulous place setting your Coco enjoyed...our girls would be so jealous!! Love the little candle...

    Your grownup table looks very festive...I am with you - about ready to put away the Autumn touches and start decorating the halls...have fun and stay cozy.

  10. Me, too! I wouldn't be caught dead shopping today! I had to comment about your RCA dog S&P shakers! We have the exact same ones - they were DH's dad's from his days working for RCA in Chicago!

  11. no way was I going out in the rat race today!
    love your table setting especially the dog salt and pepper shakers.

  12. I love your blog header too..I really love your turkey collection.

  13. Looks like it was a perfectly lovely day!

  14. It's already Sunday and I'm only just reading your Fun Friday. I've been such a busy bee.. Coco's dining area is so glamorous. It's nice to know she has candle lit dinners and a lovely place mat. I loved seeing your table dressed up for Thanksgiving, complete with chocolate turkeys. Your group of turkeys is so cute and funny, like they're waiting for the bus to take them back to the cupboard. I saw your wonderful Black and White quilt in a magazine yesterday. I was flipping through and saw you there, it made me smile.

  15. Coco has a quilted placemat! VERY impressive! I love the Thanksgiving fabric in the center of that table runner -- very cute.

  16. Love your RCA dog salt and pepper shakers. We just saw a set of those the other day, but they were VERY expensive. Be well and glad CoCo cleaned her plate. Lane

  17. What a fun flock of turkeys! They made me smile. But not as much as Coco's little table setting! I love her placemat! What a good (lucky) girl she is! And the big people table was just lovely. Hope you're recovered from the big day!

  18. A special girl like Coco deserves her lovely place setting, and I'm sure her table/floor manners were perfect. I have to share this photo with our daughters so they can make plans for serving their canine companions next year.
    Love your lineup of turkeys and pumpkins. They're a holiday delight.

  19. Good thing the cat is asleep because if he saw Coco's Thanksgiving set up, he'd be jealous because as, you know, cats deserve royal treatment! ha Your human's table decorations are wonderful too!


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