
Monday, February 4, 2013

Cabin Fever - Finished!

Happy Monday!

I finished my Cabin Fever quilt, started in 1995:

The backing is made up of 20 fat quarters (I trimmed them all to 21" x 18").

After realizing on basting day that the backing was short, I attached the NYC subway fabric to the top and bottom.

Here is the backing before quilting.

Coco took a 30 minute sun bath on it one afternoon (she's avoiding eye contact with me).

Here is my favorite FQ on the back.  These funny Chimps.  The eyes are a scream.

I quilted each block and then on the diagonal in one direction.

The label - and hooray, I had the opportunity to use this funny label.  I didn't actually take forever, just 18 years to get back to it.

I couldn't decide on a single binding fabric, so I used 4, one on each side.

Here is a rag ball made of batting and the strip that gets trimmed after binding.  I've been making these for each larger quilt that I do.

And what's next?  I'm working on finishing my last border on the Jubilee quilt and I am piecing more of my flying geese that I traded with Susan and Jill.  It's happy and fun.

What are you up this week?


  1. Your log cabin is crazy lovely Barb. Beautiful finish, front and backing!!

  2. WOW--good for you! And that quilt is stunning--I'll bet you're asking yourself--"...and why did I wait so long to get it done?" Well, perhaps it needed all this time to is lovely..julierose

  3. It turned out super! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Love the way it turned out and the backing and bindings--just perfect!

  5. Barb, it's gorgeous!! Way to go for finishing :).

  6. Great finish! LOVE the variety of fabrics on the back.

  7. A lovely finished quilt. I don't think it matters how long it took you to make the quilt, the fact that you finished it is something to be very proud of. Love your idea of cutting the fat quarters for the backing, and your scrappy binding is a great touch.

  8. fantastic log day I will do one too!

  9. Whoo! Hoo! congrats on your finish. Smiled when I saw what you put on your label.
    Love your geese!

  10. Love your log cabin quilt, the creative backing and Coco sleeping in the sunshine.

  11. *LOL* I don't know of anyone else that would take the venerable old Log Cabin pattern and grace the back of it with chimps. What a hoot! Love it! : )

  12. Great finish Barb. I see a some English soldiers in your backing too. I love the fun way you back your qults. One could never believe you could take life seriously.

  13. Barb: You do nothing but inspire me to forge ahead even though it takes me forever to finish a project. "N"

  14. Hooray for a finish! I am always inspired by your finishes. Love the back. It is always fun to see what you put as backs and on the labels.

  15. Wow! I'm impressed you got a quilt of that size quilted already!! It looks wonderful - You must be so pleased to finish such a long awaiting ufo! The flying geese are fun - I look forward to seeing your progress on that.

  16. Well you certainly got it quilted pretty fast! It looks great and I love all the different fabrics on the back.Looking forward to your jubilee quilt too.

  17. Second try to post, hope this is not a repeat. Longterm project finishes are the best! And I like the graphic, traditional look of this. Plus you solved the backing problem, and gave Coco a nice napping surface for a bit. The Geese are terrific... they look like fun.

  18. Congratulations! What a beautiful quilt. Just goes to show how any fabric, cut small enough, works. Love your label and flying geese too!

  19. Looks great! I like how you quilted it.
    Oh and I married my husband in 1995 and I have been working on him ever since.....he's not done yet.

  20. Looks great; I love that you're finishing something from the 90's. Gives me hope for my tops of the same era, ha ha. I think I like the backing better with the top and bottom border than it would have been without it...keeps all that crazy fun contained!

    I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with the geese and your completed jubilee top. And more modeling by Coco. ;-D

  21. Oh my you have been so productive!
    Congratulations on the lovely finished log divine, the backing is a real hoot and a great way to use up those "interesting" fabrics ( don't want to call them uglies if you love em.)

    Nice going Barb,
    happy Sewing

  22. Hurray! You did it. Your quilt is a collection of some very interesting fabrics. It's a nineties time capsule. The backing is just too fun. I love Elvis, the chimps and the bra fabric ( which I used to make a bag). Great job!

  23. Hurray! You did it. Your quilt is a collection of some very interesting fabrics. It's a nineties time capsule. The backing is just too fun. I love Elvis, the chimps and the bra fabric ( which I used to make a bag). Great job!

  24. you are working at the rate of at least two people so i'm taking the week off. ;-)

    LOVE that rag ball idea~! and the quilt turned out wonderfully~!!~
    what a great label. perfect for the speed i work.

    Coco really knows how to enjoy herself.


  25. You REALLY inspire Barb.
    LUUUUUVVVVVVVvvvvvvv , you are one cool chick

  26. You REALLY inspire Barb.
    LUUUUUVVVVVVVvvvvvvv , you are one cool chick

  27. Yay for the log cabin finish! I love the label - I hope in 100 years someone sees that and laughs! I like your backing - that's a great way to clear out some stash.

  28. Yipee!!! A longtime-coming finish! Those always feel so good. Your quilt looks awesome -- I'll bet you have fun just looking at all the different fabrics. I LOVE that funny quilt label!

  29. Love it - as usual!! Everything on that quilt screams Barb!! You are FUN!! When you said you quilted the blocks, do you mean that you just went around the outside of each block? (couldn't see it so I am asking) Also, not sure I understand about what you trimmed from the binding for the ball...

  30. Congratulations on a job well done. Love the fat quarter back. Super cool quilt.

  31. Did you really get that done in a couple of days? It looks fantastic! Love the backing, as usual!!

  32. Great finish! I love all of the thought you put into the little details too! It looks like Elvis is saying "it took forever". (thanks for the coco glamour shot)

  33. Way to go, Barb! It's a great quilt. Persistence pays off!

  34. What a wonderful, fun, happy Log Cabin!! The backing is so fun too! Congratulations on finishing it after all these years!! It good to see Coco giving it the nap of approval. I LOVE your flying geese!!

  35. Love it! Looks like coco does, too!
    These flying geese are going to make a stunning quilt - love the combination of prints and solids.

  36. This is fantastic! I LOVE it! What a fun mixture of fabrics, and I love the back too. Aren't you glad you finally finished it?

    Love the label you did. I can relate to that one!

    Your geese look great. What a fun project!

  37. Oops, meant to ask...what size strips did you use for this? I need to start cutting strips for my long-planned log cabin, and I can't decide what size to go with. Thanks!

  38. Your log cabin looks great, Barb! How satisfying to have it finally finished. Backing is a clever way to use up fat quarters.

  39. Love your log cabin, and the label is perfect. I always enjoy seeing the cool fabs you use for your backing.

  40. .....CLAPPING!! CLAPPING!!!

    Log Cabins with Chimps on the back are our friend!!

  41. What am I up to this week? Sadly, my dad passed away and the funeral is Saturday. Your quilt turned out great!

  42. Beautiful finish. Love the picture of coco sun bathing.
    I think multiple fabric binding is perfect.
    SO much fun!

  43. Love the label, I need to do that to my quilt too!

  44. Wow, so colorful, I LOVE scrappy quilts. I am working on the Union Station, a pattern from Quiltmania.

  45. Congrats on a great finish! LOVE that label too!

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