
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

News (Hot) Flash

In the Nature of things....what comes after a Jubilee Quilt?  The Menopause Quilt!

Here is my new applique' project which I'm calling "Hot Flash" for a number of reasons, which I know you'll understand.

First block -

After the formal and technical applique on my Jubilee Quilt, I wanted something fun and easy.

Second block -

I have machine basted it, which makes it so easy to pick up and stitch.

The center is reverse appliqued to the background.

My friend, Susan is also working on a modern version of this quilt.  I'll share photos when I get some.  We have made our own patterns.

Here is the inspiration antique quilt that Susan saw at a quilt show.

I'm off to NJ for the Brownstone Quilt Show.  Hope to see some of you there!  See our Website for details.


  1. LOVE it!! I recently saw an applique quilt done on a red background and it was fantastic. Great idea!!

  2. Oh yeah I get that HOT quilt, I hope it will keep you smiling through most of it but some days are pretty tough....then your 60's bring new and interesting changes :0). I try to keep in mind that growing old is a privilege that not everyone gets.

    Happy Sewing and three cheers for making the most of all we have!

  3. Are you finished with your Jubilee quilt?
    What a fun project!! I was just telling Cory that once hot flashes start with me he will need to go to his dads to watch sports. Cranking the heat up around here for an 88 year old will not be acceptable to me any more! LOL

  4. Ooooh, looks like lots of fun -- and you've picked the perfect colors for HOT flashes LOL!

  5. Wow! What a fabulous new project! Machine basting sounds like such a great idea. Enjoy the show! Would love to run into you there.

  6. Great "Flash" quilt--and yes, I can relate! Those are wonderful colors to represent the heat. : )
    Funny comment from Lori. We don't get the sports channels so we go to my 90-year-old Dad's to watch sports. One minute I'm fine, the next minute I'm suffocating.

  7. You have certainly found beauty in hot flashes! I love your pattern and your colors. What a great idea to machine baste and then applique. If there were a quilt-along for this pattern, I'd be tempted--well, someday.

  8. Wow! This is going to be a great quilt! Love your very updated version of the antique applique quilt! There is definitely inspiration everywhere.:)

  9. Too funny! You perfectly described a hot flash with applique.

  10. Love those "hot" colors. Too funny!

  11. Love the theme and colours and fabric choices!
    So fun! And what a great idea to machine baste the shapes first.

  12. You're on fire with these blocks!! Really fabulous fabric choices!! Have a great time at the Quilt Show!

  13. You have chosen the perfect fabrics for your Hot Flash quilt.
    I am another who can relate! Lol

    Looking forward to hearing about the quilt show.

  14. Tee hee hee!! Would you believe I peeled off my cardi just before reading this as "one of those moments" hit!! Very appropriate post and luuuuurve your blocks!!

  15. I just love the hot flash colors!!! Perfect! Enjoy making the quilt. It will keep you smiling.

  16. Love your new quilt project, and how you find humor in everything! I'm thinking about getting one of those chillows they are advertising on tv when my time comes! Definitely loving the cooler weather. Will look forward to seeing your progress...

  17. So fun, I may need sunglasses!!

  18. Have fun at the show - how could you not! Love this beginning to the Hot Flash quilt. It sure is flashing! Great with the red background. Look forward to seeing Susan's, too.

  19. Love the inspiration and your blocks - colors and prints and all. Can't wait to see the pictures from the show.

  20. OK, so these colors will keep you awake! I love the idea of marking life's events this way. Your creativity and versatility are astonishing and inspiring.

  21. Just gotta have fun with color, no matter the reason...good job..


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