
Friday, December 6, 2013

Playing House

Happy Friday!  Photo Heavy - Quilt Lite

Whew, its been a busy couple of weeks.  I'm stopping in to journal the recent painting and some early Christmas decorating here at the new house.

Alice Payne looks right at home on my sage green kitchen walls.

This is Nantucket Gray, a color I borrowed from my friend, Diane.

Back hall/laundry/bath.

I was inspired by Mad Men for Mr. Fun's office (man cave).  It has a mid-century look in there.  It's only modern touch in our home.

It is Valley Forge Gray, but looks a bit green in this next photo.

Abe Lincoln commands the Hall.

He looks good coming and going -

New garland on the staircase (thanks Home Depot).

The Foyer ledge is my least favorite feature of this house, but I do like having a Christmas tree there.  Thanks Home Depot - again - pre-lit and potted and I had a coupon!  This is the view leaving my sewing room.

And here's my little White House Ornamented tree in the Living Room.  I love this color, Georgetown Pink Beige.

If you are still with me, here is a little Fun For Friday -

In the immortal words of P. T. Barnum "There's a sucker born every minute".  Often that means me.  Couldn't resist these Kleenex houses.

Happy Hanukkah, Diwali, Kwanza and Christmas decorating.  


  1. Your home looks great! Did you have fun decorating a new place? The Alice Payne Quilt is gorgeous and is not only perfect for Christmas but for any time!

  2. Everything looks so pretty! You have made it your home! I love that Alice Pane quilt and the wall colors are gorgeous! That foyer ledge will be fun to decorate all through the year.

  3. Hi Barb! Isn't color fabulous? I love the Georgtown Pink Beige too! Everything looks fabulous! Well done!

  4. First off, your new header quilt is too cute!!
    You have done a great job bringing the home to life. Oh, I think that ledge has so many possibilities, but how do you get to it--a tall ladder? Possibilities just became limited (I don't do tall ladders well). : )
    I chuckled when you said Abe looked good coming and going.

  5. Oh, that Georgetown Pink Beige is interesting! I'll bet you're a *hire a painter* convert now that you've tried it. Looks like you've settled in nicely!

  6. The painting and colors are fantastic! Love the sneak peak of your Christmas decor!! happy December!

  7. I enjoyed the tour! I think the colors you have chosen look marvelous! That is such a fabulous quilt in your kitchen! Those Kleenex boxes are so cute :0)

  8. Wow! Your house looks beautiful! I love every single color. And your quilts look perfect where you've hung them. What brand of paint? I'm due for some new walls.

  9. oh my! Love every color!! How wonderful to have a new house where everything is nice and clean and no cobwebs yet. I told my hubby the other day it was time for me to finally clean house again or we needed to move!

  10. what a decoration.Find a roommate in everyone 1 click shows results on map dynamic filtering system room share extensive search criteria new rooms mailed to your inbox route plot for your house visit cnd much more... All for free!

  11. That Alice Payne quilt is lovely! your home looks wonderful...very festive! hugs, Julierose

  12. I used to play house (and school) lots and lots when I was a child.
    I always thought it would be so nice to have a staircase like you have for decorating with a garland (never had one) and for a wedding.

  13. Divine! I hope it is feeling more like home and you have many happy years enjoying all your color choices.
    Merry 1st Christmas in your new home :0). Painting is in our future too but we chose to replace carpeted floors
    with hardwood as our first upgrade to make our new house more our own. Your colors are inspiring.

    Happy Sewing

  14. Wow -- it's all so beautiful Barb. I LOVE all of your new paint colors -- and done just in time for the holidays! Abe and Alice Payne look fantastic! Happy Decorating!

  15. The new paint looks amazing but those silly painters must have gotten lost on their way to Georgia, I'm still waiting for them! Hahaha. The decorating looks great too, I like the garland and trees. My kids requested a garland this year, looks like I'll have to hit Home Depot.

  16. Your house looks fabulous! I so wish we could do some painting around here, but it is very far down on the list of priorities. Really enjoyed seeing your quilts hung up throughout your house too!

  17. Thanks for the tour! You have a beautiful home. You did a great job with the paint colors. I especially love the sage green in the kitchen. A perfect backdrop for Alice Payne. Sorry I've been absent for the past month. Having issues with carpal tunnel. I'm doing much better now. Your house is all ready for the holiday festivities. Enjoy!

  18. The paint colors are beautiful!!! Your house is amazing. Love the tree up on the ledge. In my old neighborhood we loved to drive by a house with a ledge...they put a life size Santa up there and it looked like he was coming down a rope. LOL
    Enjoy your first Christmas in the new home.

  19. Love all of the paint colors! Especially the living room. What??? No leg lamp?!? LOL. Lovely, lovely home with all of your special touches! XOX

  20. A lot of sharing for all of us to enjoy--the quilts, the wall colors, and views here and there in your new home. Your home is lovely, looks cozy, looks inviting and definitely user friendly. You've added that festive air for the holiday season, and thanks for conducting the tour for us.

  21. Wow you have been busy with all the painting and decorating. Looks like your settling in nicely.

  22. So lovely! That Lincoln quilt is to die for and a great place to hang it. I was wondering how you hang your quilts they look as if they were in a gallery?

  23. Thank you for the tour of your new home - it's wonderful! Love the paint colors esp. the Nantucket Gray with that bright & beautiful kitchen window, and the Georgetown Pink Beige with the red toile. Abe & Alice look great...but where is Coco?

  24. So beautiful! You did a fantastic job!

  25. Paint colors are very appealing. What a nice view as you exit your sewing room.

  26. Your home is beautiful! (If you get antsy and feel like redecorating anything, please come do my--beyond hope--home! Those Kleenex boxes are too cute to pass up!

  27. I love your decor! Your home looks so festive with the little trees and garland on the railing. The Abe Lincoln quilt is perfect for the hallway. Merry Christmas!

  28. Just beautiful- welcoming and attractive!

  29. your home is gorgeous. I really love the window in your kitchen. I am getting ready to use sage green in my bedroom. Merry Christmas.

  30. It's all looking great. The quilts and the trees look fantastic where they are, and I love the colours you've used on the walls.

  31. Barb, your home looks so beautiful. The colours you have chosen are so elegant. It's wonderful to see Abe is watching over you and that Alice Payne quilt just blows me away. Phil would love a Mad Men office, he likes the idea of the drinks trolley and a couch to lie on. If I saw those little kleenex houses I would be tempted too!

  32. Barb, every corner shows your loving, creative touch! Your home is beautiful and Alice Payne looks right at home.

  33. Really enjoyed your holiday new home tour. Your paint choices look great, especially with white trim. I'd better get myself to Home Depot before all the goodies are gone!

  34. I loved loved this made me happy and it made me feel alive!!! ooo the quilt and the house and everything....perfect!

  35. Enjoyed the tour of your lovely home, Barb! GREAT paint colors in every room... they showcase your quilts and pretties very well!!!

  36. your home is absolutely beautiful and i loved the tour~!! as well as your new colors.
    your foyer ledge is lovely with the little tree. it must be pretty to see from the outside when it's lit up. I'm surprised that you don't enjoy decorating that space as it looks like it could be so much fun . . . imagining some little/doll quilts grouped on the wall and sweet prims on the shelf . . . what do you do with the space when it's not Christmas?

    hope that all is well and your holiday season is full of laughter and fun.


  37. I love you use of color throughout your lovely home.

  38. Love your house and the different colors of paint. I'm such a Neutral Nelly all different shades of tan - but I sure love different colors when I see someone else's house. Maybe some day I will be brave. Your staircase is beautiful and I really love your foyer ledge - but I would not want to get up there and decorate and/or clean it!

  39. Just curios....but what is the letter framed behind Mr Fun's desk?...great idea.

  40. LOVELY, LOVELY painting and are amazing...I can't believe that you have done so much in so little time. Your quilts look fantastic on your chosen colors. I simply can't pick paint colors, so I wait until I see other people's choices, then I "borrow" them (incidentally, what brand are these paint names from??). Your grays are lovely...the one time I picked a gray and painted a small room, it looked light purple and I painted over it. Your grays look FABULOUS! I have funny ledges in my house, too. I place my eclectic collections on them...brass/copper coal scuttles, beat up old musical instruments, old antiques, LOTS of silk plants. Now I have learned to love the ledges (except the twice-a-year cleaning/dusting...). Your home looks beautiful - thanks or sharing! Teresa ;o)

  41. Your whole house looks lovely. Thanks for the inspiration. I, too, broke down and bought some Christmas Kleenex boxes--how silly!!!

  42. What a beautiful, festive home. It just looks wonderful!


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