
Friday, August 15, 2014

A Banner Day

Happy Friday!

I've been wanting to try making a bunting and finally gave it a whirl.  There are a lot of ideas here on Pinterest.

Here is mine made with a Kaffe fabric.

I made a paper patterns until I found the size I liked.   I made a cardboard template to mark the pre-fused fabric.

I fused a solid on the back and left the edges unfinished.   It would be really fun to make it two sided and hang it in a archway.

I used dritz single fold bias tape.   I pressed it in half to make a channel for the pennants.

I arranged them and held them in place with binder clips.

I stitched them in the channel close to the edge.

Waa-La (as Norma and I like to say :)

Aaahhhh.....spent a day at the beach last weekend with a great book on my ipod, an iced tea and applique'.

You just can't beat the view.

Happy Friday!  Grab a little summer before its gone!


  1. So cute and what a great idea to use those binder clips, I will have to remember that idea.
    Applique and the beach, it doesn't get any better than that!

  2. First, I have to say that the Rose quilt looks beautiful in your header. Roses were my mother's favorite flowers and also mine.
    I see many banners in your future. Would be nice for a birthday or holiday with alpha letters or numbers on them.

  3. Very pretty Barb! I've been wanting to make a bunting too. I'm made lots of little minis to hang on friends computers at work -- those are really fun. And I love opening up your blog to find that gorgeous rose quilt up top!

  4. Bunting just looks festive to me, and you make it look so simple. Don't blame you for spending time at the beach, that is a gorgeous view!

  5. That pennant bunting is so cute! That's the perfect fabric for it. Your applique looks interesting, and what a lovely day/view.

  6. Wow, beautiful shot of your beach view!
    What a pretty banner! And a nice photo tute. : )
    DD#2 had a booth at the local Novemberfest last Fall selling banners for all occasions. She had made them for pretty much every major holiday, and birthdays, along with a few that were "just because". I bought a bunch and it has been fun to hang them in my dining area (the only place they really fit) and change them out as the seasons and holidays come and go.
    Your big, beautiful Kaffe print makes a nice display. Are there more in your future?

  7. What a fun and easy to make banner! I'm always sad to see the end of summer. I'll grab it as long as possible:)

  8. Such a fun summer project. I have never made one of those.. May be giving a try soon. Thanks for sharing the instructions.

  9. Kaffe bunting! How happy and colorful. I love picture of the water. I really need a bit of beach before summer is over and I have to wait again. Enjoy

  10. I hope to stretch summer out as long as possible, although I love fall weather.
    Your banner is really fun, I might try some seasonal ones.
    Great new header, love your rose appliqué - very pretty!

  11. Your bunting is very fun! Stitching on the beach - my favorite!

  12. Love the bunting. Yours is so cute it tempts me to make one for my girl's birthday, wonder if I can get it done by Monday? LOL I completely agree with you on the whole beach thing...can't beat that view or the relaxation. Good for you!

  13. Cute bunting Barb! Your time at the beach looks so wonderfully relaxing.

  14. I noticed your new banner right away and was happy to scroll down and read why. Rose quilt is beautiful, I like your more simplified palate and pattern very much.

  15. cute bunting.
    beautiful beach too.

  16. I have been thinking about making that for my new sewing room window. I don't want to put a curtain in there because I don't want the light blocked in any way. There are venetian blinds on the window and hanging a bunting might work well. Thanks for your idea and your process!

  17. Very creative! The summer went so fast! If it is acceptable to you I am going to email you my rose. I had forgot all about her until I saw your inspiring post. Your work is lovely. I wish I could have met up with you before we both moved.

  18. That beach view looks so relaxing. The bunting is cute, and I love the fabrics. There is a lot of inspiration on Pinterest. I love your rose quilt. It's just beautiful. By the way, I've been making nine patches, and I'm getting too many that look the same. I remembered your tut about using the squares. I knew there had to be a way to get better variety.


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