
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Happy Pumpkin Season

I started the week by switching the quits on the first floor.  Here is my "Obama for President" aka "Olympic Star" which is at the end of the kitchen.  I usually hang a bigger one here, but I kind of like the green framing it.  Audrey and Angie started a wonderful blog dedicated to Eagles!   See it here - Quilt Like an Eagle

In the Dining Room on the table.  This is a reproduction of a quilt in the NJ state book called "Sumptuous Stars" 2009.  This is a quilt I wish I had made full sized.

In the Hall (with the) Poisoned Apple 2012.

This was such a fun quilt to make.

Yea! My Hot Flash top is done.  Let us pretend that it is hanging in the right direction - ha ha

Here is my morning glory - going strong since May.

Tip:  Press your applique' on terrycloth towel with the applique' face down and use steam.  I sort of mangle my work while I sew - I've always had a tight hand and envy people who's work stays nice in progress.

See how lovely it looks? you don't get the seam allowance shadowing.

Kyle remarked recently about my American Girl Doll; Annie being in the closest.  I got to feeling bad, so I made a little vignette for her.  She can watch me that creepy?  I don't talk to her....not much anyway.

Thank you Carrie P.!!  I won this lovely Iphone cover in her recent giveaway.

On the nine-patch front, I'm getting closer to having them all.  If you haven't sent them yet (and you know who you are) you have 10 days to get them to CT.  Please let me know soon if you can't make the deadline.

Whew, I guess that's all the randomness I have today.


  1. All the quilts are wonderful--that Eagle quilt is spectacular though. Isn't it funny how some quilts and/or fabrics make you wish you had made bigger or bought more? Hugs, Julierose

  2. How nice to have such a wonderful assortment of quilts for decorating. Love the pillar print border on your table, great star quilt. Would love a close up someday of your little sewing machine. Enjoy the swap!

  3. Thanks for the Floor 1 Autumn Quilt Tour. Can't get enough of your apple quilts, and love the Warhol touch to Hot Flash. The applique tip is great too. I'm taking a hand applique class on Thursday, and it will come in handy very soon.

  4. Great post! Hot Flash is just that - can't wait to see how you quilt it. Thanks for the applique tip.

  5. I just love everything in this post.! Gorgeous quilts...every one!

  6. Awesome happy and your header ..wish I knew how to do that. I so need your happy post...Thank u!!!

  7. The quilts make your home look so inviting or maybe it's your home that makes the quilts look wonderful :).

  8. O.M.Gosh.... where do I begin? I LOVE everything!
    Your quilts are all Fabulous! Gorgeous Eagle quilt, Hot Flash top and that Apple Core is Spectacular!
    So much fun to see all of these lovelies, thanks for sharing!

  9. I love seeing your fall decor! I have a fall quilt that I wish I would have made larger too.

  10. Annie looks very happy in her vignette. You are a hoot! :)

  11. It's fun to get into the Fall spirit. Love all your decorating. Can you tell me how you hang your quilts on the wall.

  12. I love your fall decor. You sure have fun with Halloween :0)

  13. Always a delight to read your posts--including the randomness. : )
    Hot flashy is very flashy! And I appreciate the ironing tip on applique, in case I ever choose to try it.
    Annie's vignette is very cute, and I am sure she appreciates any conversation she can get.

  14. All your quilt tops are so wonderful!! The fussy cutting in your Poisoned Apple quilt is so fun, all those little skeletons and characters peeking out. I love the apple table runner too, I forgot to mention it from your last post. Are the apples pieced or appliqued? Hot Flash is so wonderfully vibrant! It would look great in any direction. It's great to see Annie out of the cupboard, I see she's ready to help you sew.

  15. it is only creepy when Annie talks back, the area is adorable. If you ever want to blog about how you hang the wall quilt poisoned apple I would like to know. I love the look without the visible hanger. It would be neat to know how especially for seasonal decorative wall quilts like your example. Thanks for sharing your fall quilt decorating. I remember when it was May this summer went by fast.

  16. Yes, do please tell us how you hang your quilts so nicely without any hardware showing? Love your fall quilt show. Sumptuous Star is marvelous and is that gorgeous Eagle quilt! Love, love, love the apple core quilt with the quirky wording--so very fun. And your Hot Flash quilt always makes me smile. Love quilts with a sense of humor embedded in the print.:)

  17. oh so glad she is out in your sewing room again! love her little place in the room! the quilt on the table in the dining room has been one of my favorites for a long time. beautiful quilts, love the halloween one! Hot flash is fun, ok love the smiley face eye!!!!

  18. Love seeing all your quilts but I am in awe of the eagle is just beautiful!! I've see a lot of them "out there" in different variations. Did you have a pattern? Getting excited about the 9 patches....all the ones I've seen so far look great...oh to be surrounded by all that 9 patch goodness!!

  19. I love seeing your quilts as the seasons change. Every quilt is spectacular but I choose the eagle quilt as my favorite.. not that you asked.. but I see your applique quilts and they make me want to pick it up again.. so thanks for the inspiration. By the way, thanks for mentioning the applique quilts at the show. I really enjoyed them. Came home inspired. Gautam always said those American girl dolls creeped him out for some reason.. May be they talked to him when Kavita wasn't playing with them.. LOL!

  20. What fun to get the autumn tour around your beautiful home! Your Eagle, the dining room stars, the Halloween quilt, and your "Hot Flash" with the little perfect stitches--all just wonderful. BTW, I did enlarge to the appliqué photo and checked on those stitches. WAY better than mine! Love that iPhone cover too!

  21. Love seeing all your great quilts - and what a fun win - a quilty phone cover!

  22. What a great set of "randoms"! Here's a hint for you; roll your appliqué rather than scrunching it - keeps it a little smoother.........

  23. Your quilts look all homey and cozy, just like fall.
    I love the Iphone cover, I think I have the same pattern in wrapping paper. I hoard it to use for quilting friends.
    I just know that doll knows all your secrets!

  24. What great show and tell!! That pillar print in your stars quilt is fabulous! Could a person hire you to come and decorate - everything looks wonderful.

  25. What fun to see so many quilts on display! Thanks for sharing the word about Quilt Like An Eagle. I think Annie's vignette is lovely! I have an entire cabinet of dolls "watching" me in the sewing room - I love their company!

  26. Loved seeing all of your quilts displayed ! Your eagle quilt is Amazing !

  27. Your quilts are so amazing! I especially love the apple core (in the spirit of Halloween) what method did you use? Annie's display is so adorable. So much better than the closet. ;)

  28. Hi Barb-your quilts, and your home, are all so lovely! Just wondering, how do you hang your quilts? Especially when you hang quilts of different sizes in the same spot? Thanks!

  29. Great quilts, all, especially the eagles. I too would love to know your method for hanging your wall quilts.

  30. Your quilts are perfect decorations for fall time. Love them all.
    I love your little vignette with your American girl doll.
    So glad the cover works for your phone.

  31. Lots of great quilts! Love the eagle quilt on the wall! And "Rotten to the Core." Annie makes a good mascot for your sewing room. I have a doll bed in my sewing room, but the doll is now in a cute little biggie I found at a garage sale. I better put her back to bed tonight. "-)

  32. Your Poisoned Apple quilt is unique. Very creative wording to go with the apple core blocks.

  33. All your fall quilts hanging are lovely! I have always like that Eagle quilt and was excited to hear about the blog dedicated to Eagles that you mentioned. I am looking it up! Thanks for the beauty and inspiration!


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