
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Back to the Sewing Room

Aaahhhh, that's better.  I've been able to spend 2 afternoons in the sewing room and was wonderful.

Here is my basted "boy" quilt.  Notice anything funny?   Where are PINS?

I accidentally bought this batting (or they accidentally put in my order).  It's FUSIBLE batting.   I used it on a very small piece and decided to try it on this lap quilt.

Have you used this?  What did you think?  I'd love to hear your opinions.

I bought these clips at Lowe's to aid in all the pin basting I'll be doing soon. They are much easier to open/close than binder clips, but they hang off the table a lot, so I'm not sure about them yet.

See how bulky they are?  :(
You would think I would have opened only one package....arrrggg.

According to directions you "simply" fuse all three layers with a hot iron.  I did it one section at a time and was lucky that the top fit perfectly on the width.  The back had a lot of wrinkling, despite going slow and being extra careful. 

Funny when you work slowly and closely on something.  What happened to this block?  How did I not notice it until now??  It's staying, of course.

I've been using this toile' in different colors for years and never noticed that Judy's name is on the building!

I received some very special quilty gifts recently.  This is a crystal thimble and is absolutely beautiful (and heavy).

Here you can see the size and facets.  Beautiful.   What a lovely gift for a quilter.

I also received these Coats thread collections for sewing on the go.  They have 288 strands braided together and you pull out 1 at a time.  Super cute tissues for my sewing kit.  Thank you so much MC.

I'd like to say a special thank you to the Brownstone Quilters for their warm welcome home.  Thank you to those who attended my lecture and/or workshop.   I had a great time and can't wait to see your Hex blocks!


  1. I have used fusible on small items, but never a lap size quilt.

    And I've never seen the crystal thimble - very pretty. Have you tried stitching with it or is it just for looking at?

  2. Wonderful lecture and best workshop I've ever attended! You continue to impart valuable information and inspiration. Hope you come back!

  3. I dislike fusible batting but know people who love it. I feel like it is very stiff after it's quilted....just my opinion.
    The "quilted" thimble is beautiful, what a great gift. Happy mail is always fun to get!

  4. I've used fusible batting on little fabric bowls, but never on a quilt; it just seemed too stiff. But maybe Hobbs makes a better product than what you can buy at the J store. Your workshop was the best ever: fun and informative. I'm with Norma: COME BACK!

  5. Nice gifts! I've never used fusible batting for a quilt - only for smaller projects like bags/purses. I think it looks hard to get it all ironed. Especially for a large quilt.

  6. Hello Barb !
    I have used fusible batting ! It's practical but we don't have to wrinkles on the back. I think it's the most difficult.
    Your gifts are sooo cute especially the thimble ! You must be proud....
    And I forgot ! I love your quilt....:)
    Have a nice day in your sewing room !

  7. make wrinkles !! Grrrrrr !

  8. I've used fusible by Quilter's Dream on both small and lap size quilts. The small pieces worked well - no problem. The larger quilt took some work. I applied the fusible side to the back so that I would not have wrinkles on the back and could concentrate on hand pressing any "crinkles" on the front as I quilted it. It was stiff however and difficult to move through the harp of my domestic machine. QD only makes up to a twin size in fusible so maybe they know that it is stiff. Also, if I found a bad wrinkle, I could separate the batting from the fabric by peeling it away and then re-ironed it. Hope this helps!!

  9. I'm so glad I'm not the only s=one to not see mistakes until it is too late. I knew you would keep it in. I have iron basted a small quilt, and doubt I'd use it on a big one.
    How fun to see your friends!
    Okay, I'm not quite sure what the tissues are and what they are supposed to do?

  10. I've never used fusible batting before. Interesting to read the experiences of those who have.
    I love that Judie's name is tucked into that fabric--clever.
    Gorgeous Waterford thimble. What a lovely gift.
    I haven't seen threads like that before, and, like Lori, I'm curious about the tissues.
    Sounds like your presentation was excellent, but then I never expected it to be anything but that!

  11. I am wary of using fusible batting however I have used a basting spray which has worked beautifully dor both hand and machine quilting. I use a brand I buy from JoAnn's but I have heard 505 is good too. Have not had any problem with gummy needles. It is also somewhat repositionable.

  12. I bought a fusible at JoAnne's for a quilt and just did't like the "feel" of it. I am savings it for smaller items...I bought the bamboo one. Glad yours worked out...hugs, Julierose

  13. Fusible batting just sounds stressful to me - I've never used it. I look forward to hearing how you find it for quilting. What a beautiful thimble!

  14. I tried some fusible batting on some mini quilts, just to see how it would go. The brand I used was really tough to handquilt through, and that's from someone happy to handquilt denim. It would be great for machine sewing. I do wonder about the chemical part of it though, also basting spray for everyday quilts. I feel as though the quilt would need a really good wash before using. That thimble is as pretty as Cinderella's slipper! That braided thread is a clever idea, what will they think of next?

  15. Love your boy quilt. It's a great pattern and the oops! Just adds to the charm. I've never used a fusible batt before. It doesn't seemed to have saved you much time.

  16. Now your boy quilt is just a little more interesting, not that it isn't wonderful regardless! What a great idea to buy strands of pre-cut threads. I'll have to check those out!

  17. Wow -- fun stuff! It will be interesting to hear how you like quilting with the fusible -- I've never used anything like that. And that thimble is beautiful -- not terribly practical LOL, but gorgeous!

  18. Anxious to hear what you think about the fusible batting. Wonderful boys quilt and beautiful thimble :)

  19. I've never tried the fusible batting but will be interested to see how you feel about it after quilting through it. I find 'basting' the only step I truly don't like, especially on the really big quilts. All the other steps make me happy, but I've never found myself saying "Oh goody, now I get to baste!" LOL

  20. I have never tried fusible batting. I do admire your willingness to try new things. I have not even tried the binding clips yet. I may give that a chance.

  21. I'm not reading all the comments so perhaps someone said this but I've flipped The sandwich several times with the ironing Until I have No wrinkles. A bit of a pain but so is pinning. You can pull top or backing up and reposition.

  22. Love the "different" block. So nice to know I'm not the only one who doesn't notice until it is too late! I'll be anxious to know how you like the fusible batting when you are done. I've never tried it but then I use mostly wool and it fuses all by itself. My husband uses those grips in his boatbuilding shop a lot and I have a hard time undoing them as my hand strength is not what it used to be. Hope they work well for you.

  23. What a fun Boy quilt! Love all the colors in it! I have never used fusible batting - but I have one hear - I'll look forward to seeing what you think ;-)

  24. I'd love to try a crystal thimble although my favorite is one I purchased from Roxanne years ago.
    I'm working on a similar Rail Fence quilt - different colors. LOVE the fabrics you've chosen.


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