
Monday, November 2, 2015

Day of the Dead

Otherwise known as:  Dia le dos Muertos     Here is a link to a wonderful website with lots of photos and details about the festival here.

My DofD quilt:  I See Dead People:  Ode' to Freida Kahlo made in 2003.
 I did a meandering cross hatch with variegated thread.
 the backing showing the full fabric.
I have 2 yards of this fabulous candy skull fabric.  Have to find a place to use it.
Here is my all time favorite DofD quilt "Amigos Muertos" made by:  Jonathan Shannon in 1994.  It was made as a memorial quilt for friends who had died of AIDS.  Look a those incredible Mexican flag applique' blocks.  Wow - still love this quilt.
There was quite a controversy when AQS wouldn't allow it in their show due to its "sad nature".  I still have Jonathan's open letter regarding censorship. 
 This year I added these fun earings to my collection.
 and sheila sent me this mug.
 Susan gave me these stickers last week.  It's so great that my friends "get me".
Little display that I always have on my quilt book shelf.
I made a funny block for the Stars in a Time Warp sew along to mark Halloween and DofD.
Halloween round up:
coco went as a "hot dog".  I made her a collar accessory to complete her look.
At the Howl-een party at doggie school she won a pedi-pedi for most creative costume.  Good girl coco for sitting for your portrait.
I did a quick witch dress up to go bowling on Saturday....Mr. Fun is such a good sport about my nonsense.

Well that's all folks.  I'm off to NJ for The Brownstone Quilters Quilt Show.  Click here for the details.  Hope to see some of you!


  1. Oh my goodness Coco is so funny! Love the soda cup, you are so detail oriented!
    As a kid we had off on November 1st for All Saint's Day and November 2 was All Soul's day. It wasn't until I was older that I came to know that is was also called Day of the Dead. I love all kinds of Mexican art. Yet another thing we have in common!
    I need a close up of your headpiece, did you make it? Great costume!!!

  2. LOL! I love Coco's costume. She deserves the win. And 5 Guys is our favorite fast food burger joint - love those fries. Dia de los Muertos fascinates me, but skeletons are just too scary for me. I need to get over it, and reading your fun post definitely helps. Thanks!

  3. There used to be a shop in the French Quarter that specialized in DofD art, decorations, etc. I was fascinated and bought enough stuff to make my own DofD altar every year. Alas, my DH never appreciated it and I eventually sold most of it on eBay. Jonathan Shannon's DofD quilt has always been a favorite. New Orleans has a long history of All Saints Day observances, and I think we have more of an appreciation for celebrating life and death.

  4. Your posts always make me smile and are always filled with interesting topics and photos. Love both your costume and Coco's.

  5. Oh Coco, the indignity of it all!! That dog does deserve a prize for being such a good sport. I'm sure treats and belly rubs were much appreciated for the humiliation suffered. LOL
    Love your DofD fabric, I have some that I've been saving too, on a grey background. It needs to find the perfect home.
    No doubt you were the cutest witch at the bowling alley. Love the tights!

  6. I like those red & white striped tights you have on.

  7. You are so creative!
    coco's costume is a hoot--and you make a very sassy looking witch. : )

  8. Hello Barb !
    It's a post about death but I take it as a tribute to it because your quilt is soooo happy and Jonathan's quilt full of hope......
    Love your fabric with skulls and I'm sure you are going to find how to use it ! Love your BB star too for Halloween ! Yeah !
    And congrats for Coco ! Good girl..... :)
    PS : a special mention for you and your wonderful costume ! So Fun !!

  9. Wow! You really get into Day of the Dead. Our minister/church had a beautiful service for All Saints Day

  10. Oh, Barb, you remind me so much of another dear friend who loved life like you do! Fun post. Great costumes--yours and Coco's :) Made me smile.

  11. Such a fun post - Coco looked fabulous in his costume!
    You looked wonderful for Bowling night too.

    Thank you for sharing Jonathan's quilt, it's truly amazing.
    My all time favorite halloween quilt is still yours - Poison Apple from a few years back!

    Wishing you a fabulous time at the Quilt show!

  12. Congratulations to Coco! He is such a good sport. You make an awful cute witch! I dressed up in my Betsy Ross outfit for the trick or treaters and held my 13 star "flag" quilt. I asked them if they knew who I was. They couldn't remember Betsy Ross's name, but knew I was dressed up as the lady who made the first US flag.

  13. You're so funny -- and Adorable! Coco's costume is definitely a winner -- very, very clever. And I LOVE those cute striped tights - they're perfect!

  14. Ha, where to start? I love Jonathan Shannon's work and I think of this quilt (and I too have his original letter - somewhere) every year at this time. He was so kind to AQSG and one year after seminar he took a group of us through their B & B in San Francisco. Unbelievable! Every room was named after an opera. My favorite was the Don Giovanni room. I love Coco's costume! Congratulations on her win. We had a miniature Dachshund for 15 years and I always thought of making this for him, but he was not really into wearing costumes. LOVE your tights!

  15. What fun having a trip through Day of the Dead and Halloween with you! Coco's costume is hilarious! The drink collar was an inspired addition. You looked wonderful in your costume too. I've seen a photo of that beautiful quilt by Jonathan Shannon but didn't know it wasn't shown. Have a wonderful time at the Brownstone Quilters quilt show.

  16. Your posts are always a delight, but this is just tops!


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