
Friday, December 11, 2015

It takes a Village....

Warning:  This is long and photo loaded with Christmassy Stuff.

I'm opening my post today with a photo of my Angel Tree.
My mother gave me my first angel ornament and a new one each year until she passed away, which was soon after the tradition started.  After she died many of my friends and family have given me angels for this special tree.

Our Dickens Village is one of my favorite decorations.  I add little touches every year.  This year I added a table skirt and some new bushes, like the front hedge.  I also added Ralphie's house as I reported in the last post.

Here is a view before I add the snow.  I can not tell you how much difference it makes in creating the illusion of a real town.  It also hides those white ceramic feet on the figures.
And After - 
 Mr. Fun always does the fine snow on the rooftops.
Here is the "let's look up the skirt" view of the ugly wiring job.  Every year I think I'll do better then I get into it and don't.  ha ha.
I was really under pressure from this guy: Mr. Starbuck, who was judging my every move.

The end result.  I leave this up all of January to enjoy from the couch.

Here is the framed print of the Lincoln inking that Barbara gifted me.  I chose a red silk mat, simple scrolled black frame and museum glass.  I had it done at Michaels and they do a wonderful job.
It is part of my "Hall of Presidents"
I have a White House Historical Society ornament tree.  Did you know they are less than $20. each and they come in a beautiful box with a booklet all about the history of each years ornament. 
One day I'm going to sit down and read each and every one!

I got a wonderful gift this week from Kelly.  Do you know what this is?  Have you ever received one?  Made one?
It's a SURPRISE BALL.    How fun is that...?  really fun!!!!

You unroll it and surprises fall out - I'll share mine with you.....
 I wish Kelly had been here to hear my squeals of delight.  I did save it for when some friends were here.  Thank you Kelly!!

Well at last you have come to the end.  Sorry it was so long.  I have been super busy with a party we had.  I'll share more decorations next time.  

In parting, this is how coco has been helping me lately......
what a super duper dog - 
Hope your Holiday plans, parties and prep are going merrily!


  1. Coco is doing a very good job of keeping the sofa warm. Don't underestimate the significance of that! LOL
    The fun ball is new to me, I hadn't heard of that, but what a great idea!
    Love your pretty decorations, thanks for sharing.

  2. Hello Barb !
    Coco is the best assistant officer I've never seen !! I'm sure he were connected with you with his mind !! LOL !
    Your Christmas decorations are awesome ! I love them a lot !
    And the Kelly's present is very original and cute ! What a wonderful friend you have !
    I wish you a lovely weekend Barb !
    Big hugs !

  3. What a fun surprise ball! Such a thoughtful and exciting gift :0) Your village looks so peaceful.

  4. I like the idea of the surprise ball. Never have heard of it.
    Your Dickens village is delightful. I used to want to start a collection of the buildings and do a set up. I think I purchased at least one and then some buildings I got at JoAnn's but never really got seriously going. I do enjoy seeing them on blog posts and how they are displayed. Seems like storage would be a problem after a while.

  5. Beautiful Angel Tree. What a nice tradition.
    I haven't put my village out for a few years, but seeing yours makes me want to go get it up. Very festive, in spite of the wiring job. : )
    Love the hall of Presidents and the little tree with White House ornaments. Never heard of such a thing before.
    Wow--you really hit the jackpot with that surprise ball! What fun!
    Coco is just tired from all of the festiveness at your place. It is exhausting to be so cheery. : )

  6. What a special tree - with the angels. Can't have too many lights on the tree!
    I'd love to see all the steps you take when setting up your village. I think there is an art to it. You sure are right about the snow.
    I've never heard of a surprise ball. Who comes up with these things?!?! Great idea!
    Sweet coco!

  7. Beautiful trees! The village is delightful and I am so happy you have such a great helper. I'm sure Mr. Starbuck know where every piece should go. I hope you have rewarded Coco as well for all the assistance she has given you. I see she handles all the napping that needs to be done very well.

  8. Thanks for the great Christmas post. Your house looks beautiful! I especially like the village. When I was a child we used to make a village beneath our tree with cardboard buildings that I think must have once belonged to my grandparents. My favorite part was always the ice skaters doing figures on a mirror dusted with baby powder. I guess I'd better get started on my house now. I still have Thanksgiving things on the dining room table!

  9. What fun! Loving the Judge and the puppy as well. Merry Christmas!!

  10. Love the ball present idea, and how about draping the table with a festive quilt or quilt top to hide the ugly cord collection!! My two cents! A very Merry Christmas to you and your family. I am plotting what to make with my modern bow ties. Can't wait for your next swap!!
    Keep stitching in 2016!

  11. Thanks for the photos! It is hard to decorate by myself as the kids are gone. They were never big decorators either. My son is married to someone who uber decorates for the holidays. I would rather sew.

  12. I love your angel tree, what a special and wonderful idea.
    Glad you liked your surprise ball, it was a lot of fun to make!

  13. Lovely trees and your village is awesome! I have one white house ornament from 2002 that a secret service agent gave me when I was working for a judge. It is pretty special. The ball gift is wonderful!

  14. Your decor looks great- love the village. Coco finds the holidays quite exhausting apparently.

  15. It's always fun to see how other blogger decorate their homes for the holidays. With all of the work to set up your Dicken's village I think I'd leave it up as long as I could. Your home looks lovely and so festive.

  16. What fun to see all your Christmas decorations! I love your Angel Tree! I have been gifted many angel decor items over the years (thanks to my name), but not many angel ornaments. I can't believe I never thought of an all-angel Christmas tree. Coco looks like the perfect assistant - mine would not be nearly as helpful!

  17. Your Christmas decoration are just beautiful!! I esp. love your Angel tree. And what a great idea is that gift fun to open it!! Must try that. :)

  18. You have great stuff...I loved this post. I used to have surprise balls in my stocking when I was a kid...just loved them...Yours was made just for you..

  19. I love your Christmas village!! I can just imagine the fun you have setting it up. Your beautiful angel tree shines so brightly. I'd never heard of a surprise ball. What a brilliant idea and I love all the surprises Kelly hid in it for you. Sweet Coco, she's doing a great job of making sure the couch doesn't blow away.

  20. Your Christmas village, Angel tree and Presidents Hall of Fame are perfect for the holidays--Lincoln looks right at home :) So many goodies in that surprise ball! Great gift!

  21. I had never heard of a Surprise Ball and now have also seen one made with saran wrap. Looks like a lot of fun! Truth be told, I feel much like Coco this Christmas. Have a great holiday season!

  22. Your decorations are amazing and I love the surprise ball- How fun!

  23. Haha -- Coco is exhausted just from watching all the work that you do. Your village looks beautiful -- I love that you have a table dedicated to the space. I haven't put mine up yet -- hopefully this weekend -- a little late LOL??? And what a fun surprise ball -- those are super cool!


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