
Monday, January 11, 2016

Hello Out There!

Thank you all so much for your overwhelming support and encouragement and nice comments on my Alice Payne Quilt post.  I will post quilting progress when I make a little more.

My first finished top of 2016 - "Toile' the Night Before Christmas" 75x75"
I used nine patches that I swapped with my Illinois quilt buddies a couple of years ago.  We traded cheddar nine patches.  I set mine with a variety of dark red prints and this fabulous Christmas toile'.
I hung it over the banister for a few days.  It had really nice light here.
Here is a close up of the toile'
Today is a blustery day in the 100 acre woods.  I tried an outdoor photo shoot.  It was a challenge.  My inadvertent selfies made me laugh.
Here is the setting I've decided for my Stars in a Time Wrap.  I'm using black tone on tone and a wonderful double pink.   Piecing this is picky so it may take several sewing room visits.
I'm taking a very laid back approach to putting Christmas away this year.  It's happening and I'm trying to be thoughtful and organized.  I came up with this little idea for small ornaments.  What took me so long????  Each one is perfectly cushioned and separated from the others.
Here is my White House Tree.  I decided to try this storage technique - wrapped up in Plastic wrap, lights, ornaments and all.
I am really really enjoying this book.  It is author read and so interesting.
I'll close with this little centerpiece I assembled for January.  I intend to make 1 each month as I enjoy having something pretty on the table where I work on the computer.

Have you heard that Barbara Brackman is doing a new sew along this year?  She will be offering a 12 inch block pattern each month.  The theme is Westering Women.  I have decided that I will make 6 inch blocks.  So who's in?

I'm really enjoying the quiet simple days of January and hope you are too.


  1. I like the setting for your star blocks. The alternating black and pink zigzags are striking.
    I have never seen the Christmas toile but if anyone would have some, it would be you.
    Have you seen Temecula's new bom?

  2. I've used that setting for some stars and it is one of my favorite quilts. It's going to be awesome! I love your Christmas 9 patches. I'd love to see a close up of the toile.

  3. Your new centerpiece makes a great header photo.
    Love the swap blocks with the cheddar. I echo Karen's comment. Who else would have Christmas toile? *LOL*
    You've chosen a lovely classic look for your star blocks. Don't know if I've seen pink and black together much, but it sure works here.
    Wow, clever Christmas storage. My decorations came down slowly, too, but had to finish up last Saturday and start getting ready for today's arrival of DD#1 and her family. WooHoo! So excited!

  4. You have such variety in every quilt! Love the centerpiece idea.

  5. The setting for your stars is great- quite a modern approach! And that idea for the Christmas decorations is brilliant! I need to start collecting the egg cartons for next year!

  6. Stars in a Time Warp is beautiful. I am planning to do 12 inch blocks in Barbara Brackman's Westering Women. My husband gave me a bundle of FQs for Christmas that I think I will use.

    Great idea on the Christmas ornament storage. I will have to try that next year (if I remember!).

  7. I love the name of your Christmas quilt and the quilt too. I agree with Lori, would like to see a close-up of the toile please.
    I am a Westering Woman too lol. I didn't participate in the Time Warp as I don't have a lot of repro but I ain't about missing this new one. Your Stars in a Time Warp quilt is gorgeous. ;^)

  8. You are right : your Christmas "toile " is fabulous and it looks like our french " toile de Jouy" : one color subjects...
    Ready for the next year..
    And I will try to make the 12 inch block ....It's the first time I take part,and I think"wait and see"
    See you soon

    1. Thanks for the visit and comment. I look forward to seeing your sew along blocks!

  9. Love your play on words and of course, the toile is scrumptious. The star setting is great, almost with a modern twist. I love your tree wrapped up in plastic. It looks well preserved.

  10. Thanks for sharing so many great projects and excellent ideas. Your energy is contagious! I'm in on Barbara Brackman's Westering Women blocks! Happy New Year to all!


  11. Will you be sharing your measurements for the 6 inch blocks? Still undecided whether I will be participating in making the blocks but will certainly be interested in reading the history she always includes.

    I think I have about 600 ornaments on my tree. How many egg cartons would I need??? Good idea.

    Love the zig zag setting - did a quilt using that setting last year and really liked it.


    1. Hi - I'm waiting to see how they are presented, but if you email me I will share them with you. You are a non-reply so I hope you see this here. I'm only using the egg cartons for the really small ornaments. I love the zig zag setting, but it is slow sewing!

  12. Hi Barb ! Your Stars in a time warp quilt is gorgeous ! My setting is very classic than yours !
    What a great idea for the Toile around the 9-patches blocks ! Very Barb's style ! :)
    And of course, I'm in for the next SAL of BB ! I have to think about the size of my blocks....
    Have a lovely week Barb !

  13. Very beautiful setting for your stars, I love XXX

  14. Wow a finish and it's not even the middle of January. Good for you! I love your snowman display, great idea.

  15. Love the toile setting for your 9-patches! I think I may have a piece of that toile stashed somewhere. One can never have too much toile! I'm planning to just watch "Westering Women", but I do want to play along with BB's Hexathon later this year.

  16. Great idea to combine a Christmas Toile with cheddar 9-patches! The pink and black zig-zags make your Stars quilt pop. Love the solution to wrapping your White House tree in tact so it'll be ready in an instant next year :) The book you're reading sounds interesting. Think I'll add it to my reading list. I'm participating in BB's SAL, too!

  17. You always have such pretty projects going on over here Barb! I LOVE that Christmas toile fabric -- so sweet! Congratulations on a finish already this year -- Go YOU!!!

  18. I love your 9patch quilt and your star quilt. You are so inspirational. I think I might join in on Barb B's BOM. Hugs Cathy from very cold and snowy Michigan

  19. What clever ideas for the tree and ornaments. Your stars in a time wrap quilt is going to be beautiful.

  20. Love the quilts but the mini selfie in each ornament on the centerpiece is awesome!
    I like your idea of doing the BB in 6" blocks. I'll have to check that out.

  21. Bonjour !
    I LOVE your Stars in a time wrap, the pink is gorgeous ...
    I 'll join the next SAL of BB : to use my stash of civil war repro ...
    Your "Christmas toile " is great : isn't it Toile de Jouy ?
    I have a piece of such fabric, old one, it gaves me idea to use it ...
    Thank you so much for sharing !

    1. Hello! I'm not sure what the name of the toile is but that sounds right. Thanks for the visit -

  22. Great post again, Barb! I'm definitely joining Westering Women, not sure what size yet, maybe a mixture?? Love your pink and black star setting! I'm still hand piecing my 3" time warp stars--over 60 finished with lots more already cut. I'll do this year's SAL by machine! Your January display is beautiful. We might get our first snowflakes today here in Virginia--funny year.

  23. Oooo! I love your new header (centerpiece). Love the nine-patch quilt and especially the title. So clever. Your Time Warp setting is so dramatic. Stunning with the black and pink. And yes, I am ever so tempted to start her new monthly block-a-long. When does it end????

  24. Love! Love! Love! Eye candy, all of it. Being the obsessive person I am, I have the boxes that came with ornaments over 30 years ago when I first set up housekeeping... showing my age. Anyone say that anymore?
    Love the comment about the selfies! I went back and looked, funny!

  25. I am so in... Is Barbara going to give two sizes? I just hate to re-size. Your posts always give me a lift...Cannot wait to check in on your Christmas tree next year.and the quilts are awesome:)

  26. Barb, love the setting you have chosen for your Stars in a Time Warp blocks. So interesting and love the colors! Can't wait to see your progress as I am enjoying seeing everyone's quilts come together. I am still waiting to get started on mine. :-) I too put my snowmen out for Jan & Feb., your display is very sweet.

  27. Love your idea to wrap the tree in plastic wrap and store it! Your stars and the setting look wonderful also.

  28. Your toile christmas top is so pretty - a great idea to use the toile with the 9-patches. I also loe your stars in a time warp - wow the pink and the black are great!! The centre piece is lovely, what a nice idea.

  29. All of your items are so pretty, from the centerpiece to your toile Christmas quilt, and all the rest. I too am looking forward to Westering Women although I feel right on the brink of having too many projects going!

  30. Such a fabulous finish to your Toile Christmas top!
    Stars in a Time Warp looks wonderful in your setting design.
    LOVE your pretty centerpiece for January too - very pretty.

  31. Happy new Year. Love your Toile Christmas quilt. I wish there were more toiles coming out in the fabric market but you just don't see mcuh. I really like your snowmen decorations too. You have such flare.

    1. Thanks Janet! Happy New Year and thanks for the nice comments

  32. Love, love, love your Christmas Toile quilt! I love Toile! Thanks for sharing the great storage ideas...egg cartons...who knew? Sounds like me...something so obvious...then a "lightbulb moment" happens.

  33. I love your little snowman centerpiece!

    I am going to have to snitch your ornament storage system ha ha! Sure beats wrapping little tiny ornaments in tissue so they don't rattle around in the spaces in those ornament storage boxes. Duh! Thanks!

    I'm reading H is for Hawk currently also! It's making me definitely not want to own a hawk or falcon, but it is making me want to get out and trail around all over some farmland like I did as a kid.

  34. What a great bunch of wonderful!! Love your stars in the zig-zag, and that toile - gorgeous, and I love the name! :) Looking forward to seeing your monthly centerpieces.

  35. Beautiful forest photos of a beautiful quilt! I wish I had a Christmas tree now just so I could try wrapping it in gladwrap.


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