
Friday, April 22, 2016

Westering Women

Happy Friday!  Yesterday Susan came for lunch and sewing and brought her finished Alice Payne top.  It is such a fun fresh pallet.

Well, I knew it was coming, a block in the WW sewalong that would be a challenge.

The Sweet Gum Leaf.  Here is the one from Barbara's post:
And Mine:
Here is how I made mine with HST and 9".
I opened this bottom seam and inserted the stem before appliqueing it.
Here is my friend Kathy's~
And Sheila's with her cute dog Paddy~
Here is a photo of the Eastern Bluebird.  They are very shy.
With my recent success with the Bluebird, I've decided to try for Baltimore Orioles which are a beautiful.  Greedy - I know - but wish me luck.
Aaahhh, that's better.  Last Friday started the outdoor quilting season.  It was fabulous.
Happy Friday I'm hoping to spend the day in the sewing room.  I need to get back in the sewing swing!



  1. Oh Barb...thank you, thank you, thank you for your version of the Sweet Gum block. It was giving me fits. Now I can finally finish it. I am so in love with your Alice Payne quilt. Hugs

  2. I was tempted to try the Sweet Gum block your way too, but in the end made one using Barbara's pattern. Set in seams are certainly not my favorite quilting technique! Your block turned out great! I wonder what next Wednesday's block will bring??

  3. Your version of Sweet Gum turned out wonderful.
    Your friend's modern version of Alice Payne is lovely - amazing how fabric selection can transform the look of a quilt.
    Pretty pictures of your feeders and Bluebird too. Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

  4. Hi Barb! Your WW block turned out really well. I have been sitting on the fence with this sew along. Maybe I just need to make those three blocks and stop umming and aahing. I love your Eastern Bluebird. We saw one in our yard last week. So very blue. A Friday in the sewing room sounds like the perfect day to me. Enjoy.

  5. Your block turned out great! I wish I could attract bluebirds--they are few and far between where I live. I do get lots of orioles though! They love grape jelly and I go through at least a dozen big jars every summer. The only drawback is that the squirrels run off with the jelly cups right out of the feeder.

  6. Your WW block is great! Love the no-y seam version and you cannot tell!
    I hope you get plenty of sewing time.

  7. Susan's quilt is a delightful color change! Very fresh looking.
    I'm with you on the Y-seams. I usually do the same thing for blocks that require them--or skip them altogether. Your version looks just great!
    Now that looks like such a relaxing place to stitch that I would probably doze through my stitching time. : )

  8. I love your block solution! I haven't been following this time, but I may make a few of them as they go along. I love seeing your friends's Alice Paine top. Not colors I would choose so I enjoyed seeing it in that colorway. It really works as a 6 block quilt too. Good luck with the Orioles. And have fun stitching outside while I am still waiting for daffodils!

  9. I love every glimpse of your AP, how wonderful to see Susan's version too. Love the WW blocks!! Your outdoor sewing set up looks perfect, you certainly know how to sew in style. You have such pretty birds visiting you, I hope the Baltimore Orioles come and say hello.

  10. You were smart to make your WW block that way. I didn't and had to follow some precise directions for a lemoyne star. It turned out at least! The Alice Payne quilts are awesome and I love your bird pictures. Good luck with the Baltimore Orioles. We have good luck with hummingbirds. I'm going to try to sit on the patio more this year to get them used to me being out there and see what happens.

  11. Such fun to see two different versions of Alice Payne! Good luck with the Orioles! They don't venture this far south, but we do get bluebirds. Keep us posted!

  12. Love Susan's version of Alice Payne! Very pretty! Sounds like a fun day, lunch and sewing time. I like how you did the Sweet Gum Leaf block. They are all wonderful! You have the perfect outside sewing spot, Enjoy!

  13. Susan's Alice Payne version is super cute ! I love both and these will be 2 beautiful quilts !
    With all these BB flowers we can make a wonderful bouquet ! And "good luck" with the birds, they are lovely ....

  14. Thank you, thank you for your block solution to the latest WW block. I made one, which ended up in the trash. It could not be saved. Your design will be so much easier and looks great! Susan's Alice Payne blocks are so fun.... love the colors. Enjoy your outdoor quilting.

  15. Hehe no Y-seams is a great option sometimes - your block looks great! The Bluebird is so pretty - I am enjoying seeing different types of birds while on holiday. Happy quilting!

  16. Love birds. Be greedy. That's ok. Your block turned out great. Doesn't matter how you go about it as long as it is complete and you like the way it turned out. I think I would try to avoid the dreaded y-seam, too. By the your basket.

  17. You are so clever to do the Sweet Gum Leaf block in HSTs :) It was a challenging block but well worth the effort. Your bluebird is so handsome! Hope a Baltimore Oriole visits soon!

  18. I am jealous that you attracted a bluebird. What is in the blue saucer? Do you remember where you got the saucer - how does it hook to the feeder? And on a quilting note - I was thrilled with the tootsie pop that came with my stencil and am over the top in love with the stencil. Just marked my quilt top and am settling in to quilt. Are you considering making any other large designs?

    1. thanks linda - you are a non-reply bogger so I hope you see this. I got it at a bird shop. or check on They eat freeze dried mealworms.
      email me on the form if you want further info.

  19. I love that Sweet gum Block! Such a good and versatile leaf shape that can be used in so many ways.
    Bluebirds are always such fun to see in the yard. I live on top of a hill and apparently they like hills??? I have also seen Baltimore Orioles here and there and I get so excited to see that little bit of orange.
    Love your set up for outside quilting, complete with a glass of judging!

  20. Oriels love orange halves. Simple feeder. Wood cross with a few nails up the wrong direction. Push the orange halves on the nails. Can also take a flower out of a hummingbird feeder. They will feed on the bigger open hole I get them in wisc now.


    1. thanks jane ! I ordered a grape jelly feeder

  21. Oh wow -- a bluebird! You lucky girl -- I wish we would see them around here. And an oriole! I've only ever seen one, once in my life -- it was a beautiful flash of orange! Happy Spring and Outside Quilting!!!

  22. Is that a glass of wine I see next to your outdoor sewing area? No wonder everything comes out so great!!!

  23. thank you once again barb! i knew there had to be an easier way to do this but moving and unpacking had completely sidelined me....this is going to get done the nick of time too!

  24. The critters stole the show! :) I think that you are a bit like me in that the outdoor quilting season is my favorite. I do more HQ in those three seasons than in the winter.

  25. thanks Deb! I wish you weren't a non-reply blogger xo

  26. Birds and springtime - so sweet. Nice solution to the WW block. I'm behind already - must catch up!

  27. Just got caught up on your blog, WOW, I love EVERYTHING you have been/are working on, So great

  28. I just want to thank you for for explaining how your did the gum leaf block without Y seams. When I saw that block I just set it aside, not wanting to fuss with the Y seams. I appreciate your sharing the HST method. Thanks so much!


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