
Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Remembering Jill Reid

It has been 2 years since I lost my kindred spirit, Jill Reid.  In some ways it feels a short time, but most often it feels like a long long time.  I miss her in so many big and little ways.

Last Friday I started playing with some UFO blocks from Jill and I made this table runner.

I added a bluebird for Jill and a redbird for me.
Here is is on my DR table this morning.
I marked 1 arc of my fan stencil and then just echoed it.
I used this decorator weight trademark fabric on the back.  Jill would have adored this fabric.
The strangest thing happened while I was picking a good blue to make Jill's bird.  I found this fabric in the blue fabric stack it was just a small piece.
Reilly was Jill's beloved Labradoodle and this is definitely Jill's handwriting.  How strange and wonderful to find it.  It is on the underside of her bird.

Here is a post I did on the sunflower quilt that I made for our friend, Susan in 2014.  
Guess who's back in town?
 they came on Monday, the first day I put the feeders out.
This is my favorite photo of me and Jill.  If you want to see some of Jill's beautiful quilts, click to see a Tribute that I posted after she passed away.
I miss you friend.

p.s. I will definitely post my westering women and cake on Friday.


  1. Barb, I too, miss Jill and think of her often. She pops up in my sewing room frequently. What a lovely tribute to her. She loved birds. Remember her "bird bath" bathroom?

  2. Awww, your post brought tears to my eyes Barb. I didn't really know Jill, but I have a darling little hexagon patch that she sent me -- it hangs on the door that we use every day and I love to see it and think of her. What a wonderful tribute you've made to remember her by!

  3. OK today, you've done a very touching post...ouhhhh !
    Jill's blocks are wonderful and you made a very beautiful quilt ! This yellow is very deep (intense) and dress this quilt wonderfully!
    The little piece of blue fabric, like a sign from your dear friend ? Surely, she will be close to you now !
    She quilted very well ! I saw many of her quilts on Pinterest !

  4. I love coming across her fabric in my sewing room. Love the blue piece with her writing on the back. Missing her too.

  5. Lovely post Barb, I only knew Jill for a short time but pretty early on realised she was a keeper.
    So nice and kinda funny the piece of fabric turned up, she's still around watching what's going on !!!!

  6. Beautiful quilts, beautiful friends.

  7. I just read the tribute post from a few years ago. I saw that she had made a quilt that is on my bucket list, a double Irish Chain with tiny stars and an appliqued red swag border. I was just figuring out how to make it this morning as I have only seen a photo of what I thought was an Antique quilt. Though I did not know your friend, I got goosebumps when I saw that picture and almost felt like she was speaking to me. How delightful to think that your dear friend lives on and and is still touching others through her quilts.

  8. What a wonderful tribute to a special person. I love the blue fabric story. She will live on forever in your heart!

  9. What a nice tribute and what a wonderful friend you are! I love the blue fabric with her writing on it, you know that was meant to be! You will think of her every time you look at the runner, it will be a good memory!
    On the bird front we have a pileated woodpecker I saw it yesterday. It is stunning and quite large!

  10. I love that the bird has her handwriting on the backside. It will be something you will always remember.
    The backing fabric is oh so interesting, especially Mr. Peanut. When I was growing up and my parent's made a monthly trip downtown, there was a wonderful store that sold nuts. They had a big Mr. Peanut on display. The delicious smell of the roasting nuts. Takes me back in memory.

  11. Didn't know Jill real well, but she was always so kind to me. I love her work. I have a top she made and I have put off quilting it because I don't want to ruin it.
    What a fitting tribute that table topper is, and the blue fabric with her writing--it was meant to be!

  12. Oh what a lovely tribute to your beautiful and talented friend ; so sorry that she had to leave this world too early : (

  13. Oh what a lovely tribute to your beautiful and talented friend ; so sorry that she had to leave this world too early : (

  14. Beautiful memories of your friend. How wonderful that you had her blocks to work with.

  15. Touching post and beautiful new table runner. She's still with you in so many ways.

  16. Special story regarding your wonderful friend "Jill". Your memories of her are lovely. Special friends are a treasure!

  17. Oh, Barb, I think Jill was right there guiding you to her blue fabric :) What a lovely remembrance. You have the magic touch when it comes to birds. Love seeing your bird pics!

  18. I'm a great fan of Jill's quilts. She is missed by so many. Hugs

  19. This post brought tears to my eyes - the power of friendship. What a serendipitous find - her writing - to nestle with the bird. Everything about this is so special.

  20. There is a saying that "Your thoughts and retold stories of loved ones who have past are forever alive with their retelling". Thank you for keeping Jill alive through your posts and the comments friends have written. She is sorely missed but remains in our hearts through her quilts and good thoughts.
    Remember Jill with a smile and a cupcake. She's like that most of all.

  21. What a beautiful little tribute quilt you made in honor of your friend Jill!
    I love that you found her handwriting on the back of the fabric you chose for her bird.
    I am always so humbled in knowing that Quilts hold such powerful emotion and unspoken words.
    Sending you hugs of comfort as you miss your dear friend!

  22. I think Jill was with you as you were working on these blocks. Why else would you find that special piece of fabric. What a lovely tribute.

  23. What is the name of that block? The table runner is beautiful and know it will always make you smile. I lost my DH nearly 4 yrs. ago and think I will always miss him as much as I did in the beginning.

  24. What a beautiful post honoring a special friend. I just love the writing on the bird fabric! Wonderful quilt! Love the little hummers too! :)

  25. lovely quilt and tribute post to your rich you are to have known her

  26. What a sweet remembrance of you friend. And the discovered note! It must have brought tears.

  27. Barb, Jill was a member of Harvest Quilters when I joined years ago, but she left soon after. We were all sad to hear of her passing.


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