
Thursday, June 23, 2016

Summer Sewing Stuff

Welcome, Welcome, Welcome....  Just time for a quick recap of the week.....(from John Oliver's HBO show)

My Center Block on my medallion quilt.  I have all the stems, birds and berries sewn down - yay!!
Last weekend Andrew and Sig came up from NJ and the boys worked on a project together.

You can really sense the brain power here.
 Love to see those power tools in use.
They turned this
Into this - 2 sets of Corn Hole!  wee what fun
I made 16 corn filled bags with duck cloth.  Andrew had 2 themes:  Green & Yellow for John Deer; and Blue and Orange for the Miami Dolphins.
What a great action shot!  The tables still need their paint, but are definitely playable. 
Coco was confused as always.... Silly Pup.
Kelly of Pinkadot sent me this adorable handmade bird pin.
She also sent this fabulous Cowboy themed Toile' - I only need about 6 more yards of this!  Thank you, Kelly.
Pat, from Midland Texas sent me this wonderful tea towel.  When I was there in March I tried to find one.  How sweet of her to think of me and send it.  Thank you Pat.
I am making a Rainbow Heart Quilt for a victim of the Pulse Tragedy.    You can find information here on the Orlando Modern Quilt Guild site if you are interested.  They are taking blocks, quilts, supplies, etc.
And now evening picnic of Chipotle at the beach last night.  Summer zooms by so fast, I'm determined to slow it down a bit.
I love the late day shadows on the sand.  It was low tide so it was fun to watch the kids looking for gifts from the sea.

I'm off to the Vermont Quilt Festival Saturday morning.  If you see me walking around say hello!


  1. Your basket block is phenomenal! I adore that western toile. I don't think I've seen it before. I'd love to be going to the Vermont quilt show. Have fun!

  2. You are off and running after your Alaska adventure. I love the center of your medallion and of course the gift from that amazing woman, Kelly!

  3. Some time at the beach AND a trip to the Vermont Quilt show...color me super jealous! I'm so happy for you. A few photos of the show would be nice. 'wink, wink'
    Your applique block is gorgeous! Have a fun trip!

  4. that applique is SO wonderful! Have a great time at Vermont quilt show.

  5. Holy smokes, Barb! That block is beyond amazing! It might be my favorite quilt block ever. Seriously. I'm in awe.

    Have fun at the show!

  6. Your berries are absolutely perfect! How did you do that? Corn hole is a favorite around here and a summertime must do.
    The end of the day at the beach is my favorite time as well, it does go by fast.
    I am so glad you like the pin, when I saw it I thought of you and the Toile too! Who knew they had some with cowboys!?!?

  7. Your medallion centre is fabulous!! Stitching on the beach sounds heavenly :0) Enjoy the quilt show!

  8. Love the center medallion! You are a dear friend to many, seeing as they know your likes so well! Enjoy the show!

  9. Oh, my goodness, that medallion is super!! Such fun to study, : )
    Real men and their power tools--gotta love it. And what a fun project.
    Your heart quilt is beautiful. That will be appreciated, I'm sure.
    Great shots of the beach with the evening glow. I'll just absorb the sight and pretend I am there.

  10. Gorgeous medallion block! Enjoy the show!

  11. Gorgeous medallion block! Enjoy the show!

  12. OMG your center medallion is amazing !!! Wonderful work.

  13. I love your basket especially yours stems ...
    Nice colors ...I always read" Enjoy life and quilt" on your blog

  14. Your medallion is beautiful. I must get back to my appliqué. Have fun in Vermont.

  15. Glad you got those berries down. They look great. I think the leaves will be fun. Myoumhave almost made me want to do an appliqué project & you don't know how big of a statement that is. My son built our cornhole frames. I made Steeler & Eagle bags...but filled with polybeads to avoid mold.

  16. So much fun - as always! The basket medallion is looking pretty wonderful - I especially love the bluebird! I remember the corn hole making days; of course our colors were purple and gold for LSU. I thought I had that same cowboy toile, but I just checked and mine is different - fun stuff regardless! Have not been to the beach in too long. We can take our dogs to the beach near our camp, so maybe that will be on the schedule for this weekend. Have a fun time at VQF - that's an event on my bucket list!

  17. Is that block for your medallion your own design, or a pattern from somewhere? It is wonderfully rich! It will be fun to see where it goes next. :D

  18. Oh that medallion applique is so sensational! I see a pattern in your future! You know everyone will want it. Have fun with the corn hole. Hope Coco doesn't like corn!

  19. You are an artist! Your block is stunning- original design? And your perfect berries! Lovely stitching! And I want to bury my toes on that sandy beach...

  20. Oh oh ! This medallion is a winner !! So unique and gorgeous ! Bravo Barb !!
    This Toile is lovely and sooo. ..American ! I love it ! ;)
    I wish you to spend a great moment at the Vermont festival ! Enjoy !

  21. Love, love, love your center block. Goooorrrrgeous!! John Deere vis the Dolphins; sounds like a fun combination. Is Coco the ref? Checking to make sure the bag is in? lol. Or the retriever! Enjoy your weekend. It sounds like a fun one. Hope you'll take plenty of pics. Love the heart quilt. ;^)

  22. Such beautiful applique and then sewing on the beach...can't beat that ! :)

  23. Such beautiful applique and then sewing on the beach...can't beat that ! :)

  24. Stunning basket block--be still, my heart! You are my hero in applique, and I loved also seeing all your adventures so far this summer. Enjoy!

  25. That applique is so gorgeous. Looks like summer is in full swing at your house. Games, beaches, it is all great fun.

  26. Love Love Love your medallion! Have fun in VT!!

  27. Your medallion is SO charming--and SO you! Can't wait to see what comes next :) Corn hole looks like a lot of fun. Great cowboy toile and wonderful hearts for Orlando. Enjoy VT! Hope you take lots of pics.

  28. What a fabulous center medallion. I can't wait to see what the next part will be. Your week was full of fun and I know you'll have an awesome time I Vermont. Love all the great things the postman brought.

  29. What a great post -- so much fun to read!

  30. Lovely medallion center. Have fun at the Vermont show and please share your pictures.

  31. We love corn hole too! Such family fun! LOVE LOVE your medallian...and sewing on the beach! Perfect!

  32. Wow! Gorgeous block. You are an appliqué queen!

  33. Your medallion block is awesome! It's always good to see the men build something - what fun! Why wouldn't Coco be interested? There's actual food in the bags.

  34. That is a lot of leaves and oh so wonderful!

  35. You are beyond talented with your hand work! The corn holes are going to be so fun this summer! My new home came with horse shoe pits! Many congrats on your most recent accolades!

  36. Your centre block is absolutely stunning, Barb!!!!

  37. That basket block is a killer! Just Beautiful! I once made two cornhole sets for my son and his friend with their college logos painted on them. Son's got left at the frat when he left college (grrr). I think the other guy wisely left his at home and they still have it! Hope you had a great time at the quilt show!

  38. Your applique is beyond fab! Can't wait to see it completed; what plans do you have for it?

  39. Just wanted you to know that I nominated you for the One Lovely Blog award! I always enjoy reading your blog and keeping up with your projects and adventures! Details are here:

  40. I'm slowly catching up on blog posts, I hate to think I miss any of the adventures you share. Your center block is amazing!! I love how full and colourful it is. Kelly and Pat's gifts are both perfect for you! It's fun to see you playing cornhole in your sunny backyard and the beach photos are wonderful too.

  41. Wow - my jaw literally dropped when I saw your block. It is gorgeous!


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