
Wednesday, August 31, 2016

First Round (ding)

Ta-Da!  Here is the first round border on my Medallion project.  I was keeping it under wraps so I wouldn't influence the sew along, but now that they have a star border theme, I can share mine.
Here it is in the planning stage.  I tell you it took many, many calculations to get that accommodating strip the right size to fit the already pieced stars.
I had this one awkward area that kept bugging me.  Can you spot it in the photo above?

Here it is
So I un-stitched it.  Painful when it is hand sewn.
and here it is - so much better to me.  What do you think?  Would you have changed it?
Whew - that was a close one.  I always say to students "if you don't like it now, you won't like it later."

I just finished this book and I literally could not put it down!
In in, Anderson mentions a "room of quilts" that his mother created at their NYC home.  I found these photos on-line.  Incredible!
There are quilts on the ceiling and floor~   amazing!

I have stepped up my hand quilting to complete my Alice Payne quilt.  Woohoo - on to the borders.
I really do love this fan in the corner to honor Alice's fan border quilting.



  1. Your work is just stunning! I'm also in love with your header quilt.

  2. I couldn't tell what the problem area was! LOL I had to look several times. I wouldn't have changed it, but it isn't my quilt :) Love your stars!
    Great job handquilting that border. It looks lovely!
    I think the quilts in the home is a bit over the top- don't love it at all.

  3. I"m with Lori - sometimes too much of a good thing is simply too much (a theme that was carried too far). Anyway, without the book for context, I'm not sure what her motivation was but kudos to her for doing it her way. Yes, I would have fixed the problem area in the quilt (some things I would leave, that one would bug me).

  4. Love love love your quilt, and yes--I do like the "fixed" area better, but I'm not sure I would have known it was a problem or that it needed fixing. I really enjoyed the photos of the Quilt Room. I used to buy her fabrics long ago, and somewhere around here I have a couple of them, but I haven't seen them for a while. She'd be right in vogue now.

  5. I love both settings but it's your quilt ! I agree with you : when we don't like a detail in a quilt, we don't like it all the time, so we must change it ! And you did it !
    Congratulations for your stars ! They are sparkling !! And your quilting is awesome as usual...
    However, I don't like the rooms covered by all these quilts. It's too fussy(?) for me...

  6. Oops, I picked a different area... so this florist's daughter's lips are sealed. I like your fix though; it makes sense to me. The top is a lovely work in progress. As is Alice. You're getting close now! And whoa, those picks of Gloria's quilt room! Opulent is the word that struck me. Now to head to the library's website to see if they have this book. Thanks for the great post.

  7. I would have re-done something like that if it bothered me. The quilt is awesome, love the star border. Thanks for sharing.

  8. It warms my heart that Ms. Vanderbilt loved quilts so much that she put them in every corner of her room! So bold! Yes, I would have "adjusted the stem". I love, love, love your medallion quilt! Bravo!

  9. I didn't notice the awkwardness of the stem but then seeing it changed it looks much better, I've learnt to fix things that bother me. I love your canter and the star border.
    How amazing is that quilt room? Quite mind boggling wonderful! I hadn't heard of the book so thank you for mentioning it.

  10. Oh it does look better and I agree if it bothers you fix it! What a beautiful appliqued medallion!

  11. Your medallion is a work of art. You continue to inspire and make us strive to do better. Thank you for that.

  12. You are right, the quilt design is better now. And, yes, it would always bother you so better to fix it. Great quilt!

  13. I'm not sure I would have worried about that stem but it does look a lot better and such a pretty centre! Woah - taking decorating with quilts to another level - totally chaotic but fascinating! looking forward to seeing your completed quilting - lovely stitches :)

  14. Your medallion quilt is gorgeous! The leaves are neat in all those different fabrics. Wish I could sit at your feet and learn to applique. Your work is amazing. Hugs from Kentucky, kelley

  15. Figuring out those coping strips can be s real challenge. I didn't see a design flaw in your medallion, but I do like the change. You were smart to change the spot that was bugging you now. It always would have. Your quilt is awesome and Alice's quilting is beautiful.

  16. Your block is just stunning! I need to see it in person hint hint......
    Wow quilts everywhere, I can't even imagine! I bet it is amazing to see it in person.

  17. The Vanderbilt use of quilts as decor is amazing.. and the use of quilt designs creates a comfortable elegance... something warm and interesting. Your own hand quilting is lovely... to me there is no bad hand quilting... nor any lovely machine quilting. So glad to see your quilting.

  18. The Vanderbilt use of quilts as decor is amazing.. and the use of quilt designs creates a comfortable elegance... something warm and interesting. Your own hand quilting is lovely... to me there is no bad hand quilting... nor any lovely machine quilting. So glad to see your quilting.

  19. Your medallion is just gorgeous... just beautiful! I wouldn't have changed the stem placement, but now that you have, I see that it does look better! The Vanderbilt rooms are just visually over the top and interesting in a cluttered sort of "rich, Victorian" way, to my eye.

  20. Okay, I get it. None of the other stems were mirroring each other like those two were. It does look better with the change you made, but I don't know if I would have thought of it on my own, if it was mine. Glad you caught it so it won't bother you forever.
    That room is a sensory overload to me. If I had to be in it for any length of time it would probably give me a migraine. But since it isn't my room and I don't have to be in it at all, it really doesn't matter what I think. : )
    Such beautiful hand quilting, Barb!!

  21. You did an EXCELLENT job with the medallion AND the star border. I soooo love it!! Wonderfully done. Nope wouldn't have changed that as I didn't noticed it but being the one who did all the very close stitching on this, you saw every nth of an inch. Once we notice something, it can't be un-noticed. It looks very nice with the change. I still love it. :^D
    Okay, I love quilts as much as any other peep on this comment list but to have an entire room? I'll pass, thank you. Would any one decorate a room with 64 different wallpapers? It's a great example though for "overkill" or "less is more". Thanks for sharing. I'll check my library if they have this book. ;^)

  22. I love the star border with your gorgeous medalion! I could not spot the awkward area until I carefully looked at before and after pictures. Good thing to fix it if it was bothering you - I'm usually too lazy and then yeah - they always bother me... I'm just too impatient to get to the next thing :0) Your handquilting is lovely! The Vanderbilt room is incredible!! And my husband thinks there are too many quilts in our room - lol!

  23. Your medallion is absolutely beautiful! The quilt room is amazing, I'm sure it was an interesting read.

  24. Amazing medallion, love it very much. xXX

  25. Yes, I do like the medallion better with the stem moved to its new location. Though my design sense is such that I would stare at the original and "know" something was off, but not be able to figure out just what it was that needed fixing! I guess that's the difference between a designer and a technician, lol! Anyway, your medallion is fabulous and the star border is perfect.

  26. This is coming along quite nicely and have to say that changing the vine placement made a big difference. Now it looks more natural and your work is just beautiful. Love how it is looking with the stars and can't wait to see what comes next.

  27. oh your medallion is lovely thus far as well as the hand quilting you've shown.

    ok that room of quilts is utterly amazing!!!

  28. Hey Barb, I like the change you made in your medallion. Love the way it's turning out! Thanks for the book recommendation. I'm adding it to my list. Wow! That's quilt overkill. Amazing! Alice Payne is lovely :)

  29. Your medallion looks amazing so far! Are those Sawtooth Star blocks from BB's Stars in a Time Warp? Gloria Vanderbilt's quilt room is very interesting. I was taken with the images of framed pictures hung on top of the quilts. I have a "make this one day" inspiration quilt picture from a decorating magazine - with a framed picture hung on top of the quilt. I thought the picture was hung there to cover a hole in the quilt. Now I know it was inspired by GV!

  30. I was admiring the precision of your pieced star border, then read how tricky it was to get it all aligned so well. Nicely done! Love the quilt room- especially the floor.

  31. If you had not pointed out th awkward stem, I would never have noticed. But now that you have re-done it, I do think it looks much more balanced. Better placed. Love your piece!

  32. Unbelievably stunning!!! I would not have noticed the "awkward" area if you had not pointed it out. Now that you have changed it, i do like it better. Good for you! I just adore it. I had not heard of this book or Gloria's room of quilts, but i will look into it now. Thanks!

  33. I love the movement in your top and the stars are so cute around it. I watched the program on HBO with Anderson and Gloria--it was so touching (I got a little weepy!). I hope when/if I get to that age my brain is still as sharp as hers. Gloria has kind of a magpie look at things and her glorious collection of quilts shows that, for sure!

  34. Your Medallion quilt is looking awesome!
    My gosh.... I need to order that book TODAY...(grin)
    Love seeing your quilting work on Alice Payne, really lovely.

  35. Great post! You are making something very special with your medallion quilt. I also wondered if the stars were from the Time Warp. Thanks for the book recommendation--looks fascinating. The quilt room is amazing--I would like a quilt floor and wonder how it is protected??

  36. I love your star border! so compliments your center medallion.
    I have written down the book title. Having two sons, I am anxious to read it.
    Her quilt room is amazing! Thanks for sharing.

  37. I love your quilt...I don't just love it, I covet it. So I shouldn't feel so bad about all the quilts hanging on my walls?

  38. Hi Barb, What a difference that small change made, I think it was well worth the effort of re-doing it. It is looking stunning, your work is very inspiring, so much so that I will be doing hand applique on my upcoming holiday in Boston instead of the cross stitch I had planned.
    I'm always telling the ladies I teach "You can't have too many quilts" But Gloria V! wow
    Thanks for sharing. Regards Jacky

  39. Love the medallion center, Barb. The stars are very striking. This quilt gets better with each border!

  40. Love the medallion center, Barb. The stars are very striking. This quilt gets better with each border!

  41. Yes, I would have changed it, but I have a stubborn "is it natural?" streak. And I agree, it is best to change it now, because it will be more difficult later. Thanks for the Vanderbilt photos -- I hadn't seen that before. What a room!

  42. Your medallion center is just amazing. I love all the leaves and berries.

  43. Hi Barb, we love the medallion center. It is gracious, elegant, and cheerful all at the same time. :-) And, the star border is just perfect. Thanks for showing that room full of quilts. Wouldn't it be fun to have a room like that !
    Best wishes, from Marina and Daryl Lynn

  44. Your medallion is stunning! So is your hand quilting--really lovely. Wow! Gloria Vanderbilt's room of quilts is incredible. Sure would be fun to take a tour there. Thanks for the book recommendation.

  45. You do such beautiful work. If that stem bothered you, then you definitely did the right thing. I would like to read that book - the pictures of the room of quilts are just crazy! It would make my head hurt, but I think it would be really fun to see it all in person and look at all of the details.

  46. Your hand stitching is so beautiful on the Alice quilt! Love it! And your medallion is amazing. I probably would have unstitched that little bit too if it was nagging at me. You just know when something needs a little adjustment in order to enjoy it to the fullest.:)

  47. I doubt that I would have changed it. But since it bothered you, it's better that you did. The medallion is amazing! And I absolutely love the stars surrounding it. Since I just finished my first round robin, I'm paying more attention to borders as I will be participating in another RR beginning this month. I also discovered a good border book in my bookshelf that I had forgotten I had.

  48. Your stars twinkle beautifully. They make such a nice border - on this quilt and almost any.
    Thanks for the photos of Gloria's Quilt Room. Pretty amazing. I like it in rooms that large.

  49. I love quilts, but man that room is too much even for me!!
    I agree with you on making changes... if it really bugs you, you have to change it, cause you won't like it more later on!

  50. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  51. LOVELY finish on your Medallion project. I admire your effort to change things that bug you...not sure I could do that, LOL! Who knew that Gloria the famous designer was so plugged into quilts?!?

  52. Wow what a lovely post! Love your medallion quilt. Good for you to listen to the quilt voice. I may have to check out that book...

  53. My God! I didn't think I was possible! Thanks for your share
    Gorgeous basket and it will promise to be wonderful

  54. Wow Barb -- I would have never even noticed that "awkward" area. Isn't it funny what bugs us when we work on projects? I'm with you though -- I've learned over the years to definitely change something that bugs me -- it only bugs me worse later. And that quilt room is over. the. top!

  55. Loved your quilt progress. The middle is awesome. Great job!

  56. really love your quilt with stars! Like to play with settings and borders myself, give it your own twist. You are doing great!

  57. Love your medallion quilt... just gorgeous. I would not have noticed the area that bothered you... but you are right. If something bothers you, it will always bother you. I can attest to that! We get become so much a part of our quilts that we sometime notice (LOL- fixate) on things that others wouldn't notice. Love the change and more importantly that you feel better about it!

  58. It probably wouldn't have occurred to me to change the stem, but it does look better the changed way. Wow that is a lot of quilts in that room - and it looks like some of quilts have spread beyond the room.

  59. Gee, am I the only quilter in the world that's bothered by Mrs. Vanderbilt's 'quilt room?' So many quilts, sacrificed for this decor -- and you can bet your bottom boots that they're not around now. Sad...

  60. Wow, your applique! Will you offer the pattern on that soon?

  61. Hi -- I saw your medallion on Barbara Brackman's CWQuilts blog and had to visit to see more. Now I'm intrigued to find out how the quilt will grow. Thanks for sharing the GV photos. Pretty dizzying by today's more pared-down design style, but, oh, the quilts!

  62. Love, love your medallion (with and without change!)......very much look forward to watching its progress!!

  63. Your hand quilting is just a joy to see.. only hand quilting.. slow though it is,produces such attractive texture..Plus there is sense of sharing one's life... flaws, energy, etc.. in the work so obviously done by the hands of a woman.... a sort of sisterhood that machine work cannot generate.


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