
Wednesday, September 21, 2016


is hard to do!

I'm waiting to have time to bind and label my finished Alice Payne Quilt.
Waiting to finish my broken dishes for the swap.
Waiting for the mailman to bring me blocks from 70 swappers.
In the meantime we had a fun fast getaway to The White House Inn, in Vermont.

I found these adorable PJ bottoms at TJMaxx.  oh, yes, I am a Maxxinista.
Ever since I made this quilt in 2005 I love all things Whale.
I recently read this great book which tells the story of Melville and his friend, Hawthorn.
I also rewatched this movie on cable about The Essex which inspired the masterpiece.
Wouldn't Herman be surprised that the book he tortured himself over and was a commercial flop has endured and inspired so many artists and writers.

Hooray for Moby Dick!

Back to sewing broken dishes.  Have a Super Week.


  1. What a fun (and beautiful!) Moby Dick quilt! We just saw In the Heart of the Sea a few weeks ago and loved it. Thanks for the book recommendation -- I love all things Nathaniel Hawthorne so I'd love to read about his relationship with Melville. Enjoy your waiting ....

  2. Your Moby Dick is beautiful Barb !
    And waiting is not easy...but sometimes rewarded by a beautiful finale !

  3. Great things await, Barb! Love your Moby Dick quilt especially the lettering, and the inkings, and the applique, and everything about it :)

  4. I really like your Moby Dick quilt. Love the label too. Since you are interested in thing whale, there is a book called "The Rawbones" by Janice Clark which is about a whaling family in the late 1700's early 1800's. I just finished it on audiobook. It was good - a bit strange too.

  5. I made a typo on the title of the book. It is "The Rathbones" . Sorry about that.

  6. Awesome Moby Dick quilt! I just watch In the Heart of Sea as well. What a story. Think how long those guys had to wait!

  7. Your Moby Dick quilt is fantastic, Barb, thanks for pulling it out for us! My friend Alison Baird has also written a Moby Dick-inspired book, "White as the Waves," from the whale's point of view! She writes beautifully, and it is aimed at young adults.

    Can't wait to see Alice Payne! It looks very promising. :D

  8. Ah yes, there are so many "time stealers" in the summer months that keep us from our daily quilting rounds. I adore your Moby Dick quilt. How is it that I had never seen it before? Where are you going to display Alice Payne this year? I want to see it in person. And on that note are you planning on going to VT in Oct for the AQSG regional study seminar?

  9. I had to laugh at those PJ's...too cute!

    Oh Alice is such a wonderful project !! I went back and read the history :)

  10. I had to laugh at those PJ's...too cute!

    Oh Alice is such a wonderful project !! I went back and read the history :)

  11. Congrats on the finish of quilting Alice Payne!
    Waiting is hard. I'm waiting to become thin and beautiful and it is taking FOREVER!! I may give up.
    That looks like a fun Inn.
    You've really been on a whale kick--and you got me going off on all kinds of links about Melville. Thanks. : )

  12. I don't remember seeing the Moby Dick quilt, so I too am glad you pulled it out to show us. It is gorgeous!

  13. I hope you find time soon - waiting for a big hand quilted finish is hard!! Looks like a fun getaway. I've never managed to make it all the way through that book.... Your quilt is really interesting - So much great detail to enjoy!

  14. You've got a lot going on, but I have a feeling the finished Alice Payne is going to be worth the wait. I am looking forward to seeing it all finished! Glad you got my swap blocks!

  15. What a nice Moby Dick quilt....Herman Melville sailed on my great great grandfathers whaleship. I'm a fan of whale motifs too & would've grabbed those pj's too. I buy a lot of whale fabric & make tote bags etc. The Nantucket Historical Association
    had an exhibit re the Essex called Stove by a Whale including props from the movie last year. You would be interested in the work of Susan Boardman....she does gorgeous embroidered mini quilt narratives & did a series based on Moby Dick that were also a featured exhibit at the whaling was a fantastic display of her outstanding work.
    Wendy in NH (

  16. Hi Barb
    I just finished my blocks for the swap and they will be in the mail soon! You will have fun opening all of those packages!

    Nice whale quilt too, BTW!


  17. Somehow I missed your Moby Dick quilt...super cool! You are a better man than me, I am not sure I could make 70 of any block for another swap. I am going to a retreat his weekend where I have to make TOO many of the same pieced blocks for 2 projects I have been procrastinating on...I need the company of other quilters to stand it. Now if you asked me to make 70 applique blocks, that would be easier, LOL!

  18. What a super fun post. I love that it took us to talking about whales. I hadn't seen your Moby Dick quilt, its wonderful and clever. I hope the waiting has been fruitful, I imagine the postie will be delivering lots of broken dishes parcels soon.


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