
Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Gobble Gobble 2016

Happy Thanksgiving from Connecticut!

I'm so grateful for so many things.  One of them is the friends I have made through this blog.  So many people have left Bloglandia and I'm grateful for those who still read and leave encouraging comments.

Here is a small Thanksgiving Quilt that I made in 2002.
I must have felt I had all the time in the world, because it is heavily hand quilted.
 It is a combination of commercial patterns and my own design.
 I'm always proud of myself when I've labeled a quilt.
**News Flash**
If you have a metal fire door leading to your garage, all you  need is a couple of strong magnets to hang quilts.  It only took me THREE YEARS to figure that one out!  ouch!
I have collected Antique Thanksgiving Postcards over the years.  My collecting rule:  it has to have a Turkey.
It is fun to read the messages and see the penny stamps.  I guess someone "collected" one of  the stamps.
Here is my collection of Pilgrims.  I've had fun finding them over the years.  The chubby S&P couple in the front was from my dear friend, Jill.
Here is my favorite.  Native Americans are definitely under represented which is ironic since they are the first and true Americans.
And here is my final and kitschy collection.  My stuffed turkeys and pheasant.  Some made by me, some picked up at boutiques and some gifted.  I know they are weird, but I really love them.
I'm so grateful this year because we will all be here this year for the big Day.

Thank you again for reading and letting me share my creative life with you.


  1. And a very Happy Thanksgiving to you! And, I love the stuffed turkeys (and pheasant)!

  2. Thank you Barb for creating such a fun place to visit. Happy thanksgiving to you and your family.

  3. Thank you for being a part of MY life. I appreciate all the encouragement and visits to my blog.

  4. Thank you for sharing!! I love the pilgrims and turkeys!! Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. We would surely miss you if you ever left Blogland. Don't even think about it! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving...

  6. Happy Thanksgiving to you, too! "All the time in the world" when it comes to hand quilting is a thing of the past for me, too. I make many more quilt tops than I could ever hand quilt, though I love to. Love your collections, especially the stuffed turkeys! I don't think you can find them so much anymore. I enjoy your posts. But I know what you mean- I notice less visitors on my blog as well.

  7. Thank YOU for posting! What interesting collections you have!
    Love that hand quilting!

  8. Have a great Thanksgiving, full of hugs and laughter. Love your collections. I love the Native American couple best also. Love the details on their clothings. Charming! Well, I never thought of using magnets to hold a mini quilt over the metal door, so kudos to you for figuring this out. lol. AND I do have some (about a dozen) of very strong magnets. Now which mini should go up there first? Hmmm. Thanks for sharing. ;^)

  9. Of course you have a Thanksgiving collection!!! I am not surprised! I love that basket quilt too.
    I am also thankful to have met you through our blogs and hope to see a lot more of you on and off the blog!

  10. I love your! The Native American set is so beautiful and a reminder of how they helped the pilgrims survive that first winter. I love your wall hanging....full of fall elements...especially love the turkey...I think it may be my favorite turkey ever! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  11. I love your Fall Harvest WH! I would never have thought to make the chicken out of a black plaid, but it is perfect! I don't have many collections, but I have been collecting Santas - mostly from garage sales and/or thrift stores. I have gotten some cute ones. I also collect the small glass chickens on nests. My Grandma gave me one years ago and I have tried to get them in different clear colors. Maybe I'll post them.

  12. I am CRAZY about your collections, especially the stuffed turkeys and pheasant. Absolutely stunning!!!!

  13. Hmm, I, too, have collected vintage Thanksgiving postcards and pretty sure mine have turkeys on them as well. I have a small collection of pilgrims but my turkeys are glass & ceramic as opposed to stuffed! LOL

  14. I'm not a blogger but I do love reading quilt blogs. Yours is fun! Know lots have stopped blogging but you do have readers out there like myself that don't always comment but are following along and being inspired by your quilting. ~ Jody Randall

  15. Great collections! Happy Thanksgiving to you too.

  16. It's always a pleasure to read your blog Barb !
    Wow you are a big collector and I love your Pilgrims ! I love your quilt too of course !
    I wish you a very happy Thanksgiving with your family !

  17. I just caught up on your last few posts. I love watching your enthusiasm for the holidays. Amish country looks beautiful--definitely on the list. I'm grateful for your blog friendship too! Happy Thanksgiving.

  18. I'm thankful for blogging friends too :0) Your Thanksgiving quilt is wonderful - lots and lots of handquilting has the best texture and feel! I'd have never thought of hanging a quilt there with magnets. I'm afraid our mudroom lives up to its name - I'd need a very dark and blotchy quilt to hang on that door in my house... I remember my mom carefully steaming stamps off of letters and postcards so she could put them in her stamp album. I love your collection of old cards and the other fall quilts we get a peek at in this post!

  19. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. In Canada, we celebrated Thanksgiving in early October. I have a small collection of pumpkins I put out in the fall but they are all getting put away now. We have snow on the ground so the snowmen will make an appearance very soon. Have a good weekend!


  20. Happy Thanksgiving- I am also thankful for you! I love your blog! What wonderful Thanksgiving treasures you collect! :)

  21. So wonderful to see your THANKSGIVING post - I think I'm tired of seeing Christmas already! Whew! Your quilt is wonderful - and the collections that you shared are so sweet - I especially like the postcards - a great item to collect since it doesn't take up much room to store it! LOL I discovered hanging quilts on our metal door a few years ago, but I got a magnetic curtain rod, and hang the quilts from that with round rings that have clips on them. Both ways work! I also have a deep freeze in my laundry room and have a quilt hanging on that door!

  22. Your collections always amaze me. You have the best stuff! Love the Pilgrims and the turkeys. I had forgotten that I made one of those turkeys but it is long gone. Mine was not a preprinted one but the kind made from different fabrics and then stuffed.
    Your Thanksgiving quilt.....wonderful! I am working on some smaller size turkey quilts. May get one done before Thanksgiving.

  23. our pleasure barb....happy thanksgiving to you and all yours...even the turksys and

  24. Love your little Thanksgiving quilt...the hand quilting is superb!

  25. I am thankful that you are still posting here on your blog. I do enjoy reading and being inspired by your posts. Thanks.

  26. Wonderful holiday collections! I love the stuffed turkeys, we have a deep red stuffed goose that stays out all year long. Nothing weird here!

  27. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. I am very thankful that you still blog. I enjoy it very much.

  28. Happy Thanksgiving Barb to you and your family. I love viewing your collections and wanted you to know I love love love your blog posts. I am thankful for your blog, your encouragement and your inspiration. Have a wonderful holiday.

    1. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Such a wonderful blessing to spend the day with family. We are truly blessed! Love seeing your collections especially your beautiful quilts. The sixteen patch is lovely. I am not a blogger and look forward to reading your posts each week. Hugs from Kentucky. Kelley Secrest

    2. Thank you Kelly! Your comments mean so much. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

  29. Thank you for all your blog posts and sharing. I have been blessed by those who share on blogs. I hope they never go away. I find Instagram and such have no content, just bling. Thank you for all the time you spend on this!

  30. What wonderful Thanksgiving collections, Barb!
    It is always a delight to visit you here. Your creative spirit and the joy you find in life are encouraging and inspiring.
    Thank you for taking the time to blog!

  31. Your collections are WONDERFUL! I love collecting items as well, and frequent antique malls anytime I can! I particularly love the pilgrim hat on your quilt, and the Native American figurines! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  32. Happy Thanksgiving to you! Love your quilt, so cute! The turkeys are funny. Have a nice day!

  33. Oh, what fun, Barb! Love your little quilt and all your kitschy stuff. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  34. Happy Thanksgiving, Barb! I loved seeing all your Thanksgiving collections - what fun! I've somehow found myself with a growing collection of turkey platters (they must feature a turkey...), so I don't find your stuffed turkeys weird at all.

  35. Thank you for all the fun you bring our way! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  36. I'm thankful for the bloggers who still are there inspiring and letting us share their lives. Thank you Barb!! Happy Thanksgiving!!

  37. Thanks for sharing all your wonderful collections with your fans! The magnets are a great idea. We cannibalize our old computers for (dangerously) strong magnets, so this is right up my alley. HAPPY THANKSGIVING to you and yours!

  38. Just love all your Thanksgiving collectables & memorabilia as well as your wonderful Quilt!
    Wishing you and your family a very special and Happy Thanksgiving!

  39. Wow, you make me want to decorate! And since I live in a small house, I would love to see how you organize your collections. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  40. I love Thanksgiving and seeing your pheasant with the turkeys reminded me of caller to the local radio station recently. Apparently somewhere in the Harrisburg, Pa area there is a peacock traveling with some wild turkeys! Makes me giggle every time I think about it!!!

  41. You have the best collections!!! I love the way you have a quilt for every occasion and your Thanksgiving quilt is a beauty. How wonderful that you'll all be together this year. Wishing you all a very special, wonderful, turkey filled thanksgiving!

  42. Wishing you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving. Your collections are always delightful along with your quilts, of course.

  43. That's a wonderful little quilt and the collections were fun to see :)

  44. Love how you put that, feeling like you had all the time in the world! Hand quilting just gets away from us sometimes I think when we love it so much.:) So fun to see all your wonderful collections. It always makes me smile!

  45. Love your quilt, and I love even more the hand quilting!

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